
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 71 - 80 of about 800 for [SIMILAR] 16 1024 4096 WITH 11210 remove WITH 84... (0.602 sec.)
The SolrQuery class 0
« SolrModifiableParams::__destruct SolrQuery::addExpandFilterQuery » PHP Manual Solr The SolrQuery class The SolrQuery class (PECL solr >= 0.9.2) はじめに Represents a collection of name-value pairs sent to the Solr server during a request. クラス概要 class SolrQuery extends SolrModifiab ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.solrquery.html - [similar]
Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 0
« Stack Ds\Stack::capacity » PHP Manual Stack Allocates enough memory for a required capacity Ds\Stack::allocate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Stack::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 説明 public Ds\Stack::allocate ( int $capacity ): void Ensures that enough memory is al ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-stack.allocate.html - [similar]
The Pair class 0
« Ds\Map::xor Ds\Pair::clear » PHP Manual Data Structures The Pair class The Pair class (No version information available, might only be in Git) はじめに A pair is used by Ds\Map to pair keys with values. クラス概要 class Ds\Pair implements JsonSerializable { /* メソッド */ public __cons ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-pair.html - [similar]
Dynamically changes the name of the given method 0
« runkit7_method_remove runkit7_object_id » PHP Manual runkit7 関数 Dynamically changes the name of the given method runkit7_method_rename (PECL runkit7 >= Unknown) runkit7_method_rename — Dynamically changes the name of the given method 説明 runkit7_method_rename ( string $class_name , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.runkit7-method-rename.html - [similar]
Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 0
« Sequence Ds\Sequence::apply » PHP Manual Sequence Allocates enough memory for a required capacity Ds\Sequence::allocate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::allocate ( int $capacity ): void Ensures ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.allocate.html - [similar]
Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 0
« Vector Ds\Vector::apply » PHP Manual Vector Allocates enough memory for a required capacity Ds\Vector::allocate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Vector::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity 説明 public Ds\Vector::allocate ( int $capacity ): void Ensures that enough memory is ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-vector.allocate.html - [similar]
実行時設定 0
« インストール手順 リソース型 » PHP Manual インストール/設定 実行時設定 実行時設定 php.ini の設定により動作が変化します。 Runkit Configuration Options 名前 デフォルト 変更可能 変更履歴 runkit.superglobal "" PHP_INI_PERDIR runkit.internal_override "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM PHP_INI_* モードの詳細 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/runkit7.configuration.html - [similar]
Replaces a record in a database 0
« dbase_pack Firebird/InterBase » PHP Manual dBase 関数 Replaces a record in a database dbase_replace_record (PHP 5 < 5.3.0, dbase 5, dbase 7) dbase_replace_record — Replaces a record in a database 説明 dbase_replace_record ( resource $database , array $data , int $number ): bool Replace ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.dbase-replace-record.html - [similar]
プレースホルダーに値をバインドする 0
« mysql_xdevapi\CollectionRemove CollectionRemove::__construct » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\CollectionRemove プレースホルダーに値をバインドする CollectionRemove::bind (No version information available, might only be in Git) CollectionRemove::bind — プレースホルダーに値をバインドする 説明 p ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-collectionremove.bind.html - [similar]
Yac 0
« xhprof_sample_enable はじめに » PHP Manual PHP の振る舞いの変更 Yac Yac はじめに インストール/設定 要件 インストール手順 実行時設定 リソース型 定義済み定数 Yac — The Yac class Yac::add — Store into cache Yac::__construct — Constructor Yac::delete — Remove items from cache Yac::dump — D ...
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