
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 401 - 410 of about 5876 for Public (0.221 sec.)
OuterIterator インターフェイス 2178
« Countable::count OuterIterator::getInnerIterator » PHP Manual インターフェイス OuterIterator イ ... ce OuterIterator extends Iterator { /* メソッド */ public getInnerIterator (): ? Iterator /* 継承したメソッド ... */ public Iterator::current (): mixed public Iterator::key ( ... ): mixed public Iterator::next (): void public Iterator::rewind () ... : void public Iterator::valid (): bool } 目次 OuterIterator::get ...
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The parallel\Channel class 2178
« parallel\Future::value parallel\Channel::__construct » PHP Manual parallel The parallel\Channe ... ass parallel\Channel { /* Anonymous Constructor */ public __construct () public __construct ( int $capacity ... ) /* Access */ public make ( string $name ): Channel public make ( strin ... g $name , int $capacity ): Channel public open ( string $name ): Channel /* Sharing */ publi ... c recv (): mixed public send ( mixed $value ): void /* Closing */ public c ...
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SolrObject クラス 2178
« SolrDocumentField::__destruct SolrObject::__construct » PHP Manual Solr SolrObject クラス Solr ... SolrObject implements ArrayAccess { /* メソッド */ public __construct () public getPropertyNames (): array p ... ublic offsetExists ( string $property_name ): bool public offsetGet ( string $property_name ): mixed public ... ng $property_name , string $property_value ): void public offsetUnset ( string $property_name ): void public ... 値の設定を解除 関連キーワード: SolrObject , クラス , public , property , string , destruct , construct , オブジ ...
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The Swoole\MySQL class 2178
« Swoole\Mmap::open Swoole\MySQL::close » PHP Manual Swoole The Swoole\MySQL class The Swoole\My ... めに クラス概要 class Swoole\MySQL { /* メソッド */ public close (): void public connect ( array $server_conf ... ig , callable $callback ): void public __destruct (): void public getBuffer (): ReturnTyp ... e public on ( string $event_name , callable $callback ): vo ... id public query ( string $sql , callable $callback ): Return ...
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SessionHandlerInterface クラス 2168
« SessionHandler::write SessionHandlerInterface::close » PHP Manual Sessions SessionHandlerInter ... interface SessionHandlerInterface { /* メソッド */ public close (): bool public destroy ( string $id ): bool ... public gc ( int $max_lifetime ): int | false public open ... ( string $path , string $name ): bool public read ( string $id ): string | false public write ( ... ents SessionHandlerInterface { private $savePath ; public function open ( $savePath , $sessionName ): bool { ...
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GmagickPixel クラス 2159
« GmagickDraw::settextencoding GmagickPixel::__construct » PHP Manual Gmagick GmagickPixel クラス ... めに クラス概要 class GmagickPixel { /* メソッド */ public __construct ( string $color = ? ) public getcolor ... y = false , bool $normalize_array = false ): mixed public getcolorcount (): int public getcolorvalue ( int $ ... color ): float public setcolor ( string $color ): GmagickPixel public se ... 値を設定する 関連キーワード: GmagickPixel , クラス , public , construct , int , した値 , チャネル , setcolorva ...
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The MongoDB\BSON\Regex class 2159
« MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::unserialize MongoDB\BSON\Regex::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON T ... onSerializable , Stringable { /* メソッド */ final public __construct ( string $pattern , string $flags = "" ... ) final public getFlags (): string final public getPattern (): st ... ring final public jsonSerialize (): mixed final public serialize (): ... string final public __toString (): string final public unserialize ( s ...
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ExecutionStatus クラス 2159
« Executable::execute ExecutionStatus::__construct » PHP Manual Mysql_xdevapi ExecutionStatus ク ... s mysql_xdevapi\ExecutionStatus { /* プロパティ */ public $ affectedItems ; public $ matchedItems ; public $ ... foundItems ; public $ lastInsertId ; public $ lastDocumentId ; /* Cons ... トラクタ 関連キーワード: ExecutionStatus , クラス , public , construct , xdevapi , affectedItems , matchedIte ...
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ReflectionGenerator クラス 2159
« ReflectionUnionType::getTypes ReflectionGenerator::__construct » PHP Manual リフレクション Ref ... 要 final class ReflectionGenerator { /* メソッド */ public __construct ( Generator $generator ) public getExe ... cutingFile (): string public getExecutingGenerator (): Generator public getExec ... utingLine (): int public getFunction (): ReflectionFunctionAbstract public ... getThis (): ? object public getTrace ( int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_ ...
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クラス定数が public かを調べる 2159
« ReflectionClassConstant::isProtected ReflectionClassConstant::__toString » PHP Manual Reflecti ... onClassConstant クラス定数が public かを調べる ReflectionClassConstant::isPublic (PHP ... 7 >= 7.1.0, PHP 8) ReflectionClassConstant::isPublic — クラス定数が public かを調べる 説明 public Refle ... ctionClassConstant::isPublic (): bool クラス定数が public かを調べます。 パラメ ... 関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 クラス定数が public なら true を返します。 そうでないなら、 false を返 ...
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