
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
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Django 2.0 リリースノート — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5863
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... el. Made metadata readable and editable on rasters through the metadata , info , and metadata attributes. All ... from DateField and DateTimeField , and exposed it through the quarter lookup. Added the TruncQuarter functio ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/releases/2.0.html - [similar]
django.utils.text — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... regex . search ( text , pos ) if not m : # Checked through whole string break pos = m . end ( 0 ) if m [ 1 ]: ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/_modules/django/utils/text.html - [similar]
How to manage static files (e.g. images, JavaScript, CSS) — Django 4.0.6 ドキュ... 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... s a consequence, static files requests do not pass through the normal middleware chain . ユーザーによりアップ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/howto/static-files/index.html - [similar]
Triaging tickets — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... e detail the various stages that a ticket may flow through during its lifetime. Unreviewed ¶ The ticket has n ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.html - [similar]
contenttypes フレームワーク — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... to log the history of each object added or changed through the admin interface. Django's authentication frame ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/contenttypes.html - [similar]
GeoDjango Installation — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... /lib:/opt/local/lib/postgresql13 Windows ¶ Proceed through the following sections sequentially in order to in ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/gis/install/index.html - [similar]
Full text search — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... efault, all the words the user provides are passed through the stemming algorithms, and then it looks for mat ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/postgres/search.html - [similar]
The "sites" framework — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... age ¶ Why would you use sites? It's best explained through examples. Associating content with multiple sites ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/contrib/sites.html - [similar]
django-admin と manage.py — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... IS SERVER IN A PRODUCTION SETTING. It has not gone through security audits or performance tests. (And that's ... .]] ¶ Sends a test email (to confirm email sending through Django is working) to the recipient(s) specified. ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/django-admin.html - [similar]
ロギング — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 5707
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... logged), and calls it for each record that passes through the filter. Handling of that record will not proce ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/ref/logging.html - [similar]
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