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Results of 1 - 10 of about 20 for Git (0.015 sec.)
Working with Git and GitHub — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 13272
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... ex | Modules « previous | up | next » Working with Git and GitHub ¶ This section explains how the communi ... ミット . Below, we are going to show how to create a GitHub pull request containing the changes for Trac ti ... atch to Trac, but it's less practical for reviews. Git のインストール ¶ Django uses Git for its source co ... ntrol. You can download Git, but it's often easier to install with your operat ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/writing-code/working-with-g... - [similar]
コードのコミット — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 12490
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... to contribute code to Django, look at Working with Git and GitHub instead. プルリクエストの取り扱い ¶ Sin ... ce Django is hosted on GitHub, patches are provided in the form of pull reque ... andard themselves. You may want to have Jenkins or GitHub actions test the pull request with one of the p ... hecking out pull requests locally more often, this git alias will be helpful: [alias] pr = !sh -c \"git f ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/committing-code.html - [similar]
Django への初めてのパッチを書く — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 10213
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... 理解が得られます。具体的には次が対象とする範囲です。 Git のインストール Django 開発版の複製をダウンロードす ... oject.com/conduct/> を参照し、フォローして下さい。 Git のインストール ¶ このチュートリアルでは、最新の Dj ... ウンロードとその変更のパッチファイルを生成するために Git をインストールする必要があります。 Git がインストー ... されているかどうかを確認するために、コマンドラインで git を入力します。もし入っていない場合は、ダウンロード ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/intro/contributing.html - [similar]
How is Django Formed? — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 9941
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... the recipients are in the private django-security GitHub wiki. BCC the pre-notification recipients. Sign ... om main. For example, when releasing Django 3.1: $ git checkout -b stable/3.1.x origin/main $ git push or ... ository. For example, when releasing Django 2.2: $ git checkout -b stable/2.2.x origin/stable/2.1.x $ git ... on a stable branch and up-to-date. For example: $ git checkout stable/1.5.x $ git pull If this is a secu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/howto-release-django.html - [similar]
Djangoソースコードレポジトリ — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 9108
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... 局的な概要 ¶ The Django source code repository uses Git to track changes to the code over time, so you'll ... need a copy of the Git client (a program called git ) on your computer, a ... ant to familiarize yourself with the basics of how Git works. Git's website offers downloads for various ... ontains vast amounts of documentation . The Django Git repository is located online at github.com/django/ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/git.html - [similar]
Django のインストール方法 — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 8751
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... follow these instructions: Make sure that you have Git installed and that you can run its commands from a ... shell. (Enter git help at a shell prompt to test this.) Check out Dj ... ango's main development branch like so:   $ git clone https://github.com/django/django.git ...\> g ... it clone https://github.com/django/django.git This will create a direct ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/topics/install.html - [similar]
Triaging tickets — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 8649
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... various stages that a ticket may flow through during its lifetime. Unreviewed ¶ The ticket has not been r ... e has been verified by at least one triager as a legitimate bug - and should probably be fixed if possibl ... d patch. This means downloading the patch and trying it out, verifying that it contains tests and docs, r ... in history as being "bad" since the test fails: $ git bisect bad You need to start by "git bisect start" ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.html - [similar]
Submitting patches — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 7732
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... n, the preferred way to provide the patch is using GitHub pull requests without a Trac ticket. See the Wo ... rking with Git and GitHub for more details on how to use pull req ... bution you want to make and you're capable of fixing it (as measured by your coding ability, knowledge of ... laim it by following these steps: Login using your GitHub account or create an account in our ticket syst ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/writing-code/submitting-pat... - [similar]
Unit tests — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 7732
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... he unit tests ¶ Quickstart ¶ First, fork Django on GitHub . Second, create and activate a virtual environ ... nstall some requirements, and run the tests:   $ git clone https://github.com/YourGitHubName/django.git ... tall -r requirements/py3.txt $ ./runtests.py ...\> git clone https://github.com/YourGitHubName/django.git ... is run together with on each iteration, often making it possible to identify a small number of tests that ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/internals/contributing/writing-code/unit-tests.htm... - [similar]
次のステップへ — Django 4.0.6 ドキュメント 7732
" + tagname + " "); } }); $("div.highlight\\-html\\+django span.nf").each(function(i, elem) { va ... ントはコードと同じソースコード管理システム下にあり、 Git リポジトリの docs ディレクトリ以下に置かれています ... 全てのドキュメントが入っています。チェックアウトした Git ブランチを更新すれば、最新版が取得できます。 テキス ... build/html に生成されます。 バージョンごとの違い ¶ Git リポジトリの main ブランチにあるテキストドキュメン ... ています。 Django の開発版に機能を追加する場合、同じ Git のコミットトランザクションの中で、ドキュメントの変 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/django/intro/whatsnext.html - [similar]