
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 211 - 220 of about 746 for server (0.033 sec.)
Deletes all documents matching the given query 3727
« SolrClient::deleteByQueries SolrClient::__destruct » PHP Manual SolrClient Deletes all documen ... ailed, or there was a connection issue. Throws SolrServerException if the Solr Server had failed to process ... xample <?php $options = array ( 'hostname' => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME , 'login' => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME , 'pass ... word' => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD , 'port' => SOLR_SERVER_PORT , ); $client ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrclient.deletebyquery.html - [similar]
接続済みのソケットについて暗号化の on/off を切り替える 3713
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.stream-socket-enable-crypto.html - [similar]
Execute a database command 3713
« MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery » PHP Manual Mon ... tions = array() ): MongoDB\Driver\Cursor Selects a server according to the "readPreference" option and execu ... tes the command on that server. By default, the read preference from the MongoDB ... om the MongoDB Connection URI nor will the MongoDB server version be taken into account. Users are therefore ... eption at execution time if specified for an older server version. readPreference MongoDB\Driver\ReadPrefere ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mongodb-driver-manager.executecommand.html - [similar]
Send GET http request to the remote server. 3713
« Swoole\Http\Client::execute Swoole\Http\Client::isConnected » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Client Se ... nd GET http request to the remote server. Swoole\Http\Client::get (PECL swoole >= 1.9.0) Sw ... \Client::get — Send GET http request to the remote server. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Client::get ( string $pat ... k 戻り値 関連キーワード: Send , request , remote , server , Swoole , Http , the , path , callback , execute ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-client.get.html - [similar]
ウェブサービス 3699
« var_export OAuth » PHP Manual 関数リファレンス ウェブサービス ウェブサービス OAuth はじめに イ ... み定数 SOAP 関数 SoapClient — SoapClient クラス SoapServer — SoapServer クラス SoapFault — SoapFault クラス S ... ork はじめに インストール/設定 定義済み定数 例 Yar_Server — The Yar_Server class Yar_Client — The Yar_Client ... rrent_Client — The Yar_Concurrent_Client class Yar_Server_Exception — The Yar_Server_Exception class Yar_Cli ... ption , 関数 , インストール , 設定 , 定義 , 定数 , Server , SoapHeader ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/refs.webservice.html - [similar]
Constructor 3699
« SolrCollapseFunction SolrCollapseFunction::getField » PHP Manual SolrCollapseFunction Construc ... strap.php" ; $options = array ( 'hostname' => SOLR_SERVER_HOSTNAME , 'login' => SOLR_SERVER_USERNAME , 'pass ... word' => SOLR_SERVER_PASSWORD , 'port' => SOLR_SERVER_PORT , 'path' => ... SOLR_SERVER_PATH ); $client = new SolrClient ( $options ); $qu ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/solrcollapsefunction.construct.html - [similar]
Download a file from the remote server. 3699
« Swoole\Http\Client::__destruct Swoole\Http\Client::execute » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Client Dow ... nload a file from the remote server. Swoole\Http\Client::download (PECL swoole >= 1.9. ... Client::download — Download a file from the remote server. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Client::download ( string ... fset 戻り値 関連キーワード: file , from , remote , server , Swoole , Http , the , download , string , path ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-client.download.html - [similar]
Send POST http request to the remote server. 3699
« Swoole\Http\Client::on Swoole\Http\Client::push » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Client Send POST http ... request to the remote server. Swoole\Http\Client::post (PECL swoole >= 1.9.0) S ... lient::post — Send POST http request to the remote server. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Client::post ( string $pa ... k 戻り値 関連キーワード: Send , request , remote , server , Swoole , Http , the , string , path , data ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-client.post.html - [similar]
The MongoDB\Driver\TopologyDescription class 3686
« MongoDB\Driver\ServerDescription::getType MongoDB\Driver\TopologyDescription::getServers » PHP ... = "LoadBalanced" ; /* メソッド */ final public getServers (): array final public getType (): string final p ... ublic hasReadableServer ( ? MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference $readPreference ... = null ): bool final public hasWritableServer (): bool } 定義済み定数 MongoDB\Driver\TopologyDes ... oDB\Driver\TopologyDescription::TYPE_SINGLE Single server (i.e. direct connection), returned by MongoDB\Driv ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.mongodb-driver-topologydescription.html - [similar]
サーバーを追加する 3686
« radius_acct_open radius_auth_open » PHP Manual Radius 関数 サーバーを追加する radius_add_server ... r (PECL radius >= 1.1.0) radius_add_server — サーバーを追加する 説明 radius_add_server ( reso ... , int $timeout , int $max_tries ): bool radius_add_server() は複数回コールされることも ありえます。また、 ra ... 失敗した場合に false を返します。 例 例1 radius_add_server() の例 <?php if (! radius_add_server ( $res , 'rad ... 込ませる 関連キーワード: サーバー , radius , 追加 , server , tries , max , int , hostname , secret , パラメー ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/function.radius-add-server.html - [similar]