Results of 1 - 10 of about 274 for row (0.001 sec.)
- Return a numerical array with the values of the current row 7692
- « cubrid_fetch_object cubrid_field_flags » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Return a numerical a
rray with the values of the current row cubrid_fetch_row (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_fet ...
ch_row — Return a numerical array with the values of the ...
current row 説明 cubrid_fetch_row ( resource $result , int $ty ...
s a numerical array with the values of the current row from the result set, starting from 0, and moves th ...
- [similar]
- 行を取り込む 7643
- « odbc_fetch_object odbc_field_len » PHP Manual ODBC 関数 行を取り込む odbc_fetch_row (PHP 4, PH
P 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) odbc_fetch_row — 行を取り込む 説明 odbc_fetch_row ( resource $sta ...
tement , ? int $row = null ): bool odbc_do() や odbc_exec() から返され ...
た行データを取得します。 odbc_fetch_row() がコールされた後、この行のフィールドは、 odbc_re ...
セス可能となります。 パラメータ statement 結果 ID。 row row が指定されない場合、 odbc_fetch_row() は、 結果 ...
- [similar]
- Makes the next row in a result set available for reading 7643
- « sqlsrv_fetch_object sqlsrv_field_metadata » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Makes the next row in a res
ight only be in Git) sqlsrv_fetch — Makes the next row in a result set available for reading 説明 sqlsrv_ ...
fetch ( resource $stmt , int $row = ? , int $offset = ? ): mixed Makes the next row ...
. Use sqlsrv_get_field() to read the fields of the row. パラメータ stmt A statement resource created by e ...
xecuting sqlsrv_query() or sqlsrv_execute() . row The row to be accessed. This parameter can only be ...
- [similar]
- The Swoole\Table class 7419
- « Swoole\Server::tick Swoole\Table::column » PHP Manual Swoole The Swoole\Table class The Swoole
c exist ( string $key ): bool public get ( string $row_key , string $column_key ): int public incr ( stri ...
e with fixed size. Swoole\Table::count — Count the rows in the table, or count all the elements in the ta ...
ory table. Swoole\Table::current — Get the current row. Swoole\Table::decr — Decrement the value in the S ...
woole table by $row_key and $column_key. Swoole\Table::del — Delete a ...
- [similar]
- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both 7419
- « cubrid_error cubrid_fetch_assoc » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Fetch a result row as an as
UBRID >=8.3.0) cubrid_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both ...
rid_fetch_array() function is used to get a single row from the query result and returns an array. The cu ...
rsor automatically moves to the next row after getting the result. パラメータ result Result ...
n array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, when process is successful. false , when there ar ...
- [similar]
- 結果セットポインタを次の行あるいは要求された行に設定する 7419
- « db2_fetch_object db2_field_display_size » PHP Manual IBM DB2 関数 結果セットポインタを次の行あ
るいは要求された行に設定する db2_fetch_row (PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.0.0) db2_fetch_row — 結果セット ...
次の行あるいは要求された行に設定する 説明 db2_fetch_row ( resource $stmt , int $row_number = ? ): bool db2 ...
_fetch_row() を使用して結果セットを順に処理します。 あるいは、 ...
するには db2_result() 関数をコールします。 db2_fetch_row() および db2_result() をコールするのではなく、 ほと ...
- [similar]
- Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row 7361
- « cubrid_fetch_array cubrid_fetch_field » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Return the associativ
e array that corresponds to the fetched row cubrid_fetch_assoc (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_f ...
associative array that corresponds to the fetched row 説明 cubrid_fetch_assoc ( resource $result , int $ ...
associative array, that corresponds to the fetched row, and then moves the internal data pointer ahead, o ...
cess is successful. false , when there are no more rows; NULL, when process is unsuccessful. 例 例1 cubri ...
- [similar]
- 結果セットの次の行を数値添字配列で取得する 7361
- « mysqli_result::fetch_object mysqli_result::$field_count » PHP Manual mysqli_result 結果セットの
次の行を数値添字配列で取得する mysqli_result::fetch_row mysqli_fetch_row (PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) mysqli_resu ...
lt::fetch_row -- mysqli_fetch_row — 結果セットの次の行を数値添字 ...
説明 オブジェクト指向型 public mysqli_result::fetch_row (): array | null | false 手続き型 mysqli_fetch_row ...
(ゼロ)から始まる添字に格納されます。 mysqli_fetch_row() 関数を続けてコールすると、 結果セットの次の行を返 ...
- [similar]
- Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result 7332
- « cubrid_close cubrid_db_name » PHP Manual CUBRID MySQL 互換関数 Move the internal row pointer o
RID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_data_seek — Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result 説明 cubrid_data_seek ...
( resource $result , int $row_number ): bool This function performs the moving o ...
f the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result (associated with the ...
pecified result identifier) to point to a specific row number. There are functions, such as cubrid_fetch_ ...
- [similar]
- Fetch the next row from a result set 7332
- « cubrid_execute cubrid_free_result » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Fetch the next row from a result se
ECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_fetch — Fetch the next row from a result set 説明 cubrid_fetch ( resource $re ...
he cubrid_fetch() function is used to get a single row from the query result. The cursor automatically mo ...
ves to the next row after getting the result. パラメータ result result ...
cess is successful. false , when there are no more rows; NULL, when process is unsuccessful. The result c ...
- [similar]