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Results of 1 - 10 of about 198 for BSON (0.001 sec.)
BSON type classes and serialization functions 7913
« MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::isAcknowledged 関数 » PHP Manual MongoDB BSON type classes and ser ... ialization functions BSON type classes and serialization functions 関数 Mong ... oDB\BSON\fromJSON — Returns the BSON representation of a JS ... ON value MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP — Returns the BSON representation of a PHP ... value MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON — Returns the Canonical Ex ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.bson.html - [similar]
Provides an array or document to serialize as BSON 7245
« MongoDB\BSON\Serializable MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON\Serializable P ... rovides an array or document to serialize as BSON MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize (mongodb ... >=1.0.0) MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize — Provides an array or ... document to serialize as BSON 説明 abstract public MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bs ... bject Called during serialization of the object to BSON. The method must return an array or stdClass . Roo ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-bson-serializable.bsonserialize.html - [similar]
MongoDB driver 7126
« db2_tables インストール/設定 » PHP Manual ベンダー固有のモジュール MongoDB driver MongoDB driv ... tension is developed atop the » libmongoc and » libbson libraries. It provides a minimal API for core driv ... s , queries , writes , connection management , and BSON serialization . Userland PHP libraries that depend ... ult — The MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult class MongoDB\BSONBSON type classes and serialization functions 関 ... 数 MongoDB\BSON\Binary — The MongoDB\BSON\Binary class MongoDB\BSO ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/set.mongodb.html - [similar]
Returns the Legacy Extended JSON representation of a BSON value 6964
« MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON MongoDB\BSON\toPHP » PHP Manual 関数 Returns the Legacy E ... xtended JSON representation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toJSON (mongodb >=1.0.0) MongoD ... B\BSON\toJSON — Returns the Legacy Extended JSON represen ... tation of a BSON value 説明 MongoDB\BSON\toJSON ( string $bson ): s ... tring Converts a BSON string to its » Legacy Extended JSON representatio ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.bson-tojson.html - [similar]
Serialization to BSON 6824
« Persisting Data Deserialization from BSON » PHP Manual Persisting Data Serialization to BSON S ... erialization to BSON Arrays If an array is a packed array — i.e. empty ... e keys start at 0 and are sequential without gaps: BSON array . If the array is not packed — i.e. having a ... he keys don't start at 0, or when there are gaps:: BSON object A top-level (root) document, always seriali ... zes as a BSON document. Examples These serialize as a BSON array ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.persistence.serialization.html - [similar]
Returns the Canonical Extended JSON representation of a BSON value 6749
« MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP MongoDB\BSON\toJSON » PHP Manual 関数 Returns the Canonical Extended JSON ... representation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON (mongod ... b >=1.3.0) MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON — Returns the Canonical Ex ... tended JSON representation of a BSON value 説明 MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON ( ... string $bson ): string Converts a BSON string to its » Canonica ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.bson-tocanonicalextendedjson.html - [similar]
Returns the PHP representation of a BSON value 6749
« MongoDB\BSON\toJSON MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON » PHP Manual 関数 Returns the PHP repre ... sentation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toPHP (mongodb >=1.0.0) MongoDB ... \BSON\toPHP — Returns the PHP representation of a BSON v ... alue 説明 MongoDB\BSON\toPHP ( string $bson , array $typeMap = array() ): ... array | object Unserializes a BSON document (i.e. binary string) to its PHP represent ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.bson-tophp.html - [similar]
Returns the Relaxed Extended JSON representation of a BSON value 6727
« MongoDB\BSON\toPHP MongoDB\BSON\Binary » PHP Manual 関数 Returns the Relaxed Extended JSON rep ... resentation of a BSON value MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON (mongodb ... >=1.3.0) MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON — Returns the Relaxed Extend ... ed JSON representation of a BSON value 説明 MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON ( st ... ring $bson ): string Converts a BSON string to its » Relaxed ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.bson-torelaxedextendedjson.html - [similar]
Returns the BSON representation of a PHP value 6673
« MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON MongoDB\BSON\toCanonicalExtendedJSON » PHP Manual 関数 Returns the BSON ... representation of a PHP value MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP (mongodb >=1.0.0) MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP — R ... eturns the BSON representation of a PHP value 説明 MongoDB\BSON\fr ... zes a PHP array or object (e.g. document) to its » BSON representation. The returned binary string will de ... scribe a BSON document. パラメータ value ( array | object ) PHP ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.mongodb.bson-fromphp.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\BSON\Binary class 6652
« MongoDB\BSON\toRelaxedExtendedJSON MongoDB\BSON\Binary::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB\BSON ... The MongoDB\BSON\Binary class The MongoDB\BSON\Binary class (mongod ... b >=1.0.0) はじめに BSON type for binary data (i.e. array of bytes). Binary ... 5 are user-defined. クラス概要 final class MongoDB\BSON\Binary implements MongoDB\BSON\BinaryInterface , M ... ongoDB\BSON\Type , Serializable , JsonSerializable , Stringabl ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-bson-binary.html - [similar]
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