
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 571 - 580 of about 2375 for New (0.084 sec.)
Date Formatter を作成する 2265
« IntlDateFormatter IntlDateFormatter::format » PHP Manual IntlDateFormatter Date Formatter を作 ... mt , 0 ); ?> 例2 オブジェクト指向の例 <?php $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( "en_US" , IntlDateFormatter :: ... rmatted output is " . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( "de-DE" , IntlDateFormatter :: ... rmatted output is " . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( "en_US" , IntlDateFormatter :: ... t with pattern is " . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( "de-DE" , IntlDateFormatter :: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/intldateformatter.create.html - [similar]
日付/時刻 の値を文字列としてフォーマットする 2265
« IntlDateFormatter::create IntlDateFormatter::formatObject » PHP Manual IntlDateFormatter 日付/ ... mt , 0 ); ?> 例2 オブジェクト指向の例 <?php $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( 'en_US' , IntlDateFormatter :: ... rmatted output is ' . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( 'de-DE' , IntlDateFormatter :: ... rmatted output is ' . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( 'en_US' , IntlDateFormatter :: ... t with pattern is ' . $fmt -> format ( 0 ); $fmt = new IntlDateFormatter ( 'de-DE' , IntlDateFormatter :: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/intldateformatter.format.html - [similar]
namespace キーワードおよび __NAMESPACE__ 定数 2265
« 名前空間と動的言語機能 名前空間の使用法: エイリアス/インポート » PHP Manual 名前空間 namespace ... { $a = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $classname ; return new $a ; } ?> namespace キーワードを使用すると、 現在の ... クラスのstaticメソッド "method" をコールします $a = new namespace\ sub \ cname (); // MyProject\sub\cname ... クラスのstaticメソッド "method" をコールします $a = new namespace\ sub \ cname (); // sub\cname クラスのオ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.namespaces.nsconstants.html - [similar]
現在の位置を返す 2265
« LimitIterator::getInnerIterator LimitIterator::key » PHP Manual LimitIterator 現在の位置を返す ... ' => 'damson' , 'e' => 'elderberry' ); $array_it = new ArrayIterator ( $fruits ); $limit_it = new LimitIt ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/limititerator.getposition.html - [similar]
Basic usage for LuaSandbox 2265
« 例 LuaSandbox » PHP Manual 例 Basic usage for LuaSandbox Basic usage for LuaSandbox Once you'v ... a code. 例1 Execute some Lua code <?php $sandbox = new LuaSandbox ; $sandbox -> setMemoryLimit ( 50 * 102 ... " $string \n" ; }, 'error' => function () { throw new LuaSandboxRuntimeError ( "Something is wrong" ); } ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.examples-basic.html - [similar]
Fetch profiler data 2265
« LuaSandbox::getPeakMemoryUsage LuaSandbox::getVersionInfo » PHP Manual LuaSandbox Fetch profil ... time. 例 例1 Profiling Lua code <?php // create a new LuaSandbox $sandbox = new LuaSandbox (); // Start ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.getprofilerfunctionreport.html - [similar]
Returns the Javascript's scope document 2265
« MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::getCode MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::jsonSerialize » PHP Manual MongoDB\B ... DB\BSON\Javascript::getScope() example <?php $js = new MongoDB \ BSON \ Javascript ( 'function foo(bar) { ... n bar; }' ); var_dump ( $js -> getScope ()); $js = new MongoDB \ BSON \ Javascript ( 'function foo() { re ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-bson-javascript.getscope.html - [similar]
Returns the hostname of this server 2265
« MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeWriteCommand MongoDB\Driver\Server::getInfo » PHP Manual MongoDB ... \Driver\Server::getHost() example <?php $manager = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager ( "mongodb://localhost: ... 27017/" ); $rp = new MongoDB \ Driver \ ReadPreference ( MongoDB \ Driv ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-server.gethost.html - [similar]
Returns the port on which this server is listening 2265
« MongoDB\Driver\Server::getLatency MongoDB\Driver\Server::getServerDescription » PHP Manual Mon ... \Driver\Server::getPort() example <?php $manager = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager ( "mongodb://localhost: ... 27017/" ); $rp = new MongoDB \ Driver \ ReadPreference ( MongoDB \ Driv ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-server.getport.html - [similar]
Returns the WriteError's error code 2265
« MongoDB\Driver\WriteError MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getIndex » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\Writ ... ver\WriteError::getCode() example <?php $manager = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager ; $bulk = new MongoDB \ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-writeerror.getcode.html - [similar]