
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 21 - 30 of about 859 for not (0.010 sec.)
Execution 5387
« parallel\Runtime::__construct parallel\Runtime::close » PHP Manual parallel\Runtime Execution ... ics Closures scheduled for parallel execution must not: accept or return by reference accept or return in ... ternal objects (see notes) execute a limited set of instructions Instructi ... d closures may yield or use by-reference, but must not contain class or named function declarations. 注意 ... include. Arguments Characteristics Arguments must not: contain references contain resources contain inte ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/parallel-runtime.run.html - [similar]
Removes and returns a value by key 5283
« Ds\Map::reduce Ds\Map::reverse » PHP Manual Map Removes and returns a value by key Ds\Map::rem ... return an optional default value if the key could not be found. 注意 : Keys of type object are supported ... by the object's equals function. If an object does not implement Ds\Hashable , objects must be references ... optional default value, returned if the key could not be found. 戻り値 The value that was removed, or th ... e default value if provided and the key could not be found in the map. エラー / 例外 OutOfBoundsExce ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.remove.html - [similar]
Philosophy 5244
« Installation Functional API » PHP Manual parallel Philosophy Philosophy This section contains ... about the internal implementation of parallel. Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memo ... s origins in Go, one of the most widely admired if not used platforms for writing parallel code at the mo ... y default. In conventional threading models found in other languages, generally threads are communicating ... with one another through nothing more than by virtue of the fact ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/philosophy.parallel.html - [similar]
定義済み定数 5172
« リソース型 例 » PHP Manual FANN 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 以下の定数が定義されています。 この関 ... algorithm, while other more advanced problems will not train very well. FANN_TRAIN_BATCH ( int ) Standard ... training algorithm is adaptive, and does therefore not use the learning_rate. Some other parameters can h ... s outputs that differ much from the desired, while not targeting outputs that only differ slightly. Not r ... RONG_NUM_CONNECTIONS ( int ) Number of connections not equal to the number expected. FANN_E_CANT_OPEN_TD_ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/fann.constants.html - [similar]
Creates a new set using values in either the current instance or in another set,... 5133
« Ds\Set::union Stack » PHP Manual Set Creates a new set using values in either the current inst ... ance or in another set, but not in both Ds\Set::xor (PECL ds >= 1. ... using values in either the current instance or in another set, but not in both 説明 public Ds\Set::xor ( ... taining values in the current instance as well as another set , but not in both. A ⊖ B = {x : x ∈ (A \ B) ... taining values in the current instance as well as another set , but not in both. See Also » Symmetric Dif ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-set.xor.html - [similar]
Creates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectecte... 5133
« fann_create_shortcut_array fann_create_sparse_array » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Creates a standard ... backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections fa ... a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections 説 ... standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected and which also has shortcut connec ... the second layer. num_neuronsN Number of neurons in other layers. 戻り値 Returns a neural network resour ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-create-shortcut.html - [similar]
Creates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected ... 5133
« fann_create_shortcut fann_create_sparse » PHP Manual Fann 関数 Creates a standard backpropagat ... ion neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes fann ... standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes 説明 ... standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes. パラ ... standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected fann_create_standard() - Creates a ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fann-create-sparse-array.html - [similar]
Indicates whether or not there is a frame ready to read 5133
« Stomp::getSessionId Stomp::readFrame » PHP Manual Stomp Indicates whether or not there is a fr ... hasFrame -- stomp_has_frame — Indicates whether or not there is a frame ready to read 説明 オブジェクト指 ... rame ( resource $link ): bool Indicates whether or not there is a frame ready to read. パラメータ link 手 ... wise. 関連キーワード: read , Indicates , whether , not , there , hasFrame , 手続き , getSessionId , readF ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/stomp.hasframe.html - [similar]
Returns the value for a given key 5094
« Ds\Map::first Ds\Map::hasKey » PHP Manual Map Returns the value for a given key Ds\Map::get (P ... key, or an optional default value if the key could not be found. 注意 : Keys of type object are supported ... by the object's equals function. If an object does not implement Ds\Hashable , objects must be references ... optional default value, returned if the key could not be found. 戻り値 The value mapped to the given key ... or the default value if provided and the key could not be found in the map. エラー / 例外 OutOfBoundsExce ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.get.html - [similar]
Creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map, b... 5062
« Ds\Map::values Pair » PHP Manual Map Creates a new map using keys of either the current instan ... ce or of another map, but not of both Ds\Map::xor (PECL ds >= 1. ... p using keys of either the current instance or of another map, but not of both 説明 public Ds\Map::xor ( ... ontaining keys of the current instance as well as another map , but not of both. A ⊖ B = {x : x ∈ (A \ B) ... ontaining keys in the current instance as well as another map , but not in both. See Also » Symmetric Dif ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-map.xor.html - [similar]
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