
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
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The parallel\Events\Event\Type class 6032
« parallel\Events\Event parallel\Sync » PHP Manual parallel The parallel\Events\Event\Type class The parallel\Events\Event\Type class (0.9.0) クラス概要 final class parallel\Events\Event\Type { /* Event::$object was read into Event::$value */ const Read ; /* Input for Event::$source writ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.parallel-events-event-type.html - [similar]
Inputs 6032
« parallel\Events\Input::add parallel\Events\Input::remove » PHP Manual parallel\Events\Input Inputs parallel\Events\Input::clear (0.9.0) parallel\Events\Input::clear — Inputs 説明 public parallel\Events\Input::clear (): void Shall remove input for all targets 関連キーワード: Inputs , Ev ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/parallel-events-input.clear.html - [similar]
Synchronization 6032
« parallel\Sync::wait parallel\Sync::__invoke » PHP Manual parallel\Sync Synchronization parallel\Sync::notify (1.1.0) parallel\Sync::notify — Synchronization 説明 public parallel\Sync::notify ( bool $all = ? ) Shall notify one (by default) or all threads waiting on the synchronization o ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/parallel-sync.notify.html - [similar]
The parallel\Events\Event class 6032
« parallel\Events\Input::remove parallel\Events\Event\Type » PHP Manual parallel The parallel\Events\Event class The parallel\Events\Event class (0.9.0) Event Objects When an Event is returned, Event::$object shall be removed from the loop that returned it, should the event be a write ev ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.parallel-events-event.html - [similar]
The GearmanClient class 5195
« Basic Gearman client and worker, submitting tasks GearmanClient::addOptions » PHP Manual Gearman The GearmanClient class The GearmanClient class (PECL gearman >= 0.5.0) はじめに Represents a class for connecting to a Gearman job server and making requests to perform some function on pr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.gearmanclient.html - [similar]
Run a list of tasks in parallel 5195
« GearmanClient::returnCode GearmanClient::setClientCallback » PHP Manual GearmanClient Run a list of tasks in parallel GearmanClient::runTasks (PECL gearman >= 0.5.0) GearmanClient::runTasks — Run a list of tasks in parallel 説明 public GearmanClient::runTasks (): bool For a set of task ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.runtasks.html - [similar]
Gearman 5195
« FTP\Connection はじめに » PHP Manual その他のサービス Gearman Gearman はじめに インストール/設定 要件 インストール手順 実行時設定 リソース型 定義済み定数 例 Basic usage Basic Gearman client and worker, background Basic Gearman client and worker, submitting tasks GearmanClient — The Gea ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.gearman.html - [similar]
Create a GearmanClient instance 5195
« GearmanClient::clone GearmanClient::context » PHP Manual GearmanClient Create a GearmanClient instance GearmanClient::__construct (PECL gearman >= 0.5.0) GearmanClient::__construct — Create a GearmanClient instance 説明 public GearmanClient::__construct () Creates a GearmanClient insta ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.construct.html - [similar]
Clear all task callback functions 5195
« GearmanClient::addTaskStatus GearmanClient::clone » PHP Manual GearmanClient Clear all task callback functions GearmanClient::clearCallbacks (PECL gearman >= 0.5.0) GearmanClient::clearCallbacks — Clear all task callback functions 説明 public GearmanClient::clearCallbacks (): bool Clea ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.clearcallbacks.html - [similar]
Create a copy of a GearmanClient object 5195
« GearmanClient::clearCallbacks GearmanClient::__construct » PHP Manual GearmanClient Create a copy of a GearmanClient object GearmanClient::clone (PECL gearman >= 0.5.0) GearmanClient::clone — Create a copy of a GearmanClient object 説明 public GearmanClient::clone (): GearmanClient Cre ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.clone.html - [similar]
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