
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 561 - 570 of about 1461 for IN (0.047 sec.)
データベースに存在するかをチェックする 2531
« Schema::dropCollection Schema::getCollection » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\Schema データベースに存 ... 在するかをチェックする Schema::existsInDatabase (No version information available, might o ... nly be in Git) Schema::existsInDatabase — データベースに存在 ... チェックする 説明 public mysql_xdevapi\Schema::existsInDatabase (): bool 現在のオブジェクト(スキーマ、テー ... うでなければ false を返します。 例 例1 Schema::existsInDatabase の例 <?php $session = mysql_xdevapi \ getS ...
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カレンダー 関数 2531
« 定義済み定数 cal_days_in_month » PHP Manual カレンダー カレンダー 関数 カレンダー 関数 目次 ca ... l_days_in_month — 指定した年とカレンダーについて、月の日数を ... ウス積算日からサポートされるカレンダーに変換する cal_info — 特定のカレンダーに関する情報を返す cal_to_jd — ...
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基本的な SimpleXML の使用法 2531
« 例 XML エラーの対応 » PHP Manual 例 基本的な SimpleXML の使用法 基本的な SimpleXML の使用法 こ ... standalone='yes'?> <movies> <movie> <title>PHP: Behind the Parser</title> <characters> <character> <name ... rs> <plot> So, this language. It's like, a programming language. Or is it a scripting language? All is r ... evealed in this thrilling horror spoof of a documentary. </pl ... ot> <great-lines> <line>PHP solves all my web problems</line> </g ...
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パース、修正されたマークアップの診断を行う 2531
« tidy::__construct tidy::$errorBuffer » PHP Manual tidy パース、修正されたマークアップの診断を行 ... dtd"> <p>paragraph</p> HTML; $tidy = tidy_parse_string ( $html ); $tidy -> cleanRepair (); // 2 つの出力 ... > errorBuffer ; ?> 上の例の出力は以下となります。 line 4 column 1 - Warning: <p> isn't allowed in <head> ... elements line 4 column 1 - Warning: inserting missing 'title' e ... lement line 4 column 1 - Warning: <p> isn't allowed in <head> ...
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ErrorException 2510
« Exception::__clone ErrorException::__construct » PHP Manual 定義済みの例外 ErrorException Erro ... ion extends Exception { /* プロパティ */ protected int $ severity = E_ERROR ; /* 継承したプロパティ */ p ... rotected string $ message = "" ; private string $ string = "" ; p ... rotected int $ code ; protected string $ file = "" ; protected ... int $ line ; private array $ trace = [] ; private ? T ...
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The EventListener class 2510
« EventHttpRequest::sendReplyStart EventListener::__construct » PHP Manual Event The EventListen ... じめに Represents a connection listener. クラス概要 final class EventListener { /* Constants */ const int ... OPT_LEAVE_SOCKETS_BLOCKING = 1 ; const int OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE = 2 ; const int ... OPT_CLOSE_ON_EXEC = 4 ; const int OPT_REUSEABLE = 8 ; const int OPT_THREADSAFE = 16 ... ; /* プロパティ */ public readonly int $ fd ; /* メソッド */ public __construct ( EventB ...
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The EvIo class 2510
« EvIdle::createStopped EvIo::__construct » PHP Manual Ev The EvIo class The EvIo class (PECL ev ... o numeric file descriptor) is readable or writable in each iteration of the event loop, or, more precise ... ly, when reading would not block the process and writing would at ... e some data. This behaviour is called level-triggering because events are kept receiving as long as the ... condition persists. To stop receiving events just stop the watcher. The number of read ...
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The RarEntry class 2510
« RarArchive::__toString RarEntry::extract » PHP Manual Rar The RarEntry class The RarEntry clas ... s (PECL rar >= 0.1) はじめに A RAR entry, representing a directory or a compressed file inside a RAR arc ... hive. クラス概要 final class RarEntry { /* 定数 */ const int HOST_MSDOS ... = 0 ; const int HOST_OS2 = 1 ; const int HOST_WIN32 = 2 ; const i ... nt HOST_UNIX = 3 ; const int HOST_MACOS = 4 ; const int HOST_BEOS = 5 ; const ...
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Get contents of collection type column using OID 2510
« cubrid_close_request cubrid_col_size » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get contents of collection type ... column using OID cubrid_col_get (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_ ... col_get — Get contents of collection type column using OID 説明 cubrid_col_get ( resource $conn_identifi ... er , string $oid , string $attr_name ): array The cubrid_col_ ... n_identifier Connection identifier. oid OID of the instance that you want to read. attr_name Attribute n ...
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Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as paramet... 2510
« cubrid_lob_size cubrid_lob2_close » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Bind a lob object or a string as a ... to a prepared statement as parameters cubrid_lob2_bind (PECL CUBRID >= 8.4.1) cubrid_lob2_bind — Bind a ... lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parame ... ters 説明 cubrid_lob2_bind ( resource $req_identifier , int $bind_index , mi ... xed $bind_value , string $bind_value_type = ? ): bool The c ...
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