
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 131 - 140 of about 172 for create (0.294 sec.)
GeoDjango Model API — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... seSpatialField. spatial_index ¶ Defaults to True . Creates a spatial index for the given geometry field. 注釈 ... db_index field option because spatial indexes are created in a different manner than regular database index ... es. Specifically, spatial indexes are typically created using a variant of the R-Tree, while regular data ... eld. geography ¶ If set to True , this option will create a database column of type geography, rather than g ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/gis/model-api.html - [similar]
PostgreSQL specific database constraints — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... rable = None , include = None , opclasses = () ) ¶ Creates an exclusion constraint in the database. Internal ... sionConstraint. deferrable ¶ Set this parameter to create a deferrable exclusion constraint. Accepted values ... ors . OVERLAPS )], opclasses = [ 'circle_ops' ], ) creates an exclusion constraint on circle using circle_op ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/postgres/constraints.html - [similar]
File オブジェクト — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... This will not replace the existing file, but will create a new file and update the object to point to it. I ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/files/file.html - [similar]
Model index reference — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... asses = () , condition = None , include = None ) ¶ Creates an index (B-Tree) in the database. expressions ¶ ... c (), 'pub_date' , name = 'lower_title_date_idx' ) creates an index on the lowercased value of the title fie ... weight' ), Round ( 'weight' ), name = 'calc_idx' ) creates an index on the result of multiplying fields heig ... hich the index is desired. By default, indexes are created with an ascending order for each column. To defin ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/models/indexes.html - [similar]
Django 1.5 release notes — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... responses ¶ Before Django 1.5, it was possible to create a streaming response by passing an iterator to Htt ... by groups which they are members of. QuerySet.bulk_create() now has a batch_size argument. By default the ba ... non-default cache. Multi-column indexes can now be created on models. Read the index_together documentation ... ) and permissions (when auth is enabled) should be created in the target database. Previously, it created th ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/1.5.html - [similar]
Django 1.6.3 release notes — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... g ( #21996 ). Fixed AttributeError when using bulk_create() with ForeignObject ( #21566 ). Fixed crash of Qu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/1.6.3.html - [similar]
クラスベースのビューでミックスインを使用する — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... it views ( FormView , and the model-specific views CreateView , UpdateView and DeleteView ), and in the date ... For instance, the generic edit views use _form for create and update views, and _confirm_delete for delete v ... berately small in the example so you don't have to create lots of books to see the pagination working! Here' ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/class-based-views/mixins.html - [similar]
テンプレート — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... the context. Apart from that, this backend doesn't create a Django-flavored environment. It doesn't know abo ... re them into the environment. For example, you can create myproject/jinja2.py with this content: from django ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/templates.html - [similar]
テストを書いて実行する — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4912
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... TestCase ): def setUp ( self ): Animal . objects . create ( name = "lion" , sound = "roar" ) Animal . object ... s . create ( name = "cat" , sound = "meow" ) def test_animals ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/testing/overview.html - [similar]
django.db.utils — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 4856
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... s : test_settings . setdefault ( key , value ) def create_connection ( self , alias ): self . ensure_default ... ble_models ( self , app_config , db , include_auto_created = False ): """Return app models allowed to be mig ... "" models = app_config . get_models ( include_auto_created = include_auto_created ) return [ model for model ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/_modules/django/db/utils.html - [similar]