
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 4795 for string (0.009 sec.)
The SolrDisMaxQuery class 3520
« SolrQuery::setTimeAllowed SolrDisMaxQuery::addBigramPhraseField » PHP Manual Solr The SolrDisM ... RT_COUNT = 1 ; /* メソッド */ public __construct ( string $q = ? ) public addBigramPhraseField ( string $fie ... ld , string $boost , string $slop = ? ): SolrDisMaxQuery publi ... c addBoostQuery ( string $field , string $value , string $boost = ? ): Solr ... DisMaxQuery public addPhraseField ( string $field , string $boost , string $slop = ? ): SolrD ...
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The SolrQuery class 3352
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« Basic Gearman client and worker, submitting tasks GearmanClient::addOptions » PHP Manual Gearm ... dOptions ( int $options ): bool public addServer ( string $host = , int $port = 4730 ): bool publi ... c addServers ( string $servers = ): bool public addTask ( ... string $function_name , string $workload , mixed &$contex ... t = ? , string $unique = ? ): GearmanTask public addTaskBackgroun ...
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XMLWriter クラス 3268
« オブジェクト指向 API の使用 XMLWriter::endAttribute » PHP Manual XMLWriter XMLWriter クラス XM ... ndPi (): bool public flush ( bool $empty = true ): string | int public fullEndElement (): bool public openMe ... mory (): bool public openUri ( string $uri ): bool public outputMemory ( bool $flush = t ... rue ): string public setIndent ( bool $enable ): bool public set ... IndentString ( string $indentation ): bool public startAttribut ...
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Phar クラス 3218
« Phar のシグネチャの書式 Phar::addEmptyDir » PHP Manual Phar Phar クラス Phar クラス (PHP 5 >= ... PATHS = 8192 ; /* メソッド */ public __construct ( string $filename , int $flags = FilesystemIterator::SKIP_ ... DOTS | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS , ? string $alias = null ) public addEmptyDir ( string $direc ... tory ): void public addFile ( string $filename , ? string $localName = null ): void pub ... lic addFromString ( string $localName , string $contents ): void fin ...
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DOMElement クラス 3134
« DOMDocumentType DOMElement::__construct » PHP Manual DOM DOMElement クラス DOMElement クラス ( ... , DOMChildNode { /* プロパティ */ public readonly string $ tagName ; public readonly mixed $ schemaTypeInfo ... Sibling ; /* 継承したプロパティ */ public readonly string $ nodeName ; public ? string $ nodeValue ; public ... ? DOMDocument $ ownerDocument ; public readonly ? string $ namespaceURI ; public string $ prefix ; public r ... eadonly ? string $ localName ; public readonly ? string $ baseURI ; ...
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ディレクトリに存在するファイルの一覧を返す 3134
« ftp_mkdir ftp_nb_continue » PHP Manual FTP 関数 ディレクトリに存在するファイルの一覧を返す ftp ... ルの一覧を返す 説明 ftp_mlsd ( FTP\Connection $ftp , string $directory ): array | false パラメータ ftp FTP\Con ... になります。 array(5) { [0]=> array(8) { ["name"]=> string(1) "." ["modify"]=> string(14) "20171212154511" [" ... perm"]=> string(7) "flcdmpe" ["type"]=> string(4) "cdir" ["unique" ... ]=> string(11) "811U5740002" ["UNIX.group"]=> string(2) "33" ...
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PharData クラス 3124
« Phar::webPhar PharData::addEmptyDir » PHP Manual Phar PharData クラス PharData クラス (PHP 5 > ... PATHS = 8192 ; /* メソッド */ public __construct ( string $filename , int $flags = FilesystemIterator::SKIP_ ... DOTS | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS , ? string $alias = null , int $format = 0 ) public addEmptyD ... ir ( string $directory ): void public addFile ( string $filena ... me , ? string $localName = null ): void public addFromString ( s ...
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The SeasLog class 3124
« seaslog_get_version SeasLog::alert » PHP Manual Seaslog The SeasLog class The SeasLog class (P ... ass SeasLog { /* メソッド */ public static alert ( string $message , array $content = ? , string $logger = ? ... ): bool public static analyzerCount ( string $level , string $log_path = ? , string $key_word = ... ? ): mixed public static analyzerDetail ( string $level , string $log_path = ? , string $key_word = ... xed public static closeLoggerStream ( int $model , string $logger ): bool public static critical ( string $m ...
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Locale クラス 3081
« NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute Locale::acceptFromHttp » PHP Manual intl Locale クラス Local ... le { /* メソッド */ public static acceptFromHttp ( string $header ): string | false public static canonicali ... ze ( string $locale ): ? string public static composeLocale ( ... array $subtags ): string | false public static filterMatches ( string $lang ... uageTag , string $locale , bool $canonicalize = false ): ? bool pub ...
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