
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 481 - 490 of about 1461 for IN (0.063 sec.)
Removes a Query Field (qf parameter) 2622
« SolrDisMaxQuery::removePhraseField SolrDisMaxQuery::removeTrigramPhraseField » PHP Manual Solr ... ter) SolrDisMaxQuery::removeQueryField (No version information available, might only be in Git) SolrDisM ... 説明 public SolrDisMaxQuery::removeQueryField ( string $field ): SolrDisMaxQuery Removes a Query Field ( ... by SolrDisMaxQuery::addQueryField() qf: When building DisjunctionMaxQueries from the user's query it sp ... ecifies the fields to search in, and boosts for those fields. パラメータ field Fie ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrdismaxquery.removequeryfield.html - [similar]
Sets the group.offset parameter 2622
« SolrQuery::setGroupNGroups SolrQuery::setGroupTruncate » PHP Manual SolrQuery Sets the group.o ... parameter 説明 public SolrQuery::setGroupOffset ( int $value ): SolrQuery Sets the group.offset paramet ... SolrQuery::setGroup() - Enable/Disable result grouping (group parameter) SolrQuery::addGroupField() - Ad ... esults SolrQuery::addGroupFunction() - Allows grouping results based on the unique values of a function ... arameter) SolrQuery::addGroupQuery() - Allows grouping of documents that match the given query SolrQuery ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrquery.setgroupoffset.html - [similar]
LuaSandbox 2600
« LuaClosure::__invoke はじめに » PHP Manual その他の基本モジュール LuaSandbox LuaSandbox はじめ ... x class LuaSandbox::callFunction — Call a function in a Lua global variable LuaSandbox::disableProfiler ... Report — Fetch profiler data LuaSandbox::getVersionInfo — Return the versions of LuaSandbox and Lua LuaS ... andbox::loadBinary — Load a precompiled binary chunk into the Lua ... environment LuaSandbox::loadString — Load Lua code into the Lua environment LuaSandb ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.luasandbox.html - [similar]
runkit7 2600
« phpdbg_start_oplog はじめに » PHP Manual PHP の振る舞いの変更 runkit7 runkit7 はじめに インスト ... runkit7 関数 runkit7_constant_add — Similar to define(), but allows defining in class definitions as we ... ll runkit7_constant_redefine — Redefine an already defined constant runkit7_co ... nstant_remove — Remove/Delete an already defined constant runkit7_function_add — Add a new functi ... ction to a new function name runkit7_function_redefine — Replace a function definition with a new implem ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.runkit7.html - [similar]
Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 2600
« Ds\Map::allocate Ds\Map::capacity » PHP Manual Map Updates all values by applying a callback f ... 1.0.0) Ds\Map::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value 説明 public Ds\ ... lable $callback ): void Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value in the map. パラ ... $value ): mixed A callable to apply to each value in the map. The callback should return what the value ... ction( $key , $value ) { return $value * 2 ; }); print_r ( $map ); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のよう ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.apply.html - [similar]
Creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map, b... 2600
« Ds\Map::values Pair » PHP Manual Map Creates a new map using keys of either the current instan ... ECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Map::xor — Creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another ... xor ( Ds\Map $map ): Ds\Map Creates a new map containing keys of the current instance as well as another ... パラメータ map The other map. 戻り値 A new map containing keys in the current instance as well as another ... map , but not in both. See Also » Symmetric Difference on Wikipedia ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.xor.html - [similar]
実行時設定 2600
« インストール手順 リソース型 » PHP Manual インストール/設定 実行時設定 実行時設定 php.ini の設定 ... フォルト 変更可能 変更履歴 ffi.enable "preload" PHP_INI_SYSTEM ffi.preload "" PHP_INI_SYSTEM PHP_INI_* モ ... ティブに関する 簡単な説明を示します。 ffi.enable string Allows enabling ( "true" ) or disabling ( "false" ... ) FFI API usage, or restricting it only to the CLI SAPI and preloaded files ( "pr ... at it is possible to create some FFI\CData objects in preloaded files, and then to use these directly in ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ffi.configuration.html - [similar]
Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen’s algorithm 2600
« fann_get_training_algorithm fann_length_train_data » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Initialize the weigh ... ts using Widrow + Nguyen's algorithm fann_init_weights (PE ... CL fann >= 1.0.0) fann_init_weights — Initialize the weights using Widrow + ... Nguyen's algorithm 説明 fann_init_weights ( resource $ann , resource $train_data ) ... : bool Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen's algori ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-init-weights.html - [similar]
Reads a file that stores training data 2600
« fann_randomize_weights fann_reset_errno » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Reads a file that stores trainin ... ng data fann_read_train_from_file (PECL fann >= 1.0.0) fann_read_train_fro ... m_file — Reads a file that stores training data 説明 fann_read_train_from_file ( string $f ... ilename ): resource Reads a file that stores training data. パラメータ filename The input file in the ... following format: num_train_data num_input num_output input ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-read-train-from-file.html - [similar]
Train one epoch with a set of training data 2600
« fann_test fann_train_on_data » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Train one epoch with a set of training dat ... a fann_train_epoch (PECL fann >= 1.0.0) fann_train_epoch — Trai ... n one epoch with a set of training data 説明 fann_train_epoch ( resource $ann , re ... source $data ): float Train one epoch with the training data stored in data. O ... ne epoch is where all of the training data is considered exactly once. This function ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-train-epoch.html - [similar]