
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 14 for ZMQContext (0.013 sec.)
The ZMQContext class 11378
« ZMQ::__construct ZMQContext::__construct » PHP Manual 0MQ messaging The ZMQContext class The ZMQContext ... lass (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) はじめに クラス概要 class ZMQContext { /* Methods */ public __construct ( int $io_threa ... ): bool public setOpt ( int $key , mixed $value ): ZMQContext } 目次 ZMQContext::__construct — Construct a new Z ... MQContext object ZMQContext::getOpt — Get context option ZMQContext::getSocket ... — Create a new socket ZMQContext::isPersistent — Whether the context is persistent ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.zmqcontext.html - [similar]
Construct a new ZMQContext object 11098
« ZMQContext ZMQContext::getOpt » PHP Manual ZMQContext Construct a new ZMQContext object ZMQContext ... text::__construct (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQContext::__construct — Construct a new ZMQContext object 説 ... 明 public ZMQContext::__construct ( int $io_threads = 1 , bool $is_pers ... istent = true ) Constructs a new ZMQ context. The context is used to initialize sockets. A per ... ement for persistent sockets. エラー / 例外 Throws ZMQContextException if context initialization fails. 例 例1 A ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.construct.html - [similar]
Get context option 10327
« ZMQContext::__construct ZMQContext::getSocket » PHP Manual ZMQContext Get context option ZMQContext ... ntext::getOpt (PECL zmq >= 1.0.4) ZMQContext::getOpt — Get context option 説明 public ZMQContex ... ither a string or an int depending on key . Throws ZMQContextException on error. 関連キーワード: option , contex ... t , Get , ZMQContext , key , getOpt , string , Returns , public , zmq ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.getopt.html - [similar]
Set a socket option 10187
« ZMQContext::isPersistent ZMQSocket » PHP Manual ZMQContext Set a socket option ZMQContext::set ... Opt (PECL zmq >= 1.0.4) ZMQContext::setOpt — Set a socket option 説明 public ZMQConte ... xt::setOpt ( int $key , mixed $value ): ZMQContext Sets a ZMQ context option. The type of the value d ... rameter. 戻り値 Returns the current object. Throws ZMQContextException on error. 関連キーワード: option , Set , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.setopt.html - [similar]
Whether the context is persistent 10117
« ZMQContext::getSocket ZMQContext::setOpt » PHP Manual ZMQContext Whether the context is persis ... tent ZMQContext::isPersistent (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQContext::isPe ... nt — Whether the context is persistent 説明 public ZMQContext::isPersistent (): bool Whether the context is pers ... t. 関連キーワード: persistent , ontext , Whether , ZMQContext , isPersistent , context , パラメータ , each , 関数 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.ispersistent.html - [similar]
Create a new socket 10012
« ZMQContext::getOpt ZMQContext::isPersistent » PHP Manual ZMQContext Create a new socket ZMQContext ... text::getSocket (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQContext::getSocket — Create a new socket 説明 public ZMQCo ... 例外 Throws ZMQSocketException on error. 例 例1 A ZMQContext() example Basic usage <?php /* Allocate a new cont ... ext */ $context = new ZMQContext (); /* Create a new socket */ $socket = $context - ... sage } \n" ; ?> 関連キーワード: new , persistent , ZMQContext , ZMQSocket , getSocket , type , function , ted , ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.getsocket.html - [similar]
ZMQ 9925
« yaz_wait はじめに » PHP Manual その他のサービス ZMQ ZMQ はじめに インストール/設定 要件 ZMQ — ... The ZMQ class ZMQ::__construct — ZMQ constructor ZMQContext — The ZMQContext class ZMQContext::__construct — C ... onstruct a new ZMQContext object ZMQContext::getOpt — Get context option ZMQ ... Context::getSocket — Create a new socket ZMQContext::isPersistent — Whether the context is persistent ... ード: ZMQSocket , ZMQ , ZMQDevice , ZMQPoll , Get , ZMQContext , poll , Set , new , construct ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.zmq.html - [similar]
Connect the socket 7509
« ZMQSocket::bind ZMQSocket::__construct » PHP Manual ZMQSocket Connect the socket ZMQSocket::co ... 例外 Throws ZMQSocketException on error. 例 例1 A ZMQContext() example Construct a new context and allocate req ... /* Create a socket */ $socket = new ZMQSocket (new ZMQContext (), ZMQ :: SOCKET_REQ , 'my socket' ); /* Get list ... , request , llocate , context , new , Construct , ZMQContext ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqsocket.connect.html - [similar]
ZMQ constructor 7439
« ZMQ ZMQContext » PHP Manual ZMQ ZMQ constructor ZMQ::__construct (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQ::__co ... ワード: ZMQ , constructor , construct , パラメータ , ZMQContext , zmq , private , Private , prevent , direct ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmq.construct.html - [similar]
Construct a new ZMQSocket 7369
« ZMQSocket::connect ZMQSocket::disconnect » PHP Manual ZMQSocket Construct a new ZMQSocket ZMQS ... new ZMQSocket 説明 public ZMQSocket::__construct ( ZMQContext $context , int $type , string $persistent_id = nul ... ng socket structure is created. パラメータ context ZMQContext object. type The socket type. See ZMQ::SOCKET_* co ... ); } } /* Allocate a new context */ $context = new ZMQContext (); /* Create a new socket */ $socket = $context - ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqsocket.construct.html - [similar]