
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 601 - 610 of about 1938 for IF (0.070 sec.)
Get the status of a background job 2375
« GearmanClient::getErrno GearmanClient::ping » PHP Manual GearmanClient Get the status of a bac ... iven a job handle. The status information will specify whether the job is known, whether the job is curr ... -> doBackground ( "reverse" , "this is a test" ); if ( $gmclient -> returnCode () != GEARMAN_SUCCESS ) ... ); $stat = $gmclient -> jobStatus ( $job_handle ); if (! $stat [ 0 ]) // the job is known so it is not d ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/gearmanclient.jobstatus.html - [similar]
多角形の描画時に使用する塗りつぶしルールを設定する 2375
« ImagickDraw::setFillPatternURL ImagickDraw::setFont » PHP Manual ImagickDraw 多角形の描画時に使 ... art (); for ( $n = 0 ; $n < $points * 2 ; $n ++) { if ( $n >= $points ) { $angle = fmod ( $n * 360 * 4 / ... n ( $angle ); $positionY = $size * cos ( $angle ); if ( $n == 0 ) { $draw -> pathMoveToAbsolute ( $posit ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/imagickdraw.setfillrule.html - [similar]
直近の操作のエラーコードを取得する 2375
« IntlDateFormatter::getDateType IntlDateFormatter::getErrorMessage » PHP Manual IntlDateFormatt ... er :: GREGORIAN ); $str = datefmt_format ( $fmt ); if (! $str ) { printf ( "ERROR: %s (%d)\n" , datefmt_ ... ormatter :: GREGORIAN ); $str = $fmt -> format (); if (! $str ) { printf ( "ERROR: %s (%d)\n" , $fmt -> ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/intldateformatter.geterrorcode.html - [similar]
直近の操作のエラーテキストを取得する 2375
« IntlDateFormatter::getErrorCode IntlDateFormatter::getLocale » PHP Manual IntlDateFormatter 直 ... er :: GREGORIAN ); $str = datefmt_format ( $fmt ); if (! $str ) { printf ( "ERROR: %s (%d)\n" , datefmt_ ... ormatter :: GREGORIAN ); $str = $fmt -> format (); if(! $str ) { printf ( "ERROR: %s (%d)\n" , $fmt -> g ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/intldateformatter.geterrormessage.html - [similar]
Pause the CPU usage timer 2375
« LuaSandbox::loadString LuaSandbox::registerLibrary » PHP Manual LuaSandbox Pause the CPU usage ... to Lua, the timer will be automatically unpaused. If a new call into Lua is made, the timer will be unp ... aused for the duration of that call. If a PHP callback calls into Lua again with timer not ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/luasandbox.pauseusagetimer.html - [similar]
直近の操作のエラーテキストを取得する 2375
« MessageFormatter::getErrorCode MessageFormatter::getLocale » PHP Manual MessageFormatter 直近の ... trees" ); $str = msgfmt_format ( $fmt , array()); if(! $str ) { echo "ERROR: " . msgfmt_get_error_messa ... number} trees" ); $str = $fmt -> format (array()); if(! $str ) { echo "ERROR: " . $fmt -> getErrorMessag ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/messageformatter.geterrormessage.html - [similar]
コレクションがデータベースに存在するかをチェックする 2375
« Collection::dropIndex Collection::find » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\Collection コレクションがデー ... ord@localhost" ); $session -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sq ... on = $schema -> getCollection ( "people" ); // ... if (! $collection -> existsInDatabase ()) { echo "The ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-collection.existsindatabase.html - [similar]
コレクションからドキュメントをひとつ削除する 2375
« Collection::remove Collection::replaceOne » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\Collection コレクションか ... ord@localhost" ); $session -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sq ... $result = $collection -> removeOne ( $alfred_id ); if(! $result -> getAffectedItemsCount ()) { echo "Alf ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-collection.removeone.html - [similar]
直近の操作で発生した警告の数を取得する 2375
« DocResult::getWarnings mysql_xdevapi\Exception » PHP Manual mysql_xdevapi\DocResult 直近の操作 ... ord@localhost" ); $session -> sql ( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook" )-> execute (); $session -> sq ... ge' => 16 ]) -> sort ( 'age desc' ) -> execute (); if (! $result -> getWarningsCount ()) { echo "There w ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mysql-xdevapi-docresult.getwarningscount.html - [similar]
数値をフォーマットする 2375
« NumberFormatter::formatCurrency NumberFormatter::getAttribute » PHP Manual NumberFormatter 数値 ... numfmt_format ( $fmt , 1234567.891234567890000 ); if( intl_is_failure ( numfmt_format ( $fmt ))) { repo ... MAL ); $fmt -> format ( 1234567.891234567890000 ); if( intl_is_failure ( $fmt -> getErrorCode ())) { rep ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/numberformatter.format.html - [similar]