
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 501 - 510 of about 1116 for [SIMILAR] 16 1024 4096 WITH 10844 算子 WITH 1035... (0.704 sec.)
The Swoole\Server class 0
« Swoole\Serialize::unpack Swoole\Server::addlistener » PHP Manual Swoole The Swoole\Server class The Swoole\Server class (PECL swoole >= 1.9.0) はじめに クラス概要 class Swoole\Server { /* メソッド */ public addlistener ( string $host , int $port , string $socket_type ): void public add ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.swoole-server.html - [similar]
クロージャを束縛して呼び出す 0
« Closure::bindTo Closure::fromCallable » PHP Manual Closure クロージャを束縛して呼び出す Closure::call (PHP 7, PHP 8) Closure::call — クロージャを束縛して呼び出す 説明 public Closure::call ( object $newThis , mixed ...$args ): mixed クロージャを一時的に newThis に束縛し、 指定したパラメ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/closure.call.html - [similar]
Close a database connection 0
« cubrid_current_oid cubrid_drop » PHP Manual CUBRID 関数 Close a database connection cubrid_disconnect (PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0) cubrid_disconnect — Close a database connection 説明 cubrid_disconnect ( resource $conn_identifier = ? ): bool The cubrid_disconnect() function closes the connec ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.cubrid-disconnect.html - [similar]
Submits an object for execution 0
« Pool::shutdown Pool::submitTo » PHP Manual Pool Submits an object for execution Pool::submit (PECL pthreads >= 2.0.0) Pool::submit — Submits an object for execution 説明 public Pool::submit ( Threaded $task ): int Submit the task to the next Worker in the Pool パラメータ task The task ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/pool.submit.html - [similar]
クロージャ内で使われている変数の配列を返す 0
« ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureThis ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getDocComment » PHP Manual ReflectionFunctionAbstract クロージャ内で使われている変数の配列を返す ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureUsedVariables (PHP 8 >= 8.1.0) ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureUsedVariabl ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/reflectionfunctionabstract.getclosureusedvariables.ht... - [similar]
Create a new socket 0
« ZMQContext::getOpt ZMQContext::isPersistent » PHP Manual ZMQContext Create a new socket ZMQContext::getSocket (PECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQContext::getSocket — Create a new socket 説明 public ZMQContext::getSocket ( int $type , string $persistent_id = null , callable $on_new_socket = null ): ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/zmqcontext.getsocket.html - [similar]
static メソッドをコールし、引数を配列で渡す 0
« create_function forward_static_call » PHP Manual 関数処理 関数 static メソッドをコールし、引数を配列で渡す forward_static_call_array (PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8) forward_static_call_array — static メソッドをコールし、引数を配列で渡す 説明 forward_static_call_array ( callable $callbac ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.forward-static-call-array.html - [similar]
関数を起動する 0
« ReflectionFunction::getClosure ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs » PHP Manual ReflectionFunction 関数を起動する ReflectionFunction::invoke (PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) ReflectionFunction::invoke — 関数を起動する 説明 public ReflectionFunction::invoke ( mixed ...$args ): mixed 調べた関数を起動しま ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/reflectionfunction.invoke.html - [similar]
Creates a new deque using a callable to determine which values to include 0
« Ds\Deque::count Ds\Deque::find » PHP Manual Deque Creates a new deque using a callable to determine which values to include Ds\Deque::filter (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Deque::filter — Creates a new deque using a callable to determine which values to include 説明 public Ds\Deque::filter ( ca ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-deque.filter.html - [similar]
Creates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to include 0
« Ds\Sequence::contains Ds\Sequence::find » PHP Manual Sequence Creates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to include Ds\Sequence::filter (PECL ds >= 1.0.0) Ds\Sequence::filter — Creates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to include 説明 abst ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/ds-sequence.filter.html - [similar]