
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 561 - 570 of about 615 for Connection (0.699 sec.)
名前空間の定義 2983
« 名前空間の概要 サブ名前空間の宣言 » PHP Manual 名前空間 名前空間の定義 名前空間の定義 (PHP 5 > ... namespace MyProject ; const CONNECT_OK = 1 ; class Connection { /* ... */ } function connect () { /* ... */ } ?> ...
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基本的な使用法 2983
« 例 LDAP コントロール » PHP Manual 例 基本的な使用法 基本的な使用法 あるディレクトリサーバーから ... [ "mail" ][ 0 ] . "<br /><hr />" ; } echo "Closing connection" ; ldap_close ( $ds ); } else { echo "<h4>Unable t ...
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使用している接続の型を文字列で返す 2983
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基本的な使い方 2983
« 基本的な使用法 PostgreSQL 関数 » PHP Manual 例 基本的な使い方 基本的な使い方 以下の例には、レガ ... / This function should be needed, since PostgreSQL connection binds database. function pg_list_dbs ( $db ) { ass ...
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Adds a collection of SolrInputDocument instances to the index 2983
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Sends a query to the server 2983
« SolrClient::ping SolrClient::request » PHP Manual SolrClient Sends a query to the server SolrC ... Exception if the client had failed, or there was a connection issue. Throws SolrServerException if the Solr Serv ...
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定義済み定数 2983
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Secure Shell2 2968
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com クラス 2968
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The EventHttpRequest class 2968
« EventHttpConnection::setTimeout EventHttpRequest::addHeader » PHP Manual Event The EventHttpRe ... (): void public clearHeaders (): void public closeConnection (): void public __construct ( callable $callback , ... ing $type ): void public free (): void public closeConnection (): EventBufferEvent public getCommand (): void pu ... blic closeConnection (): EventHttpConnection public getHost (): string ... header list of the request EventHttpRequest::closeConnection — Closes associated HTTP connection EventHttpReque ...
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