
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 111 - 120 of about 532 for execute (0.086 sec.)
Set a write lock on the given OID 4462
« cubrid_lock_read cubrid_move_cursor » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Set a write lock on the given OID ... "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" , "dba" ); @ cubrid_execute ( $conn , "DROP TABLE foo" ); cubrid_execute ( $co ... T, b set(int), c list(int), d char(10))" ); cubrid_execute ( $conn , "INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c, d) VALUES(1, { ... 1,2,3}, {11,22,33,333}, 'a')" ); cubrid_execute ( $conn , "INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c, d) VALUES(2, { ... 4,5,7}, {44,55,66,666}, 'b')" ); $req = cubrid_execute ( $conn , "SELECT * FROM foo" , CUBRID_INCLUDE_OID ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-lock-write.html - [similar]
ソート条件を設定する 4462
« CollectionFind::offset mysql_xdevapi\CollectionModify » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFin ... -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE DATABASE addressbook ... " )-> execute (); $schema = $session -> getSchema ( "addressbook ... name": "Alfred", "age": 18, "job": "Butler"}' ) -> execute (); $create -> add ( '{"name": "Reginald", "age": ... 42, "job": "Butler"}' ) -> execute (); // ... $collection = $schema -> getCollection ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-collectionfind.sort.html - [similar]
直近の操作から発生した警告を取得する 4462
« DocResult::fetchOne DocResult::getWarningsCount » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\DocResult 直近の操作 ... -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE DATABASE addressbook ... " )-> execute (); $schema = $session -> getSchema ( "addressbook ... "name": "Alfred", "age": 18, "job": "Butler"}' )-> execute (); $create -> add ( '{"name": "Reginald", "age": ... 42, "job": "Butler"}' )-> execute (); // ... $collection = $schema -> getCollection ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-docresult.getwarnings.html - [similar]
カラムのメタデータを取得する 4462
« RowResult::getColumnNames RowResult::getWarnings » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\RowResult カラムの ... $session -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE DATABASE foo" )-> ex ... -> sql ( "CREATE TABLE foo.test_table(x int)" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "INSERT INTO addressbook.nam ... es values ('John', 42), ('Sam', 33)" )-> execute (); $sql = $session -> sql ( "SELECT * from addres ... sbook.names" )-> execute (); $cols = $sql -> getColumns (); print_r ( $cols ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-rowresult.getcolumns.html - [similar]
Set a read lock on the given OID 4431
« cubrid_lob2_write cubrid_lock_write » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Set a read lock on the given OID ... "localhost" , 33000 , "demodb" , "dba" ); @ cubrid_execute ( $conn , "DROP TABLE foo" ); cubrid_execute ( $co ... T, b set(int), c list(int), d char(10))" ); cubrid_execute ( $conn , "INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c, d) VALUES(1, { ... 1,2,3}, {11,22,33,333}, 'a')" ); cubrid_execute ( $conn , "INSERT INTO foo(a, b, c, d) VALUES(2, { ... 4,5,7}, {44,55,66,666}, 'b')" ); $req = cubrid_execute ( $conn , "SELECT * FROM foo" , CUBRID_INCLUDE_OID ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-lock-read.html - [similar]
スキーマにコレクションを追加する 4431
« Schema::__construct Schema::dropCollection » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\Schema スキーマにコレクシ ... ession -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS food" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE DATABASE food" )-> e ... EATE TABLE food.fruit(name text, rating text)" )-> execute (); $schema = $session -> getSchema ( "food" ); $s ... n -> add ( '{"latitude": 10, "longitude": 20}' )-> execute (); // Fails, invalid types (not numbers) $collect ... d ( '{"latitude": "lat", "longitude": "long"}' )-> execute (); 関連キーワード: コレクション , スキーマ , 追加 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-schema.createcollection.html - [similar]
テーブル名を取得する 4431
« Table::existsInDatabase Table::getSchema » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\Table テーブル名を取得する ... -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE DATABASE addressbook ... " )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "CREATE TABLE addressbook.na ... mes(name text, age int)" )-> execute (); $session -> sql ( "INSERT INTO addressbook.nam ... es values ('John', 42), ('Sam', 33)" )-> execute (); $schema = $session -> getSchema ( "addressbook ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-table.getname.html - [similar]
OCI8 Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Support 4431
« OCI8 高速アプリケーション通知 (FAN) サポート OCI8 および DTrace 動的トレーシング » PHP Manual ... , 'SID') END; $s = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql ); oci_execute ( $s ); $r = oci_fetch_array ( $s ); $disconnectss ... le, if a connection loss occurs at this point, oci_execute() will // detect the loss and failover begins. Dur ... ing failover, oci_execute() will // invoke the TAF callback function several ... a new connection is transparently created and oci_execute() will continue as // usual. The connection sessio ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/oci8.taf.html - [similar]
Mysql_xdevapi 4400
« 変更履歴 はじめに » PHP Manual MySQL Mysql_xdevapi Mysql_xdevapi はじめに インストール/設定 要 ... ct — CollectionAdd のコンストラクタ CollectionAdd::execute — ステートメントを実行する mysql_xdevapi\Collectio ... — CollectionFind のコンストラクタ CollectionFind::execute — ステートメントを実行する CollectionFind::fields ... メントの数を限定する CollectionFind::lockExclusive — Execute operation with EXCLUSIVE LOCK CollectionFind::lock ... ollectionModify のコンストラクタ CollectionModify::execute — 変更の操作を実行する CollectionModify::limit — 変 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.mysql-xdevapi.html - [similar]
のエイリアス ibase_affected_rows 4400
« fbird_add_user fbird_backup » PHP Manual Firebird/InterBase 関数 のエイリアス ibase_affected_r ... 参考 fbird_query() - のエイリアス ibase_query fbird_execute() - のエイリアス ibase_execute 関連キーワード: iba ... se , affected , rows , fbird , 関数 , query , execute , user , backup , 参考 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.fbird-affected-rows.html - [similar]