
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 461 - 470 of about 2039 for To (0.095 sec.)
Specifies the amount of slop permitted on phrase queries explicitly included in ... 2601
« SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryAlt SolrDisMaxQuery::setTieBreaker » PHP Manual SolrDisMaxQuery Speci ... fies the amount of slop permitted on phrase queries explicitly incl ... yPhraseSlop (No version information available, might only be in Git) SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryPhraseSlop ... — Specifies the amount of slop permitted on phrase queries explicitly incl ... SolrDisMaxQuery The Query Phrase Slop is the amount of slop permitted on phrase queries explicitly incl ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrdismaxquery.setqueryphraseslop.html - [similar]
Receives a message 2601
« ZMQSocket::isPersistent ZMQSocket::recvMulti » PHP Manual ZMQSocket Receives a message ZMQSock ... E_DONTWAIT flag is used. ZMQ::SOCKOPT_RCVMORE socket option can be used for receiving multi-part message ... more information. パラメータ mode Pass mode flags to receive multipart messages or non-blocking operati ... eive <?php /* Create new queue object, there needs to be a server at the other end */ $queue = new ZMQSo ... ect ( "tcp://" ); /* Assign socket 1 to the queue, send and receive */ $retries = 5 ; $sen ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqsocket.recv.html - [similar]
Enable/disable quorum endpoint order randomization 2601
« Zookeeper::setDebugLevel Zookeeper::setLogStream » PHP Manual Zookeeper Enable/disable quorum ... endpoint order randomization Zookeeper::setDeterministicConn ... erministicConnOrder — Enable/disable quorum endpoint order randomization 説明 public static Zookeeper::s ... passed a true value, will make the client connect to quorum peers in the order as specified in the zook ... init() call. A false value causes zookeeper_init() to permute the peer endpoints which is good for more ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zookeeper.setdeterministicconnorder.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\BSON\Persistable interface 2587
« MongoDB\BSON\Type MongoDB\BSON\Serializable » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON The MongoDB\BSON\Persist ... 0.0) はじめに Classes may implement this interface to take advantage of automatic ODM (object document m ... __pclass property containing the PHP class name into the data returned by MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bs ... tion, the same __pclass property will then be used to infer the PHP class (independent of any type map c ... onfiguration) to be constructed before MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-bson-persistable.html - [similar]
Attempts to find a value's index 2587
« Ds\Deque::filter Ds\Deque::first » PHP Manual Deque Attempts to find a value's index Ds\Deque: ... :find (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Deque::find — Attempts to find a value's index 説明 public Ds\Deque::find ( ... or false if not found. パラメータ value The value to find. 戻り値 The index of the value, or false if n ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-deque.find.html - [similar]
Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 2587
« Queue Ds\Queue::capacity » PHP Manual Queue Allocates enough memory for a required capacity Ds ... ted for a required capacity. This removes the need to reallocate the internal as values are added. 注意 ... : Capacity will always be rounded up to the nearest power of 2. パラメータ capacity The nu ... stay the same if this value is less than or equal to the current capacity. 注意 : Capacity will always ... be rounded up to the nearest power of 2. 戻り値 値を返しません。 例 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-queue.allocate.html - [similar]
Attempts to find a value's index 2587
« Ds\Sequence::filter Ds\Sequence::first » PHP Manual Sequence Attempts to find a value's index ... nd (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::find — Attempts to find a value's index 説明 abstract public Ds\Seque ... or false if not found. パラメータ value The value to find. 戻り値 The index of the value, or false if n ... ce::find() example <?php $sequence = new \ Ds \ Vector ([ "a" , 1 , true ]); var_dump ( $sequence -> fin ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.find.html - [similar]
Attempts to find a value's index 2587
« Ds\Vector::filter Ds\Vector::first » PHP Manual Vector Attempts to find a value's index Ds\Vec ... tor::find (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Vector::find — Attempts to find a value's index 説明 pub ... lic Ds\Vector::find ( mixed $value ): mixed Returns the index o ... or false if not found. パラメータ value The value to find. 戻り値 The index of the value, or false if n ... ill be compared by value and by type. 例 例1 Ds\Vector::find() example <?php $vector = new \ Ds \ Vector ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-vector.find.html - [similar]
Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file 2587
« cubrid_lob2_export cubrid_lob2_new » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file ... ): bool The cubrid_lob2_import() function is used to save the contents of BLOB/CLOB data from a file. T ... influence the cursor position of the lob object. It operates the entire lob object. パラメータ lob_iden ... tifier Lob identifier as a result of cubrid_lob2_new() or get from the result set. fi ... lename File name you want to import BLOB/CLOB data. It also supports the path o ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-lob2-import.html - [similar]
Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source 2587
« Mcrypt 関数 mcrypt_decrypt » PHP Manual Mcrypt 関数 Creates an initialization vector (IV) from ... 0) mcrypt_create_iv — Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source 警告 この関数は PHP 7.1 ... DEV_URANDOM ): string Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source. The IV is only meant t ... o give an alternative seed to the encryption routines. This IV does not need to ... rce can be MCRYPT_RAND (system random number generator), MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM (read data from /dev/random ) ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mcrypt-create-iv.html - [similar]