Results of 1 - 10 of about 74 for sequence (0.006 sec.)
- The Sequence interface 9669
- « Ds\Hashable::hash Ds\Sequence::allocate » PHP Manual Data Structures The Sequence interface Th
e Sequence interface (No version information available, might ...
only be in Git) はじめに A Sequence describes the behaviour of values arranged in a si ...
and SplFixedArray . インターフェイス概要 class Ds\Sequence implements Ds\Collection , ArrayAccess { /* メソッ ...
tract public filter ( callable $callback = ? ): Ds\Sequence abstract public find ( mixed $value ): mixed abstr ...
- [similar]
- Returns a sub-sequence of a given range 9112
- « Ds\Sequence::shift Ds\Sequence::sort » PHP Manual Sequence Returns a sub-sequence of a given r
ange Ds\Sequence::slice (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::slice — Ret ...
urns a sub-sequence of a given range 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence: ...
:slice ( int $index , int $length = ? ): Ds\Sequence Creates a sub-sequence of a given range. パラメータ ...
index The index at which the sub-sequence starts. If positive, the sequence will start at th ...
- [similar]
- Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations 9028
- « Ds\Sequence::reversed Ds\Sequence::set » PHP Manual Sequence Rotates the sequence by a given n
umber of rotations Ds\Sequence::rotate (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::rotate — R ...
otates the sequence by a given number of rotations 説明 abstract publi ...
c Ds\Sequence::rotate ( int $rotations ): void Rotates the seque ...
ions, which is equivalent to successively calling $sequence->push($sequence->shift()) if the number of rotatio ...
- [similar]
- Determines if the sequence contains given values 8833
- « Ds\Sequence::capacity Ds\Sequence::filter » PHP Manual Sequence Determines if the sequence con
tains given values Ds\Sequence::contains (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::contains ...
— Determines if the sequence contains given values 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequ ...
tains ( mixed ...$values ): bool Determines if the sequence contains all values. パラメータ values Values to c ...
false if any of the provided values are not in the sequence, true otherwise. 例 例1 Ds\Sequence::contains() ex ...
- [similar]
- Adds values to the end of the sequence 8833
- « Ds\Sequence::pop Ds\Sequence::reduce » PHP Manual Sequence Adds values to the end of the sequence
nce Ds\Sequence::push (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::push — Adds ...
values to the end of the sequence 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::push ( mixed ... ...
$values ): void Adds values to the end of the sequence. パラメータ values The values to add. 戻り値 値を返 ...
しません。 例 例1 Ds\Sequence::push() example <?php $sequence = new \ Ds \ Vecto ...
- [similar]
- Returns the sum of all values in the sequence 8833
- « Ds\Sequence::sorted Ds\Sequence::unshift » PHP Manual Sequence Returns the sum of all values i
n the sequence Ds\Sequence::sum (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::s ...
um — Returns the sum of all values in the sequence 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::sum (): int | fl ...
oat Returns the sum of all values in the sequence. 注意 : Arrays and objects are considered equal to ...
ありません。 戻り値 The sum of all the values in the sequence as either a float or int depending on the values i ...
- [similar]
- Returns the first value in the sequence 8694
- « Ds\Sequence::find Ds\Sequence::get » PHP Manual Sequence Returns the first value in the sequence
ce Ds\Sequence::first (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::first — Ret ...
urns the first value in the sequence 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::first (): mixed ...
Returns the first value in the sequence. パラメータ この関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻 ...
り値 The first value in the sequence. エラー / 例外 UnderflowException if empty. 例 例1 ...
- [similar]
- Creates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to include 8666
- « Ds\Sequence::contains Ds\Sequence::find » PHP Manual Sequence Creates a new sequence using a c
allable to determine which values to include Ds\Sequence::filter (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::filter — C ...
reates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to incl ...
ude 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::filter ( callable $callback = ? ): Ds\Sequence Cr ...
eates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to incl ...
- [similar]
- Reverses the sequence in-place 8666
- « Ds\Sequence::remove Ds\Sequence::reversed » PHP Manual Sequence Reverses the sequence in-place
Ds\Sequence::reverse (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::reverse — ...
Reverses the sequence in-place 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::reverse ...
(): void Reverses the sequence in-place. パラメータ この関数にはパラメータはありま ...
せん。 戻り値 値を返しません。 例 例1 Ds\Sequence::reverse() example <?php $sequence = new \ Ds \ Ve ...
- [similar]
- Returns the result of adding all given values to the sequence 8652
- « Ds\Sequence::map Ds\Sequence::pop » PHP Manual Sequence Returns the result of adding all given
values to the sequence Ds\Sequence::merge (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence: ...
turns the result of adding all given values to the sequence 説明 abstract public Ds\Sequence::merge ( mixed $v ...
alues ): Ds\Sequence Returns the result of adding all given values to t ...
he sequence. パラメータ values A traversable object or an arra ...
- [similar]