Results of 41 - 50 of about 274 for row (0.015 sec.)
- 結果セットから次の行を取得する 6017
- « PDOStatement::execute PDOStatement::fetchAll » PHP Manual PDOStatement 結果セットから次の行を取
print( "PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: " ); print( "Return next row as an array indexed by column name\n" ); $result = ...
print( "PDO::FETCH_BOTH: " ); print( "Return next row as an array indexed by both column name and number ...
print( "PDO::FETCH_LAZY: " ); print( "Return next row as an anonymous object with column names as proper ...
; print( "PDO::FETCH_OBJ: " ); print( "Return next row as an anonymous object with column names as proper ...
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/tmp/test.dbf' , 2 ); if ( $db ) { // gets the old row $row = dbase_get_record_with_names ( $db , 1 ); // ...
remove the 'deleted' entry unset( $row [ 'deleted' ]); // Update the date field with the ...
current timestamp $row [ 'date' ] = date ( 'Ymd' ); // convert the row to ...
an indexed array $row = array_values ( $row ); // Replace the record dba ...
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query ( "SELECT id, name FROM mytable" ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQL_NUM )) { pri ...
ntf ( "ID: %s Name: %s" , $row [ 0 ], $row [ 1 ]); } mysql_free_result ( $result ...
query ( "SELECT id, name FROM mytable" ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQL_ASSOC )) { p ...
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ult = $mysqli -> query ( "SELECT DATABASE()" )) { $row = $result -> fetch_row (); printf ( "デフォルトデー ...
タベース: %s\n" , $row [ 0 ]); $result -> close (); } if ( $result = $mys ...
qli -> query ( "SELECT @a" )) { $row = $result -> fetch_row (); if ( $row [ 0 ] === NUL ...
= mysqli_query ( $link , "SELECT DATABASE()" )) { $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ); printf ( "デフォル ...
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FOR SELECT city, postal_code FROM locations WHERE ROWNUM < 4 ORDER BY city; DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT(c1); ...
OPEN c1 FOR SELECT country_id FROM locations WHERE ROWNUM < 4 ORDER BY city; DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT(c1); ...
の結果セット:</h2>\n" ; echo "<table>\n" ; while (( $row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid_c , OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETU ...
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に使ってはいけません(連想配列のキーが重複するため)。 row スクロール可能なカーソルを用いた結果セットから、取 ...
fetchType を指定しなくてはなりません。 offset 引数rowに SQLSRV_SCROLL_ABSOLUTE または SQLSRV_SCROLL_RELAT ...
e( print_r ( sqlsrv_errors (), true ) ); } while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array ( $stmt , SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC ...
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ind ( $req , 2 , 2000 ); cubrid_execute ( $req ); $row_num = cubrid_num_rows ( $req ); printf ( "There ar ...
2004 olympic but not in 2000. For example:\n\n" , $row_num ); printf ( "%-15s %s\n" , "Event_code" , "Eve ...
" ); printf ( "----------------------------\n" ); $row = cubrid_fetch_assoc ( $req ); printf ( "%-15d %s\ ...
n" , $row [ "event_code" ], $row [ "name" ]); $row = cubrid_ ...
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ABS 説明 mysql_data_seek ( resource $result , int $row_number ): bool mysql_data_seek() は、指定した結果 ...
)が指す MySQL 結果の内部ポインタが指定した行番号 (row_number)を指すように移動します。 この後、たとえば ...
した場合には、 ここで指定した行の内容が返されます。 row_number は 0 から始まります。 row_number は 0 から ...
mysql_num_rows() - 1 までの範囲にあるべきです。 しかし、もし結果 ...
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rom DB: " . mysql_error (); exit; } if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result ) == 0 ) { echo "No rows found, nothing ...
xiting" ; exit; } // データ行が存在する間、それを $row に連想配列形式でセットする // 注: 結果が 1 行である ...
ープを利用しなくてもよい // 注: ループ内で extract($row); を実行すれば、 // $userid, $fullname, そして $us ...
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l , array( 'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE )); while ( $row = db2_fetch_array ( $stmt )) { print " $row [ 0 ] ...
' ' ; $stmt = db2_exec ( $conn , $query ); while( $row = db2_fetch_object ( $stmt )){ printf ( " $row -> ...
CID $row -> NAME $row -> PHONE \n" ); } db2_close ( $conn ) ...
' ' ; $stmt = db2_exec ( $conn , $query ); while( $row = db2_fetch_object ( $stmt )){ printf ( " $row -> ...
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