
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 921 - 930 of about 3128 for the (0.142 sec.)
The MongoDB\BSON\Javascript class 2229
« MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128::unserialize MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB ... \BSON The MongoDB\BSON\Javascript class The MongoDB\BSON\Jav ... cified that maps identifiers to values and defines the scope in which the code should be evaluated by the ... ascript MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::getCode — Returns the Javascript's code MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::getScop ... e — Returns the Javascript's scope document MongoDB\BSON\Javascrip ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-bson-javascript.html - [similar]
The ZMQPoll class 2229
« ZMQSocket::unbind ZMQPoll::add » PHP Manual 0MQ messaging The ZMQPoll class The ZMQPoll class ... ed $item ): bool } 目次 ZMQPoll::add — Add item to the poll set ZMQPoll::clear — Clear the poll set ZMQPo ... ll::count — Count items in the poll set ZMQPoll::getLastErrors — Get poll errors ... ZMQPoll::poll — Poll the items ZMQPoll::remove — Remove item from poll set ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.zmqpoll.html - [similar]
Returns a textual description of the cipher 2229
« EventBufferEvent::sslFilter EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherName » PHP Manual EventBufferEvent R ... eturns a textual description of the cipher EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherInfo (PECL ev ... slGetCipherInfo — Returns a textual description of the cipher 説明 public EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherI ... nfo (): string Retrieves description of the current cipher by means of the SSL_CIPHER_descript ... ありません。 戻り値 Returns a textual description of the cipher on success, or false on error. 関連キーワー ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbufferevent.sslgetcipherinfo.html - [similar]
Opens a database 2229
« dbase_numrecords dbase_pack » PHP Manual dBase 関数 Opens a database dbase_open (PHP 5 < 5.3.0 ... e | false dbase_open() opens a dBase database with the given access mode. 注意 : この関数の動作は、 open_ ... basedir の設定に依存します。 パラメータ path The path of the database. It can be a relative or abso ... lute path to the file where dBase will store your data. mode An int ... eger which correspond to those for the open() system call (Typically 0 means read-only, 1 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.dbase-open.html - [similar]
Schedules the addition of an item in a working directory 2229
« SVN 関数 svn_auth_get_parameter » PHP Manual SVN 関数 Schedules the addition of an item in a w ... ry svn_add (PECL svn >= 0.1.0) svn_add — Schedules the addition of an item in a working directory 説明 sv ... ecursive = true , bool $force = false ): bool Adds the file, directory or symbolic link at path to the wo ... rking directory. The item will be added to the repository the next time ... you call svn_commit() on the working copy. パラメータ path Path of item to add. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.svn-add.html - [similar]
現在のアフィン変換行列を設定する 2229
« ImagickDraw ImagickDraw::annotation » PHP Manual ImagickDraw 現在のアフィン変換行列を設定する ... 41592653589794 ; $angle = 60 * $PI / 360 ; //Scale the drawing co-ordinates. $affineScale = array( "sx" = ... > 0 , "ry" => 0 , "tx" => 0 , "ty" => 0 ); //Shear the drawing co-ordinates. $affineShear = array( "sx" = ... sin ( $angle ), "tx" => 0 , "ty" => 0 ); //Rotate the drawing co-ordinates. The shear affine matrix //pr ... ), "tx" => 0 , "ty" => 0 ,); //Translate (offset) the drawing $affineTranslate = array( "sx" => 1 , "sy" ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/imagickdraw.affine.html - [similar]
Checks if the current position in the cursor is valid 2229
« MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::toArray MongoDB\Driver\CursorId » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\Cursor Chec ... ks if the current position in the cursor is valid MongoDB\Dr ... >=1.9.0) MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::valid — Checks if the current position in the cursor is valid 説明 publi ... この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値 true if the current cursor position is valid, false otherwise. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-cursor.valid.html - [similar]
Execution 2229
« parallel\bootstrap parallel\Runtime » PHP Manual Functional API Execution parallel\run (1.0.0) ... parallel\run() is idle, it will be used to execute the task. If no \parallel\Runtime is idle parallel wil ... time . 注意 : \parallel\Runtime objects created by the programmer are not used for automatic scheduling. ... arations. 注意 : No instructions are prohibited in the files which the task may include. Arguments Charac ... ces contain internal objects (see notes) 注意 : In the case of file stream resources, the resource will b ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/parallel.run.html - [similar]
Sets the response writer used to prepare the response from Solr 2229
« SolrClient::rollback SolrClient::setServlet » PHP Manual SolrClient Sets the response writer u ... sed to prepare the response from Solr SolrClient::setResponseWriter ( ... lr >= 0.9.11) SolrClient::setResponseWriter — Sets the response writer used to prepare the response from ... sponseWriter ( string $responseWriter ): void Sets the response writer used to prepare the response from ... Solr パラメータ responseWriter One of the following: json phps xml 戻り値 値を返しません。 例 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrclient.setresponsewriter.html - [similar]
Get the connection info by file description. 2229
« Swoole\Server::finish Swoole\Server::getClientList » PHP Manual Swoole\Server Get the connecti ... woole >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Server::getClientInfo — Get the connection info by file description. 説明 public S ... : array パラメータ fd File descriptors. reactor_id The Reactor thread ID where the connection is made. ig ... nore_error Whether to ignore errors, if set to true, connection info ... rmation will be returned even if the connection is closed. 戻り値 Returns information a ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-server.getclientinfo.html - [similar]