
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 136 for bytes (0.002 sec.)
Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer 10738
« EventBuffer::__construct EventBuffer::drain » PHP Manual EventBuffer Copies out specified numb ... er of bytes from the front of the buffer EventBuffer::copyout ... ntBuffer::copyout — Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer 説明 public EventBuff ... er::copyout ( string &$data , int $max_bytes ): int Behaves just like EventBuffer::read() , but ... data from the buffer. I.e. it copies the first max_bytes bytes from the front of the buffer into data . If ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.copyout.html - [similar]
Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read 10569
« EventBuffer::pullup EventBuffer::readFrom » PHP Manual EventBuffer Read data from an evbuffer ... and drain the bytes read EventBuffer::read (PECL event >= 1.6.0) Event ... r::read — Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read 説明 public EventBuffer::read ( int $max_byte ... s ): string Read the first max_bytes from the buffer and drain the bytes read. If more ... max_bytes are requested than are available in the buffer, it ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.read.html - [similar]
Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the end of the curre... 10125
« EventBuffer::addBuffer EventBuffer::__construct » PHP Manual EventBuffer Moves the specified n ... umber of bytes from a source buffer to the end of the current buf ... Buffer::appendFrom — Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the end of the current buf ... uf , int $len ): int Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the end of the current buf ... fer. If there are fewer number of bytes, it moves all the bytes available from the source ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.appendfrom.html - [similar]
疑似ランダムなバイト文字列を生成する 9801
« openssl_public_encrypt openssl_seal » PHP Manual OpenSSL 関数 疑似ランダムなバイト文字列を生成 ... する openssl_random_pseudo_bytes (PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8) openssl_random_pseu ... do_bytes — 疑似ランダムなバイト文字列を生成する 説明 openss ... l_random_pseudo_bytes ( int $length , bool &$strong_result = null ): str ... llable になりました。 例 例1 openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() の例 <?php for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 4 ; $i ++) { $by ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.openssl-random-pseudo-bytes.html - [similar]
notification コンテキストパラメータ用のコールバック関数 9801
« stream_isatty stream_register_wrapper » PHP Manual ストリーム 関数 notification コンテキストパ ... erity , string $message , int $message_code , int $bytes_transferred , int $bytes_max ): void イベント発生時 ... この値の意味は、使用するラッパーによって異なります。 bytes_transferred 利用可能な場合は bytes_transferred の値 ... が格納されます。 bytes_max 利用可能な場合は bytes_max の値が格納されます。 ... ion_code , $severity , $message , $message_code , $bytes_transferred , $bytes_max ) { switch( $notification ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.stream-notification-callback.html - [similar]
Linearizes data within buffer and returns it's contents as a string 8732
« EventBuffer::prependBuffer EventBuffer::read » PHP Manual EventBuffer Linearizes data within b ... ( int $size ): string "Linearizes" the first size bytes of the buffer, copying or moving them as needed to ... e buffer's contents. パラメータ size The number of bytes required to be contiguous within the buffer. 戻り値 ... If size is greater than the number of bytes in the buffer, the function returns null . Otherwi ... Buffer::copyout() - Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer EventBuffer::drain() ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.pullup.html - [similar]
Removes specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer without copying i... 8696
« EventBuffer::copyout EventBuffer::enableLocking » PHP Manual EventBuffer Removes specified num ... ber of bytes from the front of the buffer without copying it an ... ) EventBuffer::drain — Removes specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer without copying it an ... front of the buffer. パラメータ len The number of bytes to remove from the buffer. 戻り値 成功した場合に t ... :read() - Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read EventBuffer::appendFrom() - Moves the specifi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventbuffer.drain.html - [similar]
関数エイリアスのリスト 8479
« 状態 予約語の一覧 » PHP Manual 付録 関数エイリアスのリスト 関数エイリアスのリスト 数はかなり少 ... te() Zlib i18n_convert mb_convert_encoding() Multi-bytes Strings i18n_discover_encoding mb_detect_encoding( ... ) Multi-bytes Strings i18n_http_input mb_http_input() Multi-byte ... s Strings i18n_http_output mb_http_output() Multi-bytes Strings i18n_internal_encoding mb_internal_encodin ... g() Multi-bytes Strings i18n_ja_jp_hantozen mb_convert_kana() Mult ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/aliases.html - [similar]
The EventBuffer class 8443
« EventBase::stop EventBuffer::add » PHP Manual Event The EventBuffer class The EventBuffer clas ... truct () public copyout ( string &$data , int $max_bytes ): int public drain ( int $len ): bool public enab ... ullup ( int $size ): string public read ( int $max_bytes ): string public read ( mixed $fd , int $howmuch ) ... wmuch = ? ): int } プロパティ length The number of bytes stored in an event buffer. contiguous_space The nu ... mber of bytes stored contiguously at the front of the buffer. Th ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.eventbuffer.html - [similar]
暗号論的に安全な、疑似ランダムなバイト列を生成する 8035
« CSPRNG 関数 random_int » PHP Manual CSPRNG 関数 暗号論的に安全な、疑似ランダムなバイト列を生成 ... する random_bytes (PHP 7, PHP 8) random_bytes — 暗号論的に安全な、疑 ... 似ランダムなバイト列を生成する 説明 random_bytes ( int $length ): string ソルトやキーや初期化ベクト ... 定されると、 Error がスローされます。 例 例1 random_bytes() の例 <?php $bytes = random_bytes ( 5 ); var_dump ... ( bin2hex ( $bytes )); ?> 上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになりま ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.random-bytes.html - [similar]
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