
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 481 - 490 of about 734 for s (0.765 sec.)
Create a new ReadConcern 3031
« MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::bsonSerialize MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::getLevel » PHP Manual Mo ... a new ReadConcern MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::__construct (mongodb >=1.0.0) MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern: ... :__construct — Create a new ReadConcern 説明 final public ... MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::__construct ( string $level = ? ) Constructs a new MongoD ... B\Driver\ReadConcern , which is an immutable value object. パラメータ level The » ...
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Advances the cluster time for this session 3031
« MongoDB\Driver\Session::abortTransaction MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime » PHP Ma ... nual MongoDB\Driver\Session Advances the cluster time for this session M ... ongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceClusterTime (mongodb >=1.4.0) MongoD ... B\Driver\Session::advanceClusterTime — Advances the cluster t ... ime for this session 説明 final public MongoDB\Driver\Session:: ...
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Advances the operation time for this session 3031
« MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceClusterTime MongoDB\Driver\Session::commitTransaction » PHP Man ... ual MongoDB\Driver\Session Advances the operation time for this session ... MongoDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime (mongodb >=1.4.0) Mong ... oDB\Driver\Session::advanceOperationTime — Advances the operati ... on time for this session 説明 final public MongoDB\Driver\Session:: ...
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Request Injection Attacks 3031
« Security Script Injection Attacks » PHP Manual Security Request Injection Attacks Request Inje ... ction Attacks If you are passing $_GET (or $_POST ) parameters t ... o your queries, make sure that they are cast to strings first. Us ... ers can insert associative arrays in GET and POST requ ... ests, which could then become unwanted $-queries. A f ...
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runkit7 関数 3031
« 定義済み定数 runkit7_constant_add » PHP Manual runkit7 runkit7 関数 runkit7 関数 目次 runkit7_ ... constant_add — Similar to define(), but allows defining ... in class definitions as well runkit7_constant_redefine — R ... edefine an already defined constant runkit7_constant_remove — Remove/Delete an alr ... eady defined constant runkit7_function_add — Add a new function, sim ...
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OOP PECL/rrd example 3031
« Procedural PECL/rrd example RRD 関数 » PHP Manual 例 OOP PECL/rrd example OOP PECL/rrd example ... 例1 OO usage of rrd <?php $rrdFile = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . ... "/speed.rrd" ; $outputPngFile = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . ... "/speed.png" ; $creator = new RRDCreator ( $rrdFile , ... "now -10d" , 500 ); $creator -> addDataSource ( "speed:COUNTER:600:U:U" ); $creator -> addA ...
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« 定義済み定数 Seaslog 関数 » PHP Manual Seaslog 例 例 例1 Get and set base path <?php $basePath ... 1 = SeasLog :: getBasePath (); SeasLog :: setBasePath ( ... '/log/base_test' ); $basePath2 = SeasLog :: getBasePath (); ... var_dump ( $basePath1 , $basePath2 ); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば ... 以下のようになります。 string(12) "/var/log/www" string(14) "/log/base_test ...
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Get SeasLog datetime format style 3031
« SeasLog::getBufferEnabled SeasLog::getLastLogger » PHP Manual SeasLog Get SeasLog datetime for ... mat style SeasLog::getDatetimeFormat (PECL seaslog >=1.0 ... .0) SeasLog::getDatetimeFormat — Get SeasLog datetime fo ... rmat style 説明 public static SeasLog::getDatetimeFormat ... (): string Get SeasLog datetime format style. Use the Fu ...
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子要素を数える 3031
« SimpleXMLElement::__construct SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces » PHP Manual SimpleXMLElement ... 子要素を数える SimpleXMLElement::count (PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP ... 8) SimpleXMLElement::count — 子要素を数える 説明 public ... SimpleXMLElement::count (): int このメソッドは、子要 ... 子要素の数の取得 <?php $xml = <<<EOF <people> <person name="Person 1"> <child/> <child/> <child/> </pe ...
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Adds a Trigram Phrase Field (pf3 parameter) 3031
« SolrDisMaxQuery::addQueryField SolrDisMaxQuery::addUserField » PHP Manual SolrDisMaxQuery Adds ... a Trigram Phrase Field (pf3 parameter) SolrDisMaxQuery::addTrigram ... PhraseField (No version information available, might onl ... y be in Git) SolrDisMaxQuery::addTrigramPhraseField — Adds a Trig ... ram Phrase Field (pf3 parameter) 説明 public SolrDisMaxQuery ...
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