
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 501 - 510 of about 5876 for Public (0.031 sec.)
Represents Text Layout 1924
« UI\Draw\Brush\RadialGradient::__construct UI\Draw\Text\Layout::__construct » PHP Manual UI Rep ... ス概要 class UI\Draw\Text\Layout { /* Constructor */ public __construct ( string $text , UI\Draw\Text\Font $fo ... nt , float $width ) /* メソッド */ public setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $color , int $start = 0 , ... int $end = ? ) public setColor ( int $color , int $start = 0 , int $end ... = ? ) public setWidth ( float $width ) } 目次 UI\Draw\Text\Layo ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-draw-text-layout.html - [similar]
共変性と反変性 1924
« オブジェクトのシリアライズ 変更履歴 » PHP Manual クラスとオブジェクト 共変性と反変性 共変性と反 ... p abstract class Animal { protected string $name ; public function __construct ( string $name ) { $this -> n ... ame = $name ; } abstract public function speak (); } class Dog extends Animal { pu ... > name . " barks" ; } } class Cat extends Animal { public function speak () { echo $this -> name . " meows" ... てみることにします。 <?php interface AnimalShelter { public function adopt ( string $name ): Animal ; } class ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.oop5.variance.html - [similar]
DOMNamedNodeMap クラス 1915
« DOMImplementation::hasFeature DOMNamedNodeMap::count » PHP Manual DOM DOMNamedNodeMap クラス D ... s IteratorAggregate , Countable { /* プロパティ */ public readonly int $ length ; /* メソッド */ public coun ... t (): int public getNamedItem ( string $qualifiedName ): ? DOMNode ... string $namespace , string $localName ): ? DOMNode public item ( int $index ): ? DOMNode } プロパティ length ... 関連キーワード: DOMNamedNodeMap , クラス , ノード , public , 取得 , count , int , length , 実装 , string ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.domnamednodemap.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\BSON\Binary class 1915
« MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON MongoDB\BSON\Binary::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON ... int TYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128 ; /* メソッド */ final public __construct ( string $data , int $type ) final pub ... lic getData (): string final public getType (): int final public jsonSerialize (): mix ... ed final public serialize (): string final public __toString (): s ... tring final public unserialize ( string $serialized ): void } 定義済み ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-bson-binary.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\Driver\Cursor class 1915
« MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::unserialize MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::__construct » PHP Manual MongoD ... ator { /* メソッド */ final private __construct () public current (): array | object final public getId (): ... MongoDB\Driver\CursorId final public getServer (): MongoDB\Driver\Server final public i ... sDead (): bool public key (): int public next (): void public rewind (): ... void final public setTypeMap ( array $typemap ): void final public t ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-driver-cursor.html - [similar]
The RarEntry class 1915
« RarArchive::__toString RarEntry::extract » PHP Manual Rar The RarEntry class The RarEntry clas ... int ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET = 49152 ; /* メソッド */ public extract ( string $dir , string $filepath = "" , st ... sword = NULL , bool $extended_data = false ): bool public getAttr (): int public getCrc (): string public ge ... tFileTime (): string public getHostOs (): int public getMethod (): int public ... getName (): string public getPackedSize (): int public getStream ( string $p ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.rarentry.html - [similar]
Yaf_Config_Abstract クラス 1915
« Yaf_Dispatcher::throwException Yaf_Config_Abstract::get » PHP Manual Yaf Yaf_Config_Abstract ク ... ; protected $ _readonly ; /* メソッド */ abstract public get ( string $name , mixed $value ): mixed abstrac ... t public readonly (): bool abstract public set (): Yaf_Conf ... ig_Abstract abstract public toArray (): array } プロパティ _config _readonly 目 ... 関連キーワード: Yaf , Config , クラス , readonly , public , protected , toArray , 設定 , 配列 , セッター ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.yaf-config-abstract.html - [similar]
The ZookeeperConfig class 1915
« Zookeeper::setWatcher ZookeeperConfig::add » PHP Manual ZooKeeper The ZookeeperConfig class Th ... クラス概要 class ZookeeperConfig { /* メソッド */ public add ( string $members , int $version = -1 , array ... &$stat = null ): void public get ( callable $watcher_cb = null , array &$stat = ... null ): string public remove ( string $id_list , int $version = -1 , arr ... ay &$stat = null ): void public set ( string $members , int $version = -1 , array ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.zookeeperconfig.html - [similar]
Definition Construction 1915
« Componere\Definition Componere\Definition::addConstant » PHP Manual Componere\Definition Defin ... nition::__construct — Definition Construction 説明 public Componere\Definition::__construct ( string $name ) ... public Componere\Definition::__construct ( string $name , ... string $parent ) public Componere\Definition::__construct ( string $name , ... array $interfaces ) public Componere\Definition::__construct ( string $name , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/componere-definition.construct.html - [similar]
The Collection interface 1905
« 例 Ds\Collection::clear » PHP Manual Data Structures The Collection interface The Collection i ... egate , JsonSerializable { /* メソッド */ abstract public clear (): void abstract public copy (): Ds\Collect ... ion abstract public isEmpty (): bool abstract public toArray (): array ... tion to an array 関連キーワード: Collection , Ds , public , all , ollection , implements , copy , isEmpty , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-collection.html - [similar]