
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 50 for sqlsrv (0.001 sec.)
定義済み定数 9685
« リソース型 SQLSRV 関数 » PHP Manual SQLSRV 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 以下の定数が定義されていま ... 実行時に動的にロードされている場合のみ使用可能です。 SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC ( int ) Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() to ... n an associative array when passed as a parameter. SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC ( int ) Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() ... an array with numeric when passed as a parameter. SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH ( int ) Forces sqlsrv_fetch_array() to ... when passed as a parameter (the default behavior). SQLSRV_ERR_ALL ( int ) Forces sqlsrv_errors() to return b ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/sqlsrv.constants.html - [similar]
SQLSRV 関数 9520
« 定義済み定数 sqlsrv_begin_transaction » PHP Manual SQLSRV SQLSRV 関数 SQLSRV 関数 目次 sqlsrv_ ... begin_transaction — Begins a database transaction sqlsrv_cancel — Cancels a statement sqlsrv_client_info — ... ormation about the client and specified connection sqlsrv_close — Closes an open connection and releases res ... ourses associated with the connection sqlsrv_commit — Commits a transaction that was begun with ... sqlsrv_begin_transaction sqlsrv_configure — Changes the d ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ref.sqlsrv.html - [similar]
PHP 用 Microsoft SQL Server ドライバ 9249
« SQLite3Result::reset はじめに » PHP Manual ベンダー固有のモジュール PHP 用 Microsoft SQL Serve ... インストール手順 実行時設定 リソース型 定義済み定数 SQLSRV 関数 sqlsrv_begin_transaction — Begins a database ... transaction sqlsrv_cancel — Cancels a statement sqlsrv_client_info — ... ormation about the client and specified connection sqlsrv_close — Closes an open connection and releases res ... ourses associated with the connection sqlsrv_commit — Commits a transaction that was begun with ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.sqlsrv.html - [similar]
Makes the next row in a result set available for reading 9038
« sqlsrv_fetch_object sqlsrv_field_metadata » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Makes the next row in a res ... ult set available for reading sqlsrv_fetch (No version information available, might onl ... y be in Git) sqlsrv_fetch — Makes the next row in a result set availab ... le for reading 説明 sqlsrv_fetch ( resource $stmt , int $row = ? , int $offse ... ext row in a result set available for reading. Use sqlsrv_get_field() to read the fields of the row. パラメー ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-fetch.html - [similar]
行を配列として返す 8918
« sqlsrv_execute sqlsrv_fetch_object » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 行を配列として返す sqlsrv_fetch_ar ... rsion information available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_fetch_array — 行を配列として返す 説明 sqlsrv_fetch ... その両方(デフォルト)を選択できます。 パラメータ stmt sqlsrv_query あるいは sqlsrv_prepare が返すステートメント ... ソース。 fetchType 戻り値の型を指定します。連想配列 SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC , 配列 SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC , and 連想 ... 配列と配列の両方 SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH (デフォルト) のうち1つを指定します。 SQ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-fetch-array.html - [similar]
Prepares and executes a query 8918
« sqlsrv_prepare sqlsrv_rollback » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Prepares and executes a query sqlsrv_q ... rsion information available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_query — Prepares and executes a query 説明 sqlsrv_ ... パラメータ conn A connection resource returned by sqlsrv_connect() . sql The string that defines the query ... riable. $direction (optional) One of the following SQLSRV constants used to indicate the parameter direction ... : SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT, SQLSRV_PARAM_INOUT. Th ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-query.html - [similar]
Begins a database transaction 8843
« SQLSRV 関数 sqlsrv_cancel » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Begins a database transaction sqlsrv_begin_ ... rsion information available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_begin_transaction — Begins a database transaction ... 説明 sqlsrv_begin_transaction ( resource $conn ): bool The tra ... nsaction begun by sqlsrv_begin_transaction() includes all statements that w ... ere executed after the call to sqlsrv_begin_transaction() and before calls to sqlsrv_rol ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-begin-transaction.html - [similar]
Prepares a query for execution 8828
« sqlsrv_num_rows sqlsrv_query » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Prepares a query for execution sqlsrv_pr ... rsion information available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_prepare — Prepares a query for execution 説明 sqls ... パラメータ conn A connection resource returned by sqlsrv_connect() . sql The string that defines the query ... riable. $direction (optional) One of the following SQLSRV constants used to indicate the parameter direction ... : SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT, SQLSRV_PARAM_INOUT. Th ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-prepare.html - [similar]
Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction 8798
« sqlsrv_close sqlsrv_configure » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Commits a transaction that was begun wi ... th sqlsrv_begin_transaction sqlsrv_commit (No version inform ... ation available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_commit — Commits a transaction that was begun with ... sqlsrv_begin_transaction() 説明 sqlsrv_commit ( resource ... ): bool Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction() . The connection is returned t ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-commit.html - [similar]
Rolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction 8753
« sqlsrv_query sqlsrv_rows_affected » PHP Manual SQLSRV 関数 Rolls back a transaction that was b ... egun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction sqlsrv_rollback (No version info ... rmation available, might only be in Git) sqlsrv_rollback — Rolls back a transaction that was begun ... with sqlsrv_begin_transaction() 説明 sqlsrv_rollback ( resourc ... bool Rolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction() and returns the connection to ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.sqlsrv-rollback.html - [similar]
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