Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 検索

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Results of 1 - 3 of about 3 for finalizer (0.011 sec.)
8.8. weakref --- 弱参照 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 11924
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... イナライザは生成された順序の逆順で呼び出されます。 A finalizer will never invoke its callback during the later pa ... hen the program exits, it calls all remaining live finalizers for which atexit is true. They are called in reve ... callback without needing to preserve the returned finalizer object. For instance >>> import weakref >>> class ... t f . alive >>> f () # callback not called because finalizer dead >>> del obj # callback not called because fin ... - [similar]
29.1. sys --- システムパラメータと関数 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 8129
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... is similar to a namedtuple of the form (firstiter, finalizer) , where firstiter and finalizer are expected to b ... は限りません。 sys. set_asyncgen_hooks ( firstiter , finalizer ) ¶ Accepts two optional keyword arguments which a ... nous generator is iterated for the first time. The finalizer will be called when an asynchronous generator is a ... for more details, and for a reference example of a finalizer method see the implementation of asyncio.Loop.shut ... - [similar]
6. 式 (expression) — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 7831
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 言語リファレ ... are of finalization, an event loop should define a finalizer function which takes an asynchronous generator-ite ... ly calls aclose() and executes the coroutine. This finalizer may be registered by calling sys.set_asyncgen_hook ... onous generator-iterator will store the registered finalizer to be called upon finalization. For a reference ex ... ample of a finalizer method see the implementation of asyncio.Loop.shut ... - [similar]