
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 21 - 30 of about 1810 for OF (0.072 sec.)
ILL リクエストパッケージを関して Z39.50 Item Order を準備する 3882
« yaz_hits yaz_present » PHP Manual YAZ 関数 ILL リクエストパッケージを関して Z39.50 Item Order ... , array $args ): void この関数は、Transport ILL (Profile/1) への Z39.50 Item Order Extended Service 用の ... stitution transaction-id,initial-requester-id,name-of-person-or-institution,name-of-person transaction-i ... d,initial-requester-id,name-of-person-or-institution,name-of-institution transact ... r-institution-symbol,institution requester-id,name-of-person-or-institution,name-of-person requester-id, ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.yaz-itemorder.html - [similar]
ロケールの設定に基づいてローカルな日付・時間をフォーマットする 3867
« mktime strptime » PHP Manual 日付・時刻 関数 ロケールの設定に基づいてローカルな日付・時間をフォ ... ats = array( 'A' => 'A full textual representation of the day' , 'B' => 'Full month name, based on the l ... ocale' , 'C' => 'Two digit representation of the century (year divided by 100, truncated to an ... "%Y-%m-%d"' , 'G' => 'The full four-digit version of %g' , 'H' => 'Two digit representation of the hour ... 24-hour format' , 'I' => 'Two digit representation of the hour in 12-hour format' , 'J' => '' , 'K' => ' ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.strftime.html - [similar]
Memory management 3852
« メモ MySQL Native Driver プラグインAPI » PHP Manual Mysqlnd Memory management Memory managemen ... ement functions. Therefore, the memory consumption of mysqlnd can be tracked using PHP API calls, such a ... he system. Due to this, comparing the memory usage of the MySQL Native Driver and the MySQL Client Libra ... ffects the MySQL Native Driver. This may cause out of memory errors when fetching large result sets that ... exceed the size of the remaining memory made available by PHP. Becaus ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysqlnd.memory.html - [similar]
Returns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the train data 3837
« fann_merge_train_data fann_num_output_train_data » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Returns the number of ... inputs in each of the training patterns in the train data fann_num_i ... .0) fann_num_input_train_data — Returns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the tra ... in_data ( resource $data ): int Returns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the tra ... ネットワークトレーニングリソース。 戻り値 The number of inputs, or false on error. 参考 fann_length_train_ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-num-input-train-data.html - [similar]
Returns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the train data 3837
« fann_num_input_train_data fann_print_error » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Returns the number of output ... s in each of the training patterns in the train data fann_num_o ... 0) fann_num_output_train_data — Returns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the tr ... in_data ( resource $data ): int Returns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the tr ... ネットワークトレーニングリソース。 戻り値 The number of outputs, or false on error. 参考 fann_length_train ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-num-output-train-data.html - [similar]
The CommonMark\CQL class 3823
« CommonMark\Parser::finish CommonMark\CQL::__construct » PHP Manual CommonMark The CommonMark\C ... plemented as a parser and compiler for a small set of instructions, and a virtual machine for executing ... hild/lastChild would travel to the last child node of the first child node. Loops CQL can be instructed ... to loop, for example through the children of, or siblings to a particular node, by using the pa ... irstChild/children will travel to all the children of the first child node. Subqueries CQL can be instru ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.commonmark-cql.html - [similar]
Extracts a line from the front of the buffer 3823
« EventBuffer::readFrom EventBuffer::search » PHP Manual EventBuffer Extracts a line from the fr ... ont of the buffer EventBuffer::readLine (PECL event >= 1. ... tBuffer::readLine — Extracts a line from the front of the buffer 説明 public EventBuffer::readLine ( int ... eol_style ): string Extracts a line from the front of the buffer and returns it in a newly allocated str ... ded in the copied string. パラメータ eol_style One of EventBuffer:EOL_* constants . 戻り値 On success re ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.readline.html - [similar]
Gets the header info of a database 3823
« dbase_delete_record dbase_get_record_with_names » PHP Manual dBase 関数 Gets the header info of ... se 7) dbase_get_header_info — Gets the header info of a database 説明 dbase_get_header_info ( resource $ ... array Returns information on the column structure of the given database resource. パラメータ database T ... . Each array element contains an associative array of column information, as described here: name The na ... me of the column type The human-readable name for the db ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.dbase-get-header-info.html - [similar]
BSON type classes and serialization functions 3793
« MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::isAcknowledged 関数 » PHP Manual MongoDB BSON type classes and ser ... DB\BSON\fromJSON — Returns the BSON representation of a JSON value MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP — Returns the BS ... ON representation of a PHP value MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON — ... Returns the Canonical Extended JSON representation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toJSON — Returns the Leg ... acy Extended JSON representation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toPHP — Returns the PHP ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.bson.html - [similar]
定義済み定数 3793
« リソース型 例 » PHP Manual CUBRID 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 以下の定数が定義されています。 この ... n the result. CUBRID_CURSOR_SUCCESS Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of success. ... ved from 8.4.1. CUBRID_NO_MORE_DATA Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure. ... ved from 8.4.1. CUBRID_CURSOR_ERROR Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure. ... _REP_CLASS_UNCOMMIT_INSTANCE The default isolation of CUBRID (3). A dirty, non-repeatable or phantom rea ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/cubrid.constants.html - [similar]
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