
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 142 for Controls (0.001 sec.)
UI 8961
« GUI用の拡張モジュール はじめに » PHP Manual GUI用の拡張モジュール UI UI はじめに インストール/ ... :setParent — Set Parent Control UI\Control::show — Control Show UI\Menu — Menu UI\Menu::append — Append Menu I ... I\Executor::setInterval — Interval Manipulation UI\Controls\Tab — Tab Control UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append ... Page UI\Controls\Tab::delete — Delete Page UI\Controls\Tab::hasMarg ... in — Margin Detection UI\Controls\Tab::insertAt — Insert Page UI\Controls\Tab::pages ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.ui.html - [similar]
Control Grid (Arrangement) 7584
« UI\Controls\Form::setPadded UI\Controls\Grid::append » PHP Manual UI Control Grid (Arrangement ... gement of children into a grid クラス概要 class UI\Controls\Grid extends UI\Control { /* Constants */ const in ... ; const int Bottom ; /* プロパティ */ protected $ controls ; /* メソッド */ public append ( UI\Control $contr ... ent ) public UI\Control::show () } 定義済み定数 UI\Controls\Grid::Fill UI\Controls\Grid::Start UI\Controls\Gri ... d::Center UI\Controls\Grid::End UI\Controls\Grid::Leading UI\Controls\Gr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-grid.html - [similar]
Control Box (Arrangement) 7561
« UI\Controls\Group::setTitle UI\Controls\Box::append » PHP Manual UI Control Box (Arrangement) ... .9) はじめに A Box allows the arrangement of other controls クラス概要 class UI\Controls\Box extends UI\Contro ... onst int Horizontal ; /* プロパティ */ protected $ controls ; /* Constructor */ public __construct ( int $orie ... ntation = UI\Controls\Box::Horizontal ) /* メソッド */ public append ( C ... $parent ) public UI\Control::show () } プロパティ controls Contains controls, should not be manipulated direc ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-box.html - [similar]
GUI用の拡張モジュール 7525
« XSLTProcessor::transformToXml UI » PHP Manual 関数リファレンス GUI用の拡張モジュール GUI用の拡 ... I\Area — Area UI\Executor — Execution Scheduler UI\Controls\Tab — Tab Control UI\Controls\Check — Check Contro ... l UI\Controls\Button — Button Control UI\Controls\ColorButton — ... ColorButton Control UI\Controls\Label — Label Control UI\Controls\Entry — Entry Co ... ntrol UI\Controls\MultilineEntry — MultilineEntry Control UI\Control ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/refs.ui.html - [similar]
Control Group (Arrangement) 7359
« UI\Controls\Grid::setPadded UI\Controls\Group::append » PHP Manual UI Control Group (Arrangeme ... ) はじめに A Group is a titled container for child controls クラス概要 class UI\Controls\Group extends UI\Cont ... rol { /* プロパティ */ protected $ controls ; /* Constructor */ public __construct ( string $t ... $parent ) public UI\Control::show () } プロパティ controls Contains controls, should not be manipulated direc ... tly 目次 UI\Controls\Group::append — Append Control UI\Controls\Group:: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-group.html - [similar]
Tab Control 7276
« UI\Executor::setInterval UI\Controls\Tab::append » PHP Manual UI Tab Control Tab Control (UI 0 ... .9.9) はじめに A Tab can contain many pages of Controls, each with a title, each selectable by the user. ク ... ラス概要 class UI\Controls\Tab extends UI\Control { /* プロパティ */ protecte ... d $ controls ; /* メソッド */ public append ( string $name , UI ... $parent ) public UI\Control::show () } プロパティ controls Contains controls, should not be manipulated direc ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-tab.html - [similar]
Entry Control 7252
« UI\Controls\Label::setText UI\Controls\Entry::__construct » PHP Manual UI Entry Control Entry ... t, passwords, or search terms. クラス概要 class UI\Controls\Entry extends UI\Control { /* Constants */ const i ... Constructor */ public __construct ( int $type = UI\Controls\Entry::Normal ) /* メソッド */ public getText (): ... ent ) public UI\Control::show () } 定義済み定数 UI\Controls\Entry::Normal A normal single line entry UI\Contro ... ls\Entry::Password A password entry UI\Controls\Entry::Search A search entry 目次 UI\Controls\Entr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-entry.html - [similar]
Control Form (Arrangement) 7228
« UI\Controls\Picker::__construct UI\Controls\Form::append » PHP Manual UI Control Form (Arrange ... is a control which allows the arrangement of other controls into a familiar layout (the form). クラス概要 clas ... s UI\Controls\Form extends UI\Control { /* プロパティ */ protect ... ed $ controls ; /* メソッド */ public append ( string $label , U ... $parent ) public UI\Control::show () } プロパティ controls Contains controls, should not be manipulated direc ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-form.html - [similar]
MultilineEntry Control 7169
« UI\Controls\Entry::setText UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::append » PHP Manual UI MultilineEntry C ... ext, with or without wrapping. クラス概要 class UI\Controls\MultilineEntry extends UI\Control { /* Constants * ... ent ) public UI\Control::show () } 定義済み定数 UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::Wrap Allow lines to wrap UI\Contro ... neEntry::NoWrap Do not allow lines to wrap 目次 UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::append — Append Text UI\Controls\M ... ::__construct — Construct a new Multiline Entry UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::getText — Get Text UI\Controls\Mul ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ui-controls-multilineentry.html - [similar]
Construct a new Box 7038
« UI\Controls\Box::append UI\Controls\Box::delete » PHP Manual UI\Controls\Box Construct a new B ... ox UI\Controls\Box::__construct (UI 0.9.9) UI\Controls\Box::__con ... struct — Construct a new Box 説明 public UI\Controls\Box::__construct ( int $orientation = UI\Controls\ ... or Box::Vertical 関連キーワード: new , Construct , Controls , construct , orientation , Horizontal , append , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ui-controls-box.construct.html - [similar]
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