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Results of 1 - 10 of about 248 for Ds (0.009 sec.)
Data Structures 8455
« untaint はじめに » PHP Manual その他の基本モジュール Data Structures Data Structures はじめに ... 義済み定数 例 Collection — The Collection interface Ds\Collection::clear — Removes all values Ds\Collecti ... n::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the collection Ds\Collection::isEmpty — Returns whether the collecti ... on is empty Ds\Collection::toArray — Converts the collection to a ... n array Hashable — The Hashable interface Ds\Hashable::equals — Determines whether an object is ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.ds.html - [similar]
The Map class 7530
« Ds\Deque::unshift Ds\Map::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Map class The Map class (N ... ay when objects are used as keys. クラス概要 class Ds\Map implements Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* Co ... city (): int public clear (): void public copy (): Ds\Map public diff ( Ds\Map $map ): Ds\Map public fil ... ter ( callable $callback = ? ): Ds\Map public first (): Ds\Pair public get ( mixed $k ... hasValue ( mixed $value ): bool public intersect ( Ds\Map $map ): Ds\Map public isEmpty (): bool public ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-map.html - [similar]
The Set class 7369
« Ds\Pair::toArray Ds\Set::add » PHP Manual Data Structures The Set class The Set class (No vers ... s. This implementation uses the same hash table as Ds\Map , where values are used as keys and the mapped ... e accessed index, O(1) otherwise. クラス概要 class Ds\Set implements Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* Co ... ontains ( mixed ...$values ): bool public copy (): Ds\Set public diff ( Ds\Set $set ): Ds\Set public fil ... ter ( callable $callback = ? ): Ds\Set public first (): mixed public get ( int $index ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-set.html - [similar]
The Deque class 7248
« Ds\Vector::unshift Ds\Deque::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Deque class The Deque c ... ence of values in a contiguous buffer that grows and shrinks automatically. The name is a common abbrevi ... of “double-ended queue” and is used internally by Ds\Queue . Two pointers are used to keep track of a h ... can “wrap around” the end of the buffer, which avoids the need to move other values around to make room. ... s makes shift and unshift very fast —  something a Ds\Vector can't compete with. Accessing a value by in ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-deque.html - [similar]
The Vector class 7218
« Ds\Sequence::unshift Ds\Vector::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Vector class The Vec ... ence of values in a contiguous buffer that grows and shrinks automatically. It's the most efficient sequ ... sert() and remove() are all O(n). クラス概要 class Ds\Vector implements Ds\Sequence , ArrayAccess { /* C ... ontains ( mixed ...$values ): bool public copy (): Ds\Vector public filter ( callable $callback = ? ): D ... last (): mixed public map ( callable $callback ): Ds\Vector public merge ( mixed $values ): Ds\Vector p ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-vector.html - [similar]
The Sequence interface 6816
« Ds\Hashable::hash Ds\Sequence::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Sequence interface Th ... ore efficient alternative to SplDoublyLinkedList and SplFixedArray . インターフェイス概要 class Ds\Seque ... nce implements Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* メソッド */ abstract ... abstract public filter ( callable $callback = ? ): Ds\Sequence abstract public find ( mixed $value ): mi ... mixed abstract public map ( callable $callback ): Ds\Sequence abstract public merge ( mixed $values ): ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-sequence.html - [similar]
関数・メソッド 6595
« 索引 サンプル » PHP Manual 索引 関数・メソッド 関数・メソッド マニュアル内の全関数およびメソッ ... - C 言語と同様にスラッシュで文字列をクォートする addslashes - 文字列をスラッシュでクォートする apache_ch ... ute - ステートメントを実行する CollectionFind::fields - ドキュメントのフィールドのフィルタを設定する Col ... statement cubrid_bind - Bind variables to a prepared statement as parameters cubrid_client_encoding - Re ... ction cubrid_connect - Open a connection to a CUBRID Server cubrid_connect_with_url - Establish the envi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/indexes.functions.html - [similar]
The Stack class 6163
« Ds\Set::xor Ds\Stack::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Stack class The Stack class (N ... and iterates in that order, destructively. Uses a Ds\Vector internally. クラス概要 class Ds\Stack imple ... ments Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* メソッド */ public a ... city (): int public clear (): void public copy (): Ds\Stack public isEmpty (): bool public peek (): mixe ... toArray (): array } 変更履歴 バージョン 説明 PECL ds 1.3.0 The class now implements ArrayAccess . 目次 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-stack.html - [similar]
The Queue class 6132
« Ds\Stack::toArray Ds\Queue::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Queue class The Queue cl ... tes in that order, destructively. クラス概要 class Ds\Queue implements Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* ... city (): int public clear (): void public copy (): Ds\Queue public isEmpty (): bool public peek (): mixe ... es ): void public toArray (): array } 定義済み定数 Ds\Queue::MIN_CAPACITY 変更履歴 バージョン 説明 PECL ... 1.3.0 The class now implements ArrayAccess . 目次 Ds\Queue::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a re ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-queue.html - [similar]
The PriorityQueue class 6012
« Ds\Queue::toArray Ds\PriorityQueue::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The PriorityQueue cl ... rations until the queue is empty. クラス概要 class Ds\PriorityQueue implements Ds\Collection { /* Consta ... city (): int public clear (): void public copy (): Ds\PriorityQueue public isEmpty (): bool public peek ... ty ): void public toArray (): array } 定義済み定数 Ds\PriorityQueue::MIN_CAPACITY 目次 Ds\PriorityQueue: ... — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity Ds\PriorityQueue::capacity — Returns the current capa ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-priorityqueue.html - [similar]
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