
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 21 - 30 of about 370 for when (0.004 sec.)
Callback function when there is a data packet for a task 6599
« GearmanClient::setData GearmanClient::setExceptionCallback » PHP Manual GearmanClient Callback ... function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ... GearmanClient::setDataCallback — Callback function when there is a data packet for a task 説明 public Gear ... nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ... 関連キーワード: callback , Set , function , task , when , data , setDataCallback , there , packet , Callba ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.setdatacallback.html - [similar]
Set a callback for accepting incremental data updates 6502
« GearmanClient::setWarningCallback GearmanClient::timeout » PHP Manual GearmanClient Set a call ... ble $callback ): bool Sets a function to be called when a worker needs to send back data prior to job comp ... letion. A worker can do this when it needs to send updates, send partial results, or ... armanClient::setDataCallback() - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ... nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.setworkloadcallback.html - [similar]
Used in task process for sending result to the worker process when the task is f... 6449
« Swoole\Server::exist Swoole\Server::getClientInfo » PHP Manual Swoole\Server Used in task proc ... ess for sending result to the worker process when the task is finished. Swoole\Server::finish (PECL ... k process for sending result to the worker process when the task is finished. 説明 public Swoole\Server::f ... rver , task , process , finish , data , finished , when , worker , result ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-server.finish.html - [similar]
Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row 6158
« cubrid_fetch_array cubrid_fetch_field » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Return the associativ ... the internal data pointer ahead, or returns FALSE when the end is reached. パラメータ result result comes ... ly be CUBRID_LOB, this parameter will be used only when you need to operate the lob object. 戻り値 Associa ... tive array, when process is successful. false , when there are no m ... ore rows; NULL, when process is unsuccessful. 例 例1 cubrid_fetch_assoc ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-fetch-assoc.html - [similar]
The SolrClient class 6105
« SolrObject::offsetUnset SolrClient::addDocument » PHP Manual Solr The SolrClient class The Sol ... 定義済み定数 SolrClient::SEARCH_SERVLET_TYPE Used when updating the search servlet. SolrClient::UPDATE_SE ... RVLET_TYPE Used when updating the update servlet. SolrClient::THREADS_S ... ERVLET_TYPE Used when updating the threads servlet. SolrClient::PING_SER ... VLET_TYPE Used when updating the ping servlet. SolrClient::TERMS_SERVL ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.solrclient.html - [similar]
Philosophy 6105
« Installation Functional API » PHP Manual parallel Philosophy Philosophy This section contains ... ure proper communication of state and consistency. When the conventional model is inversed, it means that ... (a variable is passed over a Channel for example). When parallel passes a variable from one thread to anot ... hread that does not own the memory reads by value. When both threads continue, they are no longer sharing ... cating. Data should have a definitive single owner When approaching the CSP model for the first time, a pr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/philosophy.parallel.html - [similar]
Get the number of rows in the result set 6052
« cubrid_num_cols cubrid_pconnect_with_url » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get the number of rows in th ... n only be used for synchronous query; it returns 0 when it is used for asynchronous query. パラメータ resu ... uery() and cubrid_prepare() 戻り値 Number of rows, when process is successful. 0 when the query was done i ... nc mode. -1, if SQL statement is not SELECT. false when process is unsuccessful. 例 例1 cubrid_num_rows() ... rid , result , num , Get , the , of , in , query , when ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-num-rows.html - [similar]
Set callback for job failure 6008
« GearmanClient::setExceptionCallback GearmanClient::setOptions » PHP Manual GearmanClient Set c ... back ): bool Sets the callback function to be used when a task does not complete successfully. The functio ... armanClient::setDataCallback() - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ... nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ... ob , failure , function , task , setFailCallback , when , setExceptionCallback , worker ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.setfailcallback.html - [similar]
Set a callback for worker warnings 6008
« GearmanClient::setTimeout GearmanClient::setWorkloadCallback » PHP Manual GearmanClient Set a ... ble $callback ): bool Sets a function to be called when a worker sends a warning. The callback should acce ... armanClient::setDataCallback() - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ... nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ... back , Set , worker , warnings , function , task , when , setWarningCallback , called , data ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.setwarningcallback.html - [similar]
Give the worker an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the ... 5955
« GearmanWorker::returnCode GearmanWorker::setOptions » PHP Manual GearmanWorker Give the worker ... an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the list of available workers ... Give the worker an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the list of available workers ... fier , setId , worker , workers , able , tracked , when , asking , gearmand ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanworker.setid.html - [similar]
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