Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 検索

phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 120 for which (0.024 sec.)
19.1.1. email.message: 電子メールメッセージの表現 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 11636
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... n email message consists of headers and a payload (which is also referred to as the content ). Headers are ... that represents the RFC 5322 body of the message, which might be a list of sub- EmailMessage objects. In a ... ary-like interface is indexed by the header names, which must be ASCII values. The values of the dictionary ... age. If policy is not set, use the default policy, which follows the rules of the email RFCs except for lin ... - [similar]
21.14. poplib --- POP3 プロトコルクライアント — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 10978
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... す。 (message count, mailbox size) . POP3. list ( [ which ] ) ¶ メッセージのリストを要求します。結果は (resp ... um octets', ...], octets) という形式で表されます。 which が与えられると、それによりメッセージを指定します。 ... POP3. retr ( which ) ¶ which 番のメッセージ全体を取り出し、そのメッセ ... ..], octets) という形式で表されます。 POP3. dele ( which ) ¶ which 番のメッセージに削除のためのフラグを立て ... - [similar]
19.1.4. email.policy: ポリシーオブジェクト — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 9376
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... on. Therefore you should always specify explicitly which policy you want to use when calling any of the cla ... s that are called internally by the email package, which a custom policy could override to obtain different ... es the concrete classes EmailPolicy and Compat32 , which implement the hooks that provide the standard beha ... ing the native line separators for the platform on which it is running: >>> import os >>> with open ( 'conv ... - [similar]
What's New In Python 3.6 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 9251
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » What's New in Pytho ... d pythonw.exe have been marked as long-path aware, which means that the 260 character path limit may no lon ... tes objects. This has led to people who write code which operate on file system paths to assume that such o ... implements os.PathLike or is a str or bytes object which represents a file system path. Code can use os.fsp ... encoding returned by sys.getfilesystemencoding() , which now defaults to 'utf-8' . Applications that do not ... - [similar]
Logging クックブック — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 8978
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python HOWTO » Logg ... setLevel ( logging . DEBUG ) # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging . FileHandle ... setLevel ( logging . DEBUG ) # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh = logging . FileHandle ... p/myapp.log' , filemode = 'w' ) # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr c ... nsole . setLevel ( logging . INFO ) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging . F ... - [similar]
24.3. shlex --- 単純な字句解析 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 8978
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... The second optional argument is a filename string, which sets the initial value of the infile attribute. If ... ation_chars is not empty, the characters ~-./*?= , which can appear in filename specifications and command ... be included in this attribute, and any characters which appear in punctuation_chars will be removed from w ... nly on whitespaces. When using punctuation_chars , which is intended to provide parsing closer to that impl ... - [similar]
19.1.3. email.generator: MIME 文書の生成 — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 8717
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... e value of the mangle_from_ setting of the policy (which is True for the compat32 policy and False for all ... bytes() and bytes(aMessage) (a.k.a. __bytes__() ), which simplify the generation of a serialized binary rep ... e value of the mangle_from_ setting of the policy (which is True for the compat32 policy and False for all ... as_string() and str(aMessage) (a.k.a. __str__() ), which simplify the generation of a formatted string repr ... - [similar]
19.1.6. email.headerregistry: カスタムヘッダーオブジェクト — Python 3.6.5 ドキ... 8183
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... ge for handling RFC 5322 compliant email messages, which not only provides customized header objects for va ... ed. BaseHeader also provides the following method, which is called by the email library code and should not ... e is None will be interpreted as single addresses, which allows an address list to be copied with groups in ... der value actually contains more than one address (which would be a violation of the RFC under the default ... - [similar]
Python で Curses プログラミング — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 8059
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python HOWTO » Pyth ... o try the Console module written by Fredrik Lundh, which doesn't use the same API as curses but provides cu ... d. This is done by calling the initscr() function, which will determine the terminal type, send any require ... encoding() . The addch() methods take a character, which can be either a string of length 1, a bytestring o ... o a given RGB value. This lets you change color 1, which is usually red, to purple or blue or any other col ... - [similar]
18.5.3. タスクとコルーチン — Python 3.6.5 ドキュメント 7923
ナビゲーション 索引 モジュール | 次へ | 前へ | Python » 3.6.5 ドキュメント » Python 標準ライブラ ... turns the future's result, or raises an exception, which will be propagated. (If the future is cancelled, i ... outine to produce a result (or raise an exception, which will be propagated). The coroutine expression must ... loop = asyncio . get_event_loop () # Blocking call which returns when the hello_world() coroutine is done l ... loop = asyncio . get_event_loop () # Blocking call which returns when the display_date() coroutine is done ... - [similar]
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