
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 611 - 620 of about 734 for s (0.044 sec.)
Sets the acl associated with a node synchronously 2969
« Zookeeper::set Zookeeper::setDebugLevel » PHP Manual Zookeeper Sets the acl associated with a ... node synchronously Zookeeper::setAcl (PECL zookeeper >= 0 ... .1.0) Zookeeper::setAcl — Sets the acl associated with a node synchro ... nously 説明 public Zookeeper::setAcl ( string $path , i ... nt $version , array $acl ): bool パラメータ path The name o ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zookeeper.setacl.html - [similar]
Add servers to the ensemble 2969
« ZookeeperConfig ZookeeperConfig::get » PHP Manual ZookeeperConfig Add servers to the ensemble ... .0, ZooKeeper >= 3.5.0) ZookeeperConfig::add — Add servers to the ensemble 説明 public ZookeeperConfig: ... :add ( string $members , int $version = -1 , array &$stat = ... null ): void パラメータ members Comma separated list of servers to be added to the ... ensemble. Each has a configuration line for a server t ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zookeeperconfig.add.html - [similar]
Remove servers from the ensemble 2969
« ZookeeperConfig::get ZookeeperConfig::set » PHP Manual ZookeeperConfig Remove servers from the ... ensemble ZookeeperConfig::remove (PECL zookeeper >= 0. ... oKeeper >= 3.5.0) ZookeeperConfig::remove — Remove servers from the ensemble 説明 public ZookeeperConfi ... g::remove ( string $id_list , int $version = -1 , array &$stat = ... null ): void パラメータ id_list Comma separated list of server IDs to be removed ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zookeeperconfig.remove.html - [similar]
The EvStat class 2941
« EvSignal::set EvStat::attr » PHP Manual Ev The EvStat class The EvStat class (PECL ev >= 0.2.0 ... ) はじめに EvStat monitors a file system path for attribute chang ... es. It calls stat() on that path in regular intervals ... (or when the OS signals it changed) and sees if it changed compare ... d to the last time, invoking the callback if it did. The path d ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.evstat.html - [similar]
Serializable インターフェイス 2941
« ArrayAccess::offsetUnset Serializable::serialize » PHP Manual 定義済みのインターフェイスとクラ ...Serializable インターフェイス Serializable インターフ ... イスです。 このインターフェイスを実装したクラスは __sleep() や __wakeup() をサポートしなくなります。 シリ ... アライズが必要な場合には、自動的に serialize メソッドがコールされます。 このメソッドは ... __destruct() を実行しません。また、 メソッド内で明示的に ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.serializable.html - [similar]
Sorts the map in-place by key 2941
« Ds\Map::keys Ds\Map::ksorted » PHP Manual Map Sorts the map in-place by key Ds\Map::ksort (PEC ... L ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Map::ksort — Sorts the map in-place b ... y key 説明 public Ds\Map::ksort ( callable $comparator = ? ): void Sort ... s the map in-place by key, using an optional comparator function. パラメータ com ... , mixed $b ): int 警告 Returning non-integer values from the comparison function, such as float , will ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.ksort.html - [similar]
Returns a copy, sorted by key 2941
« Ds\Map::ksort Ds\Map::last » PHP Manual Map Returns a copy, sorted by key Ds\Map::ksorted (No ... version information available, might only be in Git) Ds ... \Map::ksorted — Returns a copy, sorted by key 説明 public D ... s\Map::ksorted ( callable $comparator = ? ): Ds\Map Returns ... a copy sorted by key, using an optional comparator function ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.ksorted.html - [similar]
Sorts the map in-place by value 2941
« Ds\Map::slice Ds\Map::sorted » PHP Manual Map Sorts the map in-place by value Ds\Map::sort (PE ... CL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Map::sort — Sorts the map in-place by ... value 説明 public Ds\Map::sort ( callable $comparator = ? ): void Sorts ... the map in-place by value, using an optional comparator function. パラメータ com ... , mixed $b ): int 警告 Returning non-integer values from the comparison function, such as float , will ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.sort.html - [similar]
Returns a copy, sorted by value 2941
« Ds\Map::sort Ds\Map::sum » PHP Manual Map Returns a copy, sorted by value Ds\Map::sorted (PECL ... ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Map::sorted — Returns a copy, sorted ... by value 説明 public Ds\Map::sorted ( callable $comparator = ? ): Ds\Map R ... eturns a copy, sorted by value using an optional comparat ... , mixed $b ): int 警告 Returning non-integer values from the comparison function, such as float , will ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.sorted.html - [similar]
XMLタグのマッピングの例 2941
« XML エレメント構造の例 XML 外部エンティティの例 » PHP Manual 例 XMLタグのマッピングの例 XMLタグ ... a.xml" ; $map_array = array( "BOLD" => "B" , "EMPHASIS" => "I" , "LITERAL" => "TT" ); function startEle ... ment ( $parser , $name , $attrs ) { global $map_array ; if (iss ... array [ $name ] >" ; } } function endElement ( $parser , $name ) { global $map_array ; if (isset( $map_ ... ay [ $name ] >" ; } } function characterData ( $parser , $data ) { echo $data ; } $xml_parser = xml_par ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/example.xml-map-tags.html - [similar]