Results of 41 - 50 of about 370 for when (0.007 sec.)
- Get a column using OID 5515
- « cubrid_get_server_info cubrid_insert_id » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get a column using OID cubrid
o read. 戻り値 Content of the requested attribute, when process is successful; When attr is set with strin ...
g data type, the result is returned as a string; when attr is set with array data type (0-based numerica ...
then the result is returned in associative array. When attr is omitted, then all attributes are received ...
in array form. false when process is unsuccessful or result is NULL (If erro ...
- [similar]
- The parallel\Events\Input class 5374
- « parallel\Events::poll parallel\Events\Input::add » PHP Manual parallel The parallel\Events\Inp
llel does not verify the contents of the container when it is set as the input for a parallel\Events objec ...
t. 注意 : When a parallel\Events object performs a write, the tar ...
c , remove , Inputs , input , string , container , When , poll ...
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- Fetch the next row and return it as an object 5374
- « cubrid_fetch_lengths cubrid_fetch_row » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Fetch the next row an
(stdClass is PHP's generic empty class that's used when casting other types to objects) object is returned ...
ly be CUBRID_LOB, this parameter will be used only when you need to operate the lob object. 戻り値 An obje ...
ct, when process is successful. false , when there are no m ...
ore rows; NULL, when process is unsuccessful. 例 例1 cubrid_fetch_objec ...
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- Clear all task callback functions 5374
- « GearmanClient::addTaskStatus GearmanClient::clone » PHP Manual GearmanClient Clear all task ca
armanClient::setDataCallback() - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ...
nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ...
functions , Set , clearCallbacks , data , worker , when , パラメータ ...
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- Create a new ReadPreference 5374
- « MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getHedge » PHP Man
ach of which contain zero or more key/value pairs. When selecting a server for a read operation, the drive ...
rence::RP_PRIMARY mode and, in general, only apply when selecting a secondary member of a set for a read o ...
he MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::RP_NEAREST mode, when combined with a tag set, selects the matching memb ...
rimary read preferences and are enabled by default when using the "nearest" mode. This option allows expli ...
- [similar]
- About buffer event callbacks 5321
- « EventBufferEvent::writeBuffer EventConfig » PHP Manual Event About buffer event callbacks Abou
s available. Event invokes corresponding callbacks when the resource becomes available for reading or writ ...
ing, or when some event occurs(e.g. error, "end of line" etc.). ...
r , bev , events , Event , callback , Associated , when ...
- [similar]
- Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement 5321
- « CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 cubrid_client_encoding » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Return the num
戻り値 Number of rows affected by the SQL statement, when process is successful. -1, when SQL statement is n ...
ot INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE. false , when the request identifier is not specified, and there ...
id , rows , identifier , affected , CUBRID , not , when , request , execute , specified ...
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- Set a callback for collecting task status 5321
- « GearmanClient::setOptions GearmanClient::setTimeout » PHP Manual GearmanClient Set a callback
armanClient::setDataCallback() - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task GearmanClient::s ...
nClient::setCreatedCallback() - Set a callback for when a task is queued GearmanClient::setExceptionCallba ...
g , function , worker , setStatusCallback , data , when ...
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- Sets the database operation 5224
- « oci_set_client_info oci_set_edition » PHP Manual OCI8 関数 Sets the database operation oci_set
ase operation name is registered with the database when the next 'round-trip' from PHP to the database occ ...
urs, typically when a SQL statement is executed. The database operatio ...
. The oci_set_db_operation() function is available when OCI8 uses Oracle 12 (or later) Client libraries an ...
ets , the , OCI , 設定 , データベース , やりとり , when ...
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- Create a new PDF Object 5224
- « wkhtmltox\PDF\Object wkhtmltox\Image\Converter » PHP Manual wkhtmltox\PDF\Object Create a new
in footer >= 0.1.0 load.username user name to use when loging into a website bart >= 0.1.0 load.password ...
the password to used when logging into a website elbarto >= 0.1.0 load.jsdel ...
>= 0.1.0 load.customHeaders custom headers to send when requesting the main web page >= 0.1.0 load.repertC ...
oolean >= 0.1.0 load.cookies cookie string to send when requesting the main web page >= 0.1.0 po ...
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