
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 555 for Query (0.012 sec.)
Send a CUBRID query 6581
« cubrid_ping cubrid_real_escape_string » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Send a CUBRID query c ... ubrid_query (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.1) cubrid_query — Send a CUBRI ... D query 説明 cubrid_query ( string $query , resource $conn ... _identifier = ? ): resource cubrid_query() sends a unique query (multiple queries are not s ... ed with the specified conn_identifier . パラメータ query An SQL query Data inside the query should be prope ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-query.html - [similar]
« solr_get_version SolrUtils » PHP Manual Solr 例 例 PHP で Apache Solr エクステンションを使用す ... _PORT , ); $client = new SolrClient ( $options ); $query = new SolrQuery (); $query -> setQuery ( 'lucene' ... ); $query -> setStart ( 0 ); $query -> setRows ( 50 ); $quer ... )-> addField ( 'id' )-> addField ( 'timestamp' ); $query_response = $client -> query ( $query ); $response ... = $query_response -> getResponse (); print_r ( $response ); ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solr.examples.html - [similar]
Get the query timeout value of the request 6130
« cubrid_get_db_parameter cubrid_get_server_info » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get the query timeout ... value of the request cubrid_get_query_timeout (PECL CUBRID >= 8.4.1) cubrid_get_query_ti ... meout — Get the query timeout value of the request 説明 cubrid_get_query ... t ( resource $req_identifier ): int The cubrid_get_query_timeout() function is used to get the query timeou ... _identifier Request identifier. 戻り値 Returns the query timeout value in milliseconds of the current reque ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-get-query-timeout.html - [similar]
Sends a query to the server 6130
« SolrClient::ping SolrClient::request » PHP Manual SolrClient Sends a query to the server SolrC ... lient::query (PECL solr >= 0.9.2) SolrClient::query — Sends a q ... uery to the server 説明 public SolrClient::query ( SolrParams $query ): SolrQueryResponse Sends a q ... uery to the server. パラメータ query A SolrParams object. It is recommended to use Solr ... Query for advanced queries. 戻り値 Returns a SolrQueryResponse object on success and throws an exception ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrclient.query.html - [similar]
Perform a query without fetching the results into memory 6107
« cubrid_result CUBRID 廃止されたエイリアスと関数 » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Perform a query ... fetching the results into memory cubrid_unbuffered_query (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_unbuffered_query — P ... erform a query without fetching the results into memory 説明 cubr ... id_unbuffered_query ( string $query , resource $conn_identifier = ? ): ... resource This function performs a query without waiting for that all query results have be ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-unbuffered-query.html - [similar]
Execute a database query 6023
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadCommand » PHP Manual ... MongoDB\Driver\Manager Execute a database query MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery (mongodb >=1. ... 0.0) MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery — Execute a database query 説明 final public Mongo ... DB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery ( string $namespace , MongoDB\Driver\Query $query ... ng to the "readPreference" option and executes the query on that server. By default, the read preference fr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.executequery.html - [similar]
Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution 5954
« ibase_pconnect ibase_query » PHP Manual Firebird/InterBase 関数 Prepare a query for later bind ... e (PHP 5, PHP 7 < 7.4.0) ibase_prepare — Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and ex ... ecution 説明 ibase_prepare ( string $query ): resource ibase_prepare ( resource $link_identif ... ier , string $query ): resource ibase_prepare ( resource $link_identif ... ier , string $trans , string $query ): resource Prepare a query for later binding of p ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.ibase-prepare.html - [similar]
ストアドプロシージャ 5954
« プリペアドステートメント 複数のステートメント » PHP Manual クイックスタートガイド ストアドプロ ... " , "user" , "password" , "database" ); $mysqli -> query ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test" ); $mysqli -> query ... ( "CREATE TABLE test(id INT)" ); $mysqli -> query ( "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p" ); $mysqli -> query ... INTO test(id) VALUES(id_val); END;" ); $mysqli -> query ( "CALL p(1)" ); $result = $mysqli -> query ( "SEL ... " , "user" , "password" , "database" ); $mysqli -> query ( "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p" ); $mysqli -> query ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysqli.quickstart.stored-procedures.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\Driver\Query class 5916
« MongoDB\Driver\Command::__construct MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct » PHP Manual MongoDB\Dri ... ver The MongoDB\Driver\Query class The MongoDB\Driver\Query class (mongodb >=1. ... 0.0) はじめに The MongoDB\Driver\Query class is a value object that represents a database ... query. クラス概要 final class MongoDB\Driver\Query { /* ... blic __construct ( array | object $filter , array $queryOptions = ? ) } 目次 MongoDB\Driver\Query::__constr ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-driver-query.html - [similar]
Specifies a filter query 5916
« SolrQuery::addField SolrQuery::addGroupField » PHP Manual SolrQuery Specifies a filter query S ... olrQuery::addFilterQuery (PECL solr >= 0.9.2) SolrQuery::ad ... dFilterQuery — Specifies a filter query 説明 public SolrQuery:: ... addFilterQuery ( string $fq ): SolrQuery Specifies a filter query ... パラメータ fq The filter query 戻り値 Returns the current SolrQuery object. 例 例 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrquery.addfilterquery.html - [similar]
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