
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 8 of about 8 for rotations (0.006 sec.)
Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations 11350
« Ds\Deque::reversed Ds\Deque::set » PHP Manual Deque Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations ... e::rotate — Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations 説明 public Ds\Deque::rotate ( int $rotations ): v ... oid Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations, which is equivalent to successively calling $dequ ... e->push($deque->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $deque->unshift($deque->pop()) if ... negative. パラメータ rotations The number of times the deque should be rotated. 戻 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-deque.rotate.html - [similar]
Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations 11350
« Ds\Sequence::reversed Ds\Sequence::set » PHP Manual Sequence Rotates the sequence by a given n ... umber of rotations Ds\Sequence::rotate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence ... rotate — Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::rotate ( int $ro ... ): void Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations, which is equivalent to successively calling $sequ ... ence->push($sequence->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $sequence->unshift($sequence->pop( ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.rotate.html - [similar]
Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations 11350
« Ds\Vector::reversed Ds\Vector::set » PHP Manual Vector Rotates the vector by a given number of ... rotations Ds\Vector::rotate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Vector::ro ... tate — Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations 説明 public Ds\Vector::rotate ( int $rotations ): ... void Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations, which is equivalent to successively calling $vect ... or->push($vector->shift()) if the number of rotations is positive, or $vector->unshift($vector->pop()) i ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-vector.rotate.html - [similar]
The Sequence interface 7808
« Ds\Hashable::hash Ds\Sequence::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Sequence interface Th ... rsed (): Ds\Sequence abstract public rotate ( int $rotations ): void abstract public set ( int $index , mixed $ ... rotate — Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations Ds\Sequence::set — Updates a value at a given inde ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-sequence.html - [similar]
The Vector class 7753
« Ds\Sequence::unshift Ds\Vector::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Vector class The Vec ... public reversed (): Ds\Vector public rotate ( int $rotations ): void public set ( int $index , mixed $value ): ... ::rotate — Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations Ds\Vector::set — Updates a value at a given index ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-vector.html - [similar]
The Deque class 7699
« Ds\Vector::unshift Ds\Deque::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Deque class The Deque c ... public reversed (): Ds\Deque public rotate ( int $rotations ): void public set ( int $index , mixed $value ): ... e::rotate — Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations Ds\Deque::set — Updates a value at a given index D ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.ds-deque.html - [similar]
Data Structures 7663
« untaint はじめに » PHP Manual その他の基本モジュール Data Structures Data Structures はじめに ... rotate — Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations Ds\Sequence::set — Updates a value at a given inde ... ::rotate — Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations Ds\Vector::set — Updates a value at a given index ... e::rotate — Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations Ds\Deque::set — Updates a value at a given index D ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.ds.html - [similar]
関数・メソッド 7247
« 索引 サンプル » PHP Manual 索引 関数・メソッド 関数・メソッド マニュアル内の全関数およびメソッ ... e::rotate - Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations Ds\Deque::set - Updates a value at a given index D ... rotate - Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations Ds\Sequence::set - Updates a value at a given inde ... ::rotate - Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations Ds\Vector::set - Updates a value at a given index ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/indexes.functions.html - [similar]