
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 731 - 740 of about 3128 for the (0.074 sec.)
Destroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associated memory 2363
« fann_destroy_train fann_duplicate_train_data » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Destroys the entire networ ... k and properly freeing all the associated memory fann_destroy (PECL fann >= 1.0.0 ... ) fann_destroy — Destroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associ ... 説明 fann_destroy ( resource $ann ): bool Destroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-destroy.html - [similar]
Frees all resources for the specified statement 2363
« sqlsrv_field_metadata sqlsrv_get_config » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Frees all resources for the s ... in Git) sqlsrv_free_stmt — Frees all resources for the specified statement 説明 sqlsrv_free_stmt ( resour ... ce $stmt ): bool Frees all resources for the specified statement. The statement cannot be used ... erver state, statement execution is terminated and the statement is rolled back. パラメータ stmt The stat ... that null is a valid parameter value. This allows the function to be called multiple times in a script. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-free-stmt.html - [similar]
Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement 2363
« sqlsrv_next_result sqlsrv_num_rows » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Retrieves the number of fields (co ... ight only be in Git) sqlsrv_num_fields — Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement 説明 sql ... srv_num_fields ( resource $stmt ): mixed Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement. パラメー ... タ stmt The statement for which the number of fields is return ... efore or after statement execution. 戻り値 Returns the number of fields on success. Returns false otherwi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-num-fields.html - [similar]
Unregister a function name with the job servers 2363
« GearmanWorker::timeout GearmanWorker::unregisterAll » PHP Manual GearmanWorker Unregister a fu ... nction name with the job servers GearmanWorker::unregister (PECL gearma ... rker::unregister — Unregister a function name with the job servers 説明 public GearmanWorker::unregister ... tion_name ): bool Unregisters a function name with the job servers ensuring that no more jobs (for that f ... are sent to this worker. パラメータ function_name The name of a function to register with the job server ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanworker.unregister.html - [similar]
Create a new ClientEncryption object 2363
« MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption::createDataKey » PHP Manual Mo ... a new MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption object with the specified options. パラメータ options options Opti ... Description keyVaultClient MongoDB\Driver\Manager The Manager used to route data key queries. This optio ... ace (e.g. "databaseName.collectionName" ) denoting the collection that contains all data keys used for en ... cryption. kmsProviders array A document containing the configuration for one or more KMS providers, which ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-clientencryption.construct.html - [similar]
Execute a database command that reads 2363
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadWriteCommand » PHP Man ... ongoDB\Driver\Cursor Selects a server according to the "readPreference" option and executes the command o ... n that server. By default, the read preference from the MongoDB Connection URI wi ... fic to commands that read (e.g. » count ) and take the MongoDB server version into account. The "readConc ... ern" option will default to the corresponding value from the MongoDB Connection UR ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.executereadcommand.html - [similar]
Send data to the remote UDP address. 2363
« Swoole\Client::sendfile Swoole\Client::set » PHP Manual Swoole\Client Send data to the remote ... ole >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Client::sendto — Send data to the remote UDP address. 説明 public Swoole\Client::sen ... to ( string $ip , int $port , string $data ): bool The swoole client should be type of SWOOLE_SOCK_UDP or ... SWOOLE_SOCK_UDP6. パラメータ ip The IP address of remote host, IPv4 or IPv6. port The ... port number of remote host. data The data to send which should be less-than 64K. 戻り値 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-client.sendto.html - [similar]
Call a callback given by the first parameter 2363
« Swoole\Coroutine::call_user_func_array Swoole\Coroutine::cli_wait » PHP Manual Swoole\Coroutin ... e Call a callback given by the first parameter Swoole\Coroutine::call_user_func ( ... routine::call_user_func — Call a callback given by the first parameter 説明 public static Swoole\Coroutin ... callable $callback , mixed ...$args ): mixed Calls the callback given by the first parameter and passes t ... ining parameters as arguments. パラメータ callback The callable to be called. args Zero or more parameter ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-coroutine.call-user-func.html - [similar]
Returns the pair at a given positional index 2355
« Ds\Map::reversed Ds\Map::slice » PHP Manual Map Returns the pair at a given positional index D ... ap::skip (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Map::skip — Returns the pair at a given positional index 説明 public Ds\Ma ... p::skip ( int $position ): Ds\Pair Returns the pair at a given zero-based position . パラメータ p ... osition The zero-based positional index to return. 戻り値 Retu ... rns the Ds\Pair at the given position . エラー / 例外 OutO ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.skip.html - [similar]
Get the application data (deprecated) 2355
« GearmanClient::context GearmanClient::do » PHP Manual GearmanClient Get the application data ( ... (PECL gearman <= 0.5.0) GearmanClient::data — Get the application data (deprecated) 説明 public GearmanC ... lient::data (): string Get the application data previously set with GearmanClient ... hod was replaced by GearmanClient::setContext() in the 0.6.0 release of the Gearman extension. パラメータ ... この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 The same string data set with GearmanClient::setData() ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.data.html - [similar]