
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 451 - 460 of about 1461 for IN (0.061 sec.)
Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 2643
« Ds\Sequence::allocate Ds\Sequence::capacity » PHP Manual Sequence Updates all values by applyin ... 0) Ds\Sequence::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 説明 abstract p ... lable $callback ): void Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value in the sequence ... $value ): mixed A callable to apply to each value in the sequence. The callback should return what the ... ly (function( $value ) { return $value * 2 ; }); print_r ( $sequence ); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.apply.html - [similar]
Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 2643
« Ds\Vector::allocate Ds\Vector::capacity » PHP Manual Vector Updates all values by applying a c ... 0.0) Ds\Vector::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 説明 public Ds\ ... lable $callback ): void Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value in the vector. ... $value ): mixed A callable to apply to each value in the vector. The callback should return what the va ... ly (function( $value ) { return $value * 2 ; }); print_r ( $vector ); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下の ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-vector.apply.html - [similar]
Extracts a line from the front of the buffer 2643
« EventBuffer::readFrom EventBuffer::search » PHP Manual EventBuffer Extracts a line from the fr ... ont of the buffer EventBuffer::readLine (PECL event >= 1.2.6-beta) EventBuffer::readLine ... — Extracts a line from the front of the buffer 説明 public EventBuf ... fer::readLine ( int $eol_style ): string Extracts a line from t ... he front of the buffer and returns it in a newly allocated string. If there is not a whole ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.readline.html - [similar]
Fetch the next row from a result set 2643
« cubrid_execute cubrid_free_result » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Fetch the next row from a result se ... result set 説明 cubrid_fetch ( resource $result , int $type = CUBRID_BOTH ): mixed The cubrid_fetch() f ... unction is used to get a single row from the query result. The cursor automatic ... ally moves to the next row after getting the result. パラメータ result result comes from a ... , and you can decide which data type to use by setting the type argument. The type variable can be set t ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-fetch.html - [similar]
Deletes a record from a database 2643
« dbase_create dbase_get_header_info » PHP Manual dBase 関数 Deletes a record from a database db ... se 説明 dbase_delete_record ( resource $database , int $number ): bool Marks the given record to be dele ... rned by dbase_open() or dbase_create() . number An integer which spans from 1 to the number of records i ... ージョン 説明 dbase 7.0.0 database is now a resource instead of an int . 参考 dbase_add_record() - Adds a ... atabase dbase_replace_record() - Replaces a record in a database 関連キーワード: database , record , fro ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.dbase-delete-record.html - [similar]
ユーザー定義のストリームフィルタを登録する 2643
« stream_filter_prepend stream_filter_remove » PHP Manual ストリーム 関数 ユーザー定義のストリー ... フィルタを登録する 説明 stream_filter_register ( string $filter_name , string $class ): bool stream_filte ... ilter extends php_user_filter { function filter ( $in , $out , & $consumed , $closing ) { while ( $bucke ... t = stream_bucket_make_writeable ( $in )) { $bucket -> data = strtoupper ( $bucket -> dat ... er_append ( $fp , "strtoupper" ); fwrite ( $fp , "Line1\n" ); fwrite ( $fp , "Word - 2\n" ); fwrite ( $f ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.stream-filter-register.html - [similar]
Load Lua code into the Lua environment 2643
« LuaSandbox::loadBinary LuaSandbox::pauseUsageTimer » PHP Manual LuaSandbox Load Lua code into ... the Lua environment LuaSandbox::loadString (PECL luasandbox >= 1.0.0) LuaSandbox::loadString ... — Load Lua code into the Lua environment 説明 public LuaSandbox::load ... String ( string $code , string $chunkName = '' ): LuaSan ... dboxFunction Loads Lua code into the Lua environment. This is the equivalent of s ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.loadstring.html - [similar]
Monitoring classes and subscriber functions 2643
« MongoDB\BSON\Undefined::unserialize 関数 » PHP Manual MongoDB Monitoring classes and subscribe ... r functions Monitoring classes and subscriber functions 関数 MongoDB\Dri ... ver\Monitoring\addSubscriber — Registers a monitoring event subs ... criber globally MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\removeSubscriber — Unregisters a monitoring event ... subscriber globally MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent — The MongoDB\Driver\Monitorin ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.monitoring.html - [similar]
Sets a Boost Function (bf parameter) 2643
« SolrDisMaxQuery::setBigramPhraseSlop SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostQuery » PHP Manual SolrDisMaxQue ... ter) SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostFunction (No version information available, might only be in Git) SolrDisM ... 説明 public SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostFunction ( string $function ): SolrDisMaxQuery Sets Boost Function ... er). Functions (with optional boosts) that will be included in the user's query to influence the score. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrdismaxquery.setboostfunction.html - [similar]
Set the idle callback function 2643
« ZMQDevice::run ZMQDevice::setIdleTimeout » PHP Manual ZMQDevice Set the idle callback function ... ZMQDevice::setIdleCallback (No version information available, might only be in Git) ZMQDevic ... c ZMQDevice::setIdleCallback ( callable $cb_func , int $timeout , mixed $user_data = ? ): ZMQDevice Sets ... the idle callback function. If idle timeout is defined the idle callback function shall be called if th ... e internal poll loop times out without events. If the c ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqdevice.setidlecallback.html - [similar]