
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 691 - 700 of about 817 for return (0.042 sec.)
トレイト 2874
« オブジェクト インターフェイス 無名クラス » PHP Manual クラスとオブジェクト トレイト トレイト P ... なります。 例1 トレイトの例 <?php trait ezcReflectionReturnInfo { function getReturnType () { /*1*/ } function ... getReturnDescription () { /*2*/ } } class ezcReflectionMetho ... d extends ReflectionMethod { use ezcReflectionReturnInfo ; /* ... */ } class ezcReflectionFunction exte ... nds ReflectionFunction { use ezcReflectionReturnInfo ; /* ... */ } ?> 優先順位 基底クラスから継承し ...
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文字列 2874
« 浮動小数点数 数値形式の文字列 » PHP Manual 型 文字列 文字列 string は、文字が連結されたものです ... ; echo "This is the value of the var named by the return value of getName(): {${ getName ()}} " ; echo "Thi ... s is the value of the var named by the return value of \$object->getName(): {${ $object -> getNa ... me ()}} " ; // 動作しません。出力: This is the return value of getName(): {getName()} echo "This is the ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/language.types.string.html - [similar]
Checks if the cursor is exhausted or may have additional results 2874
« MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::getServer MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::key » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\Cursor ... er via a » getMore operation, which may or may not return additional results and/or indicate that the cursor ... has been closed on the server by returning zero for its ID. パラメータ この関数にはパラメー ... タはありません。 戻り値 Returns true if there are definitely no additional result ...
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Philosophy 2874
« Installation Functional API » PHP Manual parallel Philosophy Philosophy This section contains ... e thread to another by any means - Task arguments, return via Future, and Channels - it is passed by value. ...
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ソースコードを PhpToken オブジェクトで表現されたトークンに分割する 2874
« PhpToken::__toString Tokenizer 関数 » PHP Manual PhpToken ソースコードを PhpToken オブジェクト ... tends PhpToken { public function getUpperText () { return strtoupper ( $this -> text ); } } $tokens = MyPhpT ...
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引数を指定して関数を起動する 2874
« ReflectionFunction::invoke ReflectionFunction::isDisabled » PHP Manual ReflectionFunction 引数 ... s() の例 <?php function title ( $title , $name ) { return sprintf ( "%s. %s\r\n" , $title , $name ); } $func ...
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Record alert log information 2874
« SeasLog SeasLog::analyzerCount » PHP Manual SeasLog Record alert log information SeasLog::aler ... est logger setted by SeasLog::setLogger() . 戻り値 Return TRUE on record log information success, FALSE on f ...
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Record critical log information 2874
« SeasLog::__construct SeasLog::debug » PHP Manual SeasLog Record critical log information SeasL ... est logger setted by SeasLog::setLogger() . 戻り値 Return TRUE on record log information success, FALSE on f ...
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Record debug log information 2874
« SeasLog::critical SeasLog::__destruct » PHP Manual SeasLog Record debug log information SeasLo ... est logger setted by SeasLog::setLogger() . 戻り値 Return TRUE on record log information success, FALSE on f ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/seaslog.debug.html - [similar]
Record emergency log information 2874
« SeasLog::__destruct SeasLog::error » PHP Manual SeasLog Record emergency log information SeasL ... est logger setted by SeasLog::setLogger() . 戻り値 Return TRUE on record log information success, FALSE on f ...
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