
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 551 - 560 of about 817 for return (0.069 sec.)
グローバル空間 2966
« 名前空間の使用法: エイリアス/インポート 名前空間の使用法: グローバル関数/定数への移行 » PHP Ma ... fopen (...); // グローバルな fopen をコールします return $f ; } ?> 関連キーワード: グローバル , 空間 , 関数 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.namespaces.global.html - [similar]
コンストラクタとデストラクタ 2966
« クラスのオートローディング アクセス権 » PHP Manual クラスとオブジェクト コンストラクタとデスト ... name ): static { $new = new static( $id , $name ); return $new ; } public static function fromJson ( string ... $json ): static { $data = json_decode ( $json ); return new static( $data [ 'id' ], $data [ 'name' ]); } p ... = $data [ 'id' ]; $new -> name = $data [ 'name' ]; return $new ; } } $p1 = Product :: fromBasicData ( 5 , 'W ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.oop5.decon.html - [similar]
Call a function in a Lua global variable 2966
« LuaSandbox LuaSandbox::disableProfiler » PHP Manual LuaSandbox Call a function in a Lua global ... oes not exist, or is not a function, false will be returned and a warning issued. For more information about ... calling Lua functions and the return values, see LuaSandboxFunction::call() . パラメータ ... iable name. args Arguments to the function. 戻り値 Returns an array of values returned by the Lua function, ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.callfunction.html - [similar]
Load Lua code into the Lua environment 2966
« LuaSandbox::loadBinary LuaSandbox::pauseUsageTimer » PHP Manual LuaSandbox Load Lua code into ... the loaded chunk, for use in error traces. 戻り値 Returns a LuaSandboxFunction which, when executed, will e ... code $function = $sandbox -> loadString ( <<<CODE return "Hello, world" CODE ); // Execute the loaded code ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.loadstring.html - [similar]
Returns the increment component of this Timestamp 2966
« MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::__construct MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::getTimestamp » PHP Manual MongoDB\ ... BSON\Timestamp Returns the increment component of this Timestamp MongoDB ... db >=1.3.0) MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::getIncrement — Returns the increment component of this Timestamp 説明 fi ... Because PHP's integer type is signed, some values returned by this method may appear as negative integers o ... ラメータ この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 Returns the increment component of this Timestamp. 警告 O ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-bson-timestamp.getincrement.html - [similar]
Returns the timestamp component of this Timestamp 2966
« MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::getIncrement MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::jsonSerialize » PHP Manual MongoD ... B\BSON\Timestamp Returns the timestamp component of this Timestamp MongoDB ... db >=1.3.0) MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::getTimestamp — Returns the timestamp component of this Timestamp 説明 fi ... Because PHP's integer type is signed, some values returned by this method may appear as negative integers o ... ラメータ この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 Returns the timestamp component of this Timestamp. 警告 O ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-bson-timestamp.gettimestamp.html - [similar]
Checks if the cursor may have additional results 2966
« MongoDB\Driver\CursorInterface::getServer MongoDB\Driver\CursorInterface::setTypeMap » PHP Man ... g reasons: Advancing a non-tailable cursor did not return a document The cursor encountered an error The cur ... ラメータ この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 Returns true if additional results are not available, and ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-cursorinterface.isdead.html - [similar]
Request Injection Attacks 2966
« Security Script Injection Attacks » PHP Manual Security Request Injection Attacks Request Inje ... 'username' => [ '$ne' => 'foo' ] ] ) , which will return all users not named "foo" (all of your users, prob ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.security.request_injection.html - [similar]
文字列に変換する 2966
« ReflectionFunction::isDisabled ReflectionFunctionAbstract » PHP Manual ReflectionFunction 文字 ... g() の例 <?php function title ( $title , $name ) { return sprintf ( "%s. %s\r\n" , $title , $name ); } echo ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/reflectionfunction.tostring.html - [similar]
ReflectionMethod オブジェクトの文字列表現を返す 2966
« ReflectionMethod::setAccessible ReflectionNamedType » PHP Manual ReflectionMethod ReflectionMe ... elloWorld { public function sayHelloTo ( $name ) { return 'Hello ' . $name ; } } $reflectionMethod = new Ref ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/reflectionmethod.tostring.html - [similar]