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- Constructs a new SyncReaderWriter object 10000
- « SyncReaderWriter SyncReaderWriter::readlock » PHP Manual SyncReaderWriter Constructs a new SyncReaderWriter object SyncReaderWriter::__construct (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncReaderWriter::__construct — Constructs a new SyncReaderWriter object 説明 public SyncReaderWriter::__construct ( str
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- The SyncReaderWriter class 8651
- « SyncEvent::wait SyncReaderWriter::__construct » PHP Manual Sync The SyncReaderWriter class The SyncReaderWriter class (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) はじめに A cross-platform, native implementation of named and unnamed reader-writer objects. A reader-writer object allows many readers or one writ
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- Waits for a read lock 8651
- « SyncReaderWriter::__construct SyncReaderWriter::readunlock » PHP Manual SyncReaderWriter Waits for a read lock SyncReaderWriter::readlock (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncReaderWriter::readlock — Waits for a read lock 説明 public SyncReaderWriter::readlock ( int $wait = -1 ): bool Obtains a re
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- Releases a read lock 8651
- « SyncReaderWriter::readlock SyncReaderWriter::writelock » PHP Manual SyncReaderWriter Releases a read lock SyncReaderWriter::readunlock (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncReaderWriter::readunlock — Releases a read lock 説明 public SyncReaderWriter::readunlock (): bool Releases a read lock on a Sy
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- Waits for an exclusive write lock 8651
- « SyncReaderWriter::readunlock SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock » PHP Manual SyncReaderWriter Waits for an exclusive write lock SyncReaderWriter::writelock (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncReaderWriter::writelock — Waits for an exclusive write lock 説明 public SyncReaderWriter::writelock ( int $wai
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- Releases a write lock 8651
- « SyncReaderWriter::writelock SyncSharedMemory » PHP Manual SyncReaderWriter Releases a write lock SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock — Releases a write lock 説明 public SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock (): bool Releases a write lock on a SyncRe
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- Sync 8651
- « Shmop はじめに » PHP Manual プロセス制御 Sync Sync はじめに インストール/設定 要件 インストール手順 実行時設定 リソース型 定義済み定数 SyncMutex — The SyncMutex class SyncMutex::__construct — Constructs a new SyncMutex object SyncMutex::lock — Waits for an exclusive lock SyncMutex::unl
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- 例 3812
- « 定義済み定数 ZipArchive » PHP Manual Zip 例 例 例1 Zip アーカイブの作成 <?php $zip = new ZipArchive (); $filename = "./" ; if ( $zip -> open ( $filename , ZipArchive :: CREATE )!== TRUE ) { exit( "cannot open < $filename >\n" ); } $zip -> addFromString ( "testfilephp.txt" .
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- Constructs a new SyncSemaphore object 3259
- « SyncSemaphore SyncSemaphore::lock » PHP Manual SyncSemaphore Constructs a new SyncSemaphore object SyncSemaphore::__construct (PECL sync >= 1.0.0) SyncSemaphore::__construct — Constructs a new SyncSemaphore object 説明 public SyncSemaphore::__construct ( string $name = ? , int $initial
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- はじめに 0
- « Sync インストール/設定 » PHP Manual Sync はじめに はじめに The 'sync' extension introduces cross-platform synchonization objects into PHP. Named and unnamed Mutex, Semaphore, Event, Reader-Writer, and named Shared Memory objects provide OS-level synchronization on both POSIX (e.g. Linu
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