
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 461 - 470 of about 1938 for IF (0.038 sec.)
Construct a new ObjectId 2523
« MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::getTimestamp » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId C ... タ id ( string ) A 24-character hexadecimal string. If not provided, the driver will generate an ObjectId ... MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException if id is not a 24-character hexadecimal string. 例 例 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-bson-objectid.construct.html - [similar]
Rewind the cursor to the first result 2523
« MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::next MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::setTypeMap » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\Curs ... 説明 public MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::rewind (): void If the cursor has advanced beyond its first position, ... す。 Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\LogicException if this method is called after the cursor has advance ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-cursor.rewind.html - [similar]
Registers a monitoring event subscriber with this Manager 2523
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager MongoDB\Driver\Manager::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\Manager ... riber with this Manager. The subscriber will be notified of all events for this Manager. 注意 : If subsc ... tered with this Manager, this function is a no-op. If subscriber is also registered globally, it will st ... ill only be notified once of each event for this Manager. パラメータ ... ring , Registers , addSubscriber , Subscriber , notified ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.addsubscriber.html - [similar]
Connection handling and persistence 2523
« Architecture Persisting Data » PHP Manual Driver Architecture and Internals Connection handlin ... persisted » libmongoc client object for that hash. If an existing client cannot be found for the hash, a ... n to each of rs1.example.com and rs2.example.com . If the driver discovers additional members of the rep ... n additional connections to those servers as well. If the same worker executes the script again in a sec ... he PHP driver before 1.2.0 utilize PHP's Streams API for database connections, using an API within » lib ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.connection-handling.html - [similar]
Defragments the index 2523
« SolrClient::getOptions SolrClient::ping » PHP Manual SolrClient Defragments the index SolrClie ... failure. エラー / 例外 Throws SolrClientException if the client had failed, or there was a connection i ... ssue. Throws SolrServerException if the Solr Server had failed to process the request. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrclient.optimize.html - [similar]
Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations 2495
« Ds\Deque::reversed Ds\Deque::set » PHP Manual Deque Rotates the deque by a given number of rot ... ent to successively calling $deque->push($deque->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $de ... que->unshift($deque->pop()) if negative. パラメータ rotations ... "c" , "d" ]); $deque -> rotate ( 1 ); // "a" is shifted, then pushed. print_r ( $deque ); $deque -> rot ... ate ( 2 ); // "b" and "c" are both shifted, the pushed. print_r ( $deque ); ?> 上の例の出力 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-deque.rotate.html - [similar]
Associates a key with a value 2495
« Ds\Map::pairs Ds\Map::putAll » PHP Manual Map Associates a key with a value Ds\Map::put (PECL ... with a value , overwriting a previous association if one exists. 注意 : Keys of type object are support ... ed. If an object implements Ds\Hashable , equality will b ... e determined by the object's equals function. If an object does not implement Ds\Hashable , objects ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.put.html - [similar]
Associates all key-value pairs of a traversable object or array 2495
« Ds\Map::put Ds\Map::reduce » PHP Manual Map Associates all key-value pairs of a traversable ob ... array . 注意 : Keys of type object are supported. If an object implements Ds\Hashable , equality will b ... e determined by the object's equals function. If an object does not implement Ds\Hashable , objects ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.putall.html - [similar]
Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations 2495
« Ds\Sequence::reversed Ds\Sequence::set » PHP Manual Sequence Rotates the sequence by a given n ... successively calling $sequence->push($sequence->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $se ... quence->unshift($sequence->pop()) if negative. パラメータ rotatio ... " , "d" ]); $sequence -> rotate ( 1 ); // "a" is shifted, then pushed. print_r ( $sequence ); $sequence ... -> rotate ( 2 ); // "b" and "c" are both shifted, the pushed. print_r ( $sequence ); ?> 上の例の ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.rotate.html - [similar]
Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations 2495
« Ds\Vector::reversed Ds\Vector::set » PHP Manual Vector Rotates the vector by a given number of ... t to successively calling $vector->push($vector->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $ve ... ctor->unshift($vector->pop()) if negative. パラメータ rotations ... "c" , "d" ]); $vector -> rotate ( 1 ); // "a" is shifted, then pushed. print_r ( $vector ); $vector -> r ... otate ( 2 ); // "b" and "c" are both shifted, the pushed. print_r ( $vector ); ?> 上の例の出 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-vector.rotate.html - [similar]