
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 145 for Types (0.001 sec.)
定義済み定数 13477
« リソース型 SQLSRV 関数 » PHP Manual SQLSRV 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 以下の定数が定義されていま ... . For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types . SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_DATETIME ( int ) Specifies a date ... . For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types . SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_FLOAT ( int ) Specifies a float P ... . For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types . SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STREAM ( int ) Specifies a PHP st ... . For usage information, see » How to: Specify PHP Types . SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING ( int ) Specifies a string ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/sqlsrv.constants.html - [similar]
Get column types in result 12993
« cubrid_column_names cubrid_commit » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get column types in result cubrid_c ... olumn_types (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_column_types — Get c ... olumn types in result 説明 cubrid_column_types ( resource $req ... _identifier ): array The cubrid_column_types() function gets column types of query results by u ... 戻り値 Array of string values containing the column types, when process is successful,失敗した場合に false を ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-column-types.html - [similar]
Get the column names in result 10397
« cubrid_col_size cubrid_column_types » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Get the column names in result cu ... n_names = cubrid_column_names ( $result ); $column_types = cubrid_column_types ( $result ); printf ( "%-30s ... %-30s %-15s\n" , "Column Names" , "Column Types" , "Column Maxlen" ); for( $i = 0 , $size = count ... 30s %-30s %-15s\n" , $column_names [ $i ], $column_types [ $i ], $column_len ); } cubrid_disconnect ( $conn ... 上の例の出力は以下となります。 Column Names Column Types Column Maxlen host_year integer 11 event_code inte ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-column-names.html - [similar]
RADIUS Vendor Specific Attribute Types 8744
« RADIUS Attribute Types 例 » PHP Manual 定義済み定数 RADIUS Vendor Specific Attribute Types RAD ... IUS Vendor Specific Attribute Types RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT ( int ) Microsoft specific ... RYPTION_POLICY RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_MPPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPES RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS_RAS_VENDOR RADIUS_MICROSOFT_MS ... SOFT_MS_ARAP_CHALLENGE 関連キーワード: Attribute , Types , Vendor , Specific , 定義 , 定数 , int , attribut ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/radius.constants.vendor-specific.html - [similar]
Gets the size of C data or types 8438
« FFI::scope FFI::string » PHP Manual FFI Gets the size of C data or types FFI::sizeof (PHP 7 >= ... 0, PHP 8) FFI::sizeof — Gets the size of C data or types 説明 public static FFI::sizeof ( FFI\CData | FFI\C ... pointed at by ptr . 関連キーワード: size , data , types , the , of , C , or , ptr , sizeof , CType ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ffi.sizeof.html - [similar]
Retrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by sqlsrv_prepare or s... 8438
« sqlsrv_fetch sqlsrv_free_stmt » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Retrieves metadata for the fields of a ... bytes for fields of binary type, or null for other types. Precision The precision for types of variable pre ... cision, null for other types. Scale The scale for types of variable scale, null ... for other types. Nullable An enumeration indicating whether the co ... ied connection 関連キーワード: sqlsrv , metadata , types , returned , stmt , Retrieves , prepared , type , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-field-metadata.html - [similar]
定義済み定数 8320
« リソース型 RADIUS Options » PHP Manual Radius 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 目次 RADIUS Options RA ... DIUS Packet Types RADIUS Attribute Types RADIUS Vendor Specific Attr ... ibute Types 以下の定数が定義されています。 この関数の拡張モジュ ... length of MPPE keys. 関連キーワード: 定数 , 定義 , Types , Options , Attribute , 組み込み , length , maximu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/radius.constants.html - [similar]
RADIUS Packet Types 8202
« RADIUS Options RADIUS Attribute Types » PHP Manual 定義済み定数 RADIUS Packet Types RADIUS Pac ... ket Types RADIUS packets, whether requests or responses, alw ... onstants are provided to make it easier to specify types when using radius_create_request() and when compar ... r. 関連キーワード: int , server , user , Request , Types , radius , Packet , sent , An , This ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/radius.constants.packets.html - [similar]
Get the maximum length of the specified field 7966
« cubrid_field_flags cubrid_field_name » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Get the maximum length ... n_names = cubrid_column_names ( $result ); $column_types = cubrid_column_types ( $result ); printf ( "%-30s ... %-30s %-15s\n" , "Column Names" , "Column Types" , "Column Maxlen" ); for( $i = 0 , $size = count ... 30s %-30s %-15s\n" , $column_names [ $i ], $column_types [ $i ], $column_len ); } cubrid_disconnect ( $conn ... 上の例の出力は以下となります。 Column Names Column Types Column Maxlen host_year integer 11 event_code inte ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-field-len.html - [similar]
Deserialization from BSON 7317
« Serialization to BSON Security » PHP Manual Persisting Data Deserialization from BSON Deserial ... is behavior was problematic because different BSON types could deserialize to the same PHP value (e.g. {"0" ... PHP arrays and objects, respectively. For compound types, there are three data types: root refers to the to ... efers to a BSON array Besides the three collective types, it is also possible to configure specific fields ... in your document to map to the data types mentioned below. As an example, the following type ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb.persistence.deserialization.html - [similar]
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