Results of 41 - 50 of about 88 for obj (0.028 sec.)
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- « ReflectionMethod::isStatic ReflectionMethod::__toString » PHP Manual ReflectionMethod メソッド
ss" , "foo" ); $method -> setAccessible ( true ); $obj = new MyClass (); echo $method -> invoke ( $obj ); ...
echo $obj -> foo (); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のように ...
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" , "foo" ); $property -> setAccessible ( true ); $obj = new MyClass (); echo $property -> getValue ( $ob ...
j ); echo $obj -> foo ; ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようにな ...
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ecutor ; /* メソッド */ final public __construct ( Object $obj ) public handle (): bool } プロパティ _exe ...
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a scalar value to be used as the hash value of the objects. While the hash value does not define equality ...
, all objects that are equal according to Ds\Hashable::equal ...
ust have the same hash value. Hash values of equal objects don't have to be unique, for example you could ...
just return true for all objects and nothing would break - the only implication ...
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$this -> protected ; echo $this -> private ; } } $obj = new MyClass (); echo $obj -> public ; // 動作しま ...
す echo $obj -> protected ; // Fatal エラー echo $obj -> privat ...
e ; // Fatal エラー $obj -> printHello (); // Public、Protected そして Priv ...
$this -> protected ; echo $this -> private ; } } $obj2 = new MyClass2 (); echo $obj2 -> public ; // 動作 ...
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/ 配列からオブジェクトへの変換 $arr = [ 0 => 1 ]; $obj = (object) $arr ; var_dump ( $obj , $obj ->{ '0' } ...
, // アクセスできるようになりました $obj ->{ 0 } // アクセスできるようになりました ); 上の例 ...
の出力は以下となります。 object(stdClass)#1 (1) { ["0"]=> // 数値キーではなく、 ...
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き型の API */ memcache_add ( $memcache_obj , 'var_key' , 'test variable' , false , 30 ); /* オ ...
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手続き型の API */ memcache_replace ( $memcache_obj , "test_key" , "some variable" , false , 30 ); /* ...
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*/ public static function yamlEmit ( EmitExample $obj ) { return array( 'tag' => '!example/emit' , 'data ...
' => $obj -> data , ); } } $emit_callbacks = array( 'EmitExa ...
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ho $c -> foo . "\n" ; $e = new A ; function foo ( $obj ) { // ($obj) = ($e) = <id> $obj -> foo = 2 ; } fo ...
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