
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 451 - 460 of about 1938 for IF (0.035 sec.)
Close the request handle 2523
« cubrid_bind cubrid_close_request » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Close the request handle cubrid_clos ... dle 説明 cubrid_close_prepare ( resource $req_identifier ): bool The cubrid_close_prepare() function clo ... ses the request handle given by the req_identifier argument, and releases the memory region relate ... as of cubrid_close_request() . パラメータ req_identifier Request identifier. 戻り値 Return true on succe ... t ( "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" , "dba" , "" ); if ( $con ) { echo "connected successfully" ; $req = ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-close-prepare.html - [similar]
Close the request handle 2523
« cubrid_close_prepare cubrid_col_get » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Close the request handle cubrid_c ... dle 説明 cubrid_close_request ( resource $req_identifier ): bool The cubrid_close_request() function clo ... ses the request handle given by the req_identifier argument, and releases the memory region relate ... as of cubrid_close_prepare() . パラメータ req_identifier Request identifier. 戻り値 Return true on succe ... t ( "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" , "dba" , "" ); if ( $con ) { echo "connected successfully" ; $req = ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-close-request.html - [similar]
Commit a transaction 2523
« cubrid_column_types cubrid_connect_with_url » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Commit a transaction cubr ... ansaction 説明 cubrid_commit ( resource $conn_identifier ): bool The cubrid_commit() function is used to ... ute commit on the transaction pointed by conn_identifier , currently in progress. Connection to the serv ... disable the auto-commit mode. パラメータ conn_identifier Connection identifier. 戻り値 成功した場合に tr ... 5) ) EOD; cubrid_set_autocommit ( $conn , false ); if (! cubrid_execute ( $conn , $sql )) { printf ( "Er ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-commit.html - [similar]
データベース接続の AUTOCOMMIT の状態を取得または設定する 2523
« IBM DB2 関数 db2_bind_param » PHP Manual IBM DB2 関数 データベース接続の AUTOCOMMIT の状態を取 ... word , $options ); $ac = db2_autocommit ( $conn ); if ( $ac == DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF ) { print " $ac -- AUT ... rc = db2_autocommit ( $conn , DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON ); if ( $rc ) { print "AUTOCOMMIT を有効にしました。\n" ... T の状態を調べます $ac = db2_autocommit ( $conn ); if ( $ac == DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF ) { print " $ac -- AUT ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.db2-autocommit.html - [similar]
プリペアドステートメントを実行する 2523
« db2_exec db2_fetch_array » PHP Manual IBM DB2 関数 プリペアドステートメントを実行する db2_exec ... ?, ?)' ; $stmt = db2_prepare ( $conn , $insert ); if ( $stmt ) { $result = db2_execute ( $stmt , $pet ) ... ; if ( $result ) { print "新しいペットの追加に成功しまし ... repare ( $conn , $query ); $name = 'Kathy Smith' ; if ( $stmt ) { db2_bind_param ( $stmt , 1 , "name" , ... repare ( $conn , $query ); $name = 'Kathy Smith' ; if ( $stmt ) { db2_bind_param ( $stmt , 1 , "name" , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.db2-execute.html - [similar]
Registers a monitoring event subscriber globally 2523
« 関数 MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\removeSubscriber » PHP Manual 関数 Registers a monitoring event ... ent subscriber globally. The subscriber will be notified of all events in the driver for any Manager. 注 ... 意 : If subscriber is already registered globally, this fu ... nction is a no-op. If subscriber is also registered with one or more Man ... agers, it will still only be notified once of each event for each Manager. パラメータ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.driver.monitoring.addsubscriber.html - [similar]
Search RPM packages 2523
« rpmdbinfo rpminfo » PHP Manual RpmInfo 関数 Search RPM packages rpmdbsearch (PECL rpminfo >= 0 ... must equals the value, and database index is used if possible. full If true all information headers for ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.rpmdbsearch.html - [similar]
SNMP の値が返される方法を返す 2523
« snmp_get_quick_print snmp_read_mib » PHP Manual SNMP 関数 SNMP の値が返される方法を返す snmp_g ... 法 <?php $ret = snmpget ( 'localhost' , 'public' , 'IF-MIB::ifName.1' ); if ( snmp_get_valueretrieval () ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.snmp-get-valueretrieval.html - [similar]
Returns information about the server 2523
« sqlsrv_send_stream_data 日付および時刻関連 » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Returns information about ... express" ; $conn = sqlsrv_connect ( $serverName ); if( $conn === false ) { die( print_r ( sqlsrv_errors ... )); } $server_info = sqlsrv_server_info ( $conn ); if( $server_info ) { foreach( $server_info as $key => ... o() - Returns information about the client and specified connection 関連キーワード: server , Returns , i ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-server-info.html - [similar]
比較演算子 2523
« ビット演算子 エラー制御演算子 » PHP Manual 演算子 比較演算子 比較演算子 比較演算子は、その名前 ... function standard_array_compare ( $op1 , $op2 ) { if ( count ( $op1 ) < count ( $op2 )) { return - 1 ; ... // $op1 < $op2 } elseif ( count ( $op1 ) > count ( $op2 )) { return 1 ; // ... $op1 > $op2 } foreach ( $op1 as $key => $val ) { if (! array_key_exists ( $key , $op2 )) { return 1 ; ... } elseif ( $val < $op2 [ $key ]) { return - 1 ; } elseif ( ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.operators.comparison.html - [similar]