
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 381 - 390 of about 1938 for IF (0.164 sec.)
ジェネレータと Iterator オブジェクトとの比較 2614
« ジェネレータの構文 アトリビュート » PHP Manual ジェネレータ ジェネレータと Iterator オブジェク ... す。 <?php function getLinesFromFile ( $fileName ) { if (! $fileHandle = fopen ( $fileName , 'r' )) { retu ... d $i ; public function __construct ( $fileName ) { if (! $this -> fileHandle = fopen ( $fileName , 'r' ) ... { return $this -> i ; } public function next () { if ( false !== $this -> line ) { $this -> line = fget ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.generators.comparison.html - [similar]
Execute a database command that reads 2614
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadWriteCommand » PHP Man ... be used. This method will apply logic that is specific to commands that read (e.g. » count ) and take t ... and will result in an exception at execution time if specified for an older server version. readPrefere ... on A session to associate with the operation. 警告 If you are using a "session" which has a transaction ... in progress, you cannot specify a "readConcern" or "writeConcern" option. This wi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.executereadcommand.html - [similar]
Return the encryptedFieldsMap auto encryption option for the Manager 2614
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeWriteCommand MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getReadConcern » PHP Manua ... dFieldsMap auto encryption option for the Manager, if specified. パラメータ この関数にはパラメータはあり ... ap auto encryption option for the Manager, or null if it was not specified. エラー / 例外 引数のパースに ... eldsMap , encryption , getEncryptedFieldsMap , specified , パラメータ , Return , パース ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.getencryptedfieldsmap.html - [similar]
Returns whether the topology has a readable server 2614
« MongoDB\Driver\TopologyDescription::getType MongoDB\Driver\TopologyDescription::hasWritableSer ... rns whether the topology has a readable server or, if readPreference is specified, a server matching the ... specified read preference. パラメータ この関数にはパラメー ... rns whether the topology has a readable server or, if readPreference is specified, a server matching the ... specified read preference. エラー / 例外 引数のパースに失 ...
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Script Injection Attacks 2614
« Request Injection Attacks MongoDB\Driver » PHP Manual Security Script Injection Attacks Script ... Injection Attacks If you are using JavaScript, make sure that any varia ... ecuteCommand ( 'dramio' , $cmd ); ?> However, what if a malicious user passes in some JavaScript? <?php ... gets used as argument for the greet function. Now if someone tries to send malicious code, MongoDB will ... clause with queries, as it impacts performance significantly. Where possible, use either normal query op ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.security.script_injection.html - [similar]
単一のフィールドのメタデータを取得する 2614
« mysqli_result::fetch_column mysqli_result::fetch_field » PHP Manual mysqli_result 単一のフィー ... sword" , "world" ); /* 接続状況をチェックします */ if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) { printf ( "Connect fai ... SurfaceArea from Country ORDER BY Name LIMIT 5" ; if ( $result = $mysqli -> query ( $query )) { /* カラ ... sword" , "world" ); /* 接続状況をチェックします */ if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) { printf ( "Connect fai ... SurfaceArea from Country ORDER BY Name LIMIT 5" ; if ( $result = mysqli_query ( $link , $query )) { /* ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysqli-result.fetch-field-direct.html - [similar]
Set Minimum "Should" Match (mm) 2614
« SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostQuery SolrDisMaxQuery::setPhraseFields » PHP Manual SolrDisMaxQuery S ... axQuery Set Minimum "Should" Match parameter (mm). If the default query operator is AND then mm=100%, if ...
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Waits for an exclusive lock 2614
« SyncMutex::__construct SyncMutex::unlock » PHP Manual SyncMutex Waits for an exclusive lock Sy ... l Obtains an exclusive lock on a SyncMutex object. If the lock is already acquired, then this increments ... ple <?php $mutex = new SyncMutex ( "UniqueName" ); if (! $mutex -> lock ( 3000 )) { echo "Unable to lock ...
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« 定義済み定数 YAZ 関数 » PHP Manual YAZ 例 例 PHP/YAZ はターゲット(Z-Associations)との接続を保持 ... $_REQUEST [ query ]; $num_hosts = count ( $host ); if (empty( $query ) || count ( $host ) == 0 ) { echo ... t [ $i ] . ':' ; $error = yaz_error ( $id [ $i ]); if (!empty( $error )) { echo "Error: $error " ; } els ... { $rec = yaz_record ( $id [ $i ], $p , "string" ); if (empty( $rec )) continue; echo "<dt><b> $p </b></d ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/yaz.examples.html - [similar]
Poll the items 2614
« ZMQPoll::getLastErrors ZMQPoll::remove » PHP Manual ZMQPoll Poll the items ZMQPoll::poll (PECL ... ers. ZMQPoll::getLastErrors() can be used to check if there were errors. パラメータ readable Array where ... able , - 1 ); $errors = $poll -> getLastErrors (); if ( count ( $errors ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $errors as $ ... o "poll failed: " . $e -> getMessage () . "\n" ; } if ( $events > 0 ) { /* Loop through readable objects ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqpoll.poll.html - [similar]