
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 981 - 990 of about 1114 for from (0.055 sec.)
リポジトリから作業コピーをチェックアウトする 2511
« svn_cat svn_cleanup » PHP Manual SVN 関数 リポジトリから作業コピーをチェックアウトする svn_che ... n a working directory svn_commit() - Sends changes from the local working copy to the repository svn_statu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.svn-checkout.html - [similar]
Returns a short, readable, parsable string representation of a variable 2511
« var_representation 関数 その他のサービス » PHP Manual var_representation 関数 Returns a short, ... e , int $flags = 0 ): string var_representation() (from the var_representation PECL) returns a string with ...
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2 つの variant を比較する 2511
« variant_cat variant_date_from_timestamp » PHP Manual COM関数 2 つの variant を比較する variant ...
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Add a task to be run in parallel 2511
« GearmanClient::addServers GearmanClient::addTaskBackground » PHP Manual GearmanClient Add a ta ... runTasks (); # The results should now be filled in from the callbacks foreach ( $results as $id => $result ...
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繰り返される実時間を扱う際の振る舞いを取得する 2511
« IntlCalendar::getNow IntlCalendar::getSkippedWallTimeOption » PHP Manual IntlCalendar 繰り返さ ... tober 27th at 0200, the clock goes back 1 hour and from GMT+01 to GMT+00 $cal = new IntlGregorianCalendar ...
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Provides an array or document to serialize as BSON 2511
« MongoDB\BSON\Serializable MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON\Serializable P ... a MongoDB\BSON\Serializable passed to MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP() ) will always be serialized as a BSON documen ... d , 'foo' => 'bar' ]; } } $bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP (new MyDocument ); echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ... return [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]; } } $bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP (new MyArray ); echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( ... ent' => new MyDocument ]; $bson = MongoDB \ BSON \ fromPHP ( $value ); echo MongoDB \ BSON \ toJSON ( $bso ...
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Add a delete operation to the bulk 2511
« MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::count MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::insert » PHP Manual MongoDB\Driver\B ... » comparison rules for BSON types , which differs from PHP's comparison and type juggling rules. When mat ...
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Execute a database query 2511
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadCommand » PHP Manual ... ry on that server. By default, the read preference from the MongoDB Connection URI will be used. パラメータ ...
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Execute a database command that reads and writes 2511
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadCommand MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeWriteCommand » PHP M ... " options will default to the corresponding values from the MongoDB Connection URI . パラメータ db ( strin ...
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Execute a database command that writes 2511
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadWriteCommand MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getEncryptedFieldsMap ... rn" option will default to the corresponding value from the MongoDB Connection URI . 注意 : This method is ...
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