
phrase: max: clip:
target: order:
Results of 1 - 10 of about 542 for Http (0.014 sec.)
The Swoole\Http\Client class 6591
« Swoole\Exception Swoole\Http\Client::addFile » PHP Manual Swoole The Swoole\Http\Client class ... The Swoole\Http\Client class (PECL swoole >= 1.9.0) はじめに クラス ... 概要 class Swoole\Http\Client { /* プロパティ */ public $ errCode ; publi ... back ): void } プロパティ errCode sock 目次 Swoole\Http\Client::addFile — Add a file to the post form. Swo ... ole\Http\Client::close — Close the http connection. Swoole\ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.swoole-http-client.html - [similar]
Swoole 6514
« stream_wrapper_unregister はじめに » PHP Manual その他の基本モジュール Swoole Swoole はじめに ... routine\Client::set — Description Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client::addFile — Description Swoole\Coroutine\Htt ... p\Client::close — Description Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client::__construct — Description Swoole\Coroutine ... \Http\Client::__destruct — Description Swoole\Coroutine\ ... ttp\Client::execute — Description Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client::get — Description Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Cl ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/book.swoole.html - [similar]
The Swoole\Http\Response class 6398
« Swoole\Http\Request::rawcontent Swoole\Http\Response::cookie » PHP Manual Swoole The Swoole\Http ... tp\Response class The Swoole\Http\Response class (PECL swoole >= 1.9.0) はじめに クラ ... ス概要 class Swoole\Http\Response { /* メソッド */ public cookie ( string $ ... string $domain = ? , string $secure = ? , string $httponly = ? ): string public __destruct (): void publi ... string $domain = ? , string $secure = ? , string $httponly = ? ): ReturnType public sendfile ( string $fi ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.swoole-http-response.html - [similar]
The Swoole\Coroutine class 6151
« Swoole\Connection\Iterator::valid Swoole\Coroutine::call_user_func_array » PHP Manual Swoole T ... Client::set (): ReturnType public Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Client::addFile (): ReturnType public Swoole\Corou ... tine\Http\Client::close (): ReturnType public Swoole\Corouti ... ne\Http\Client::__destruct (): ReturnType public Swoole\Co ... routine\Http\Client::execute (): ReturnType public Swoole\Corou ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/class.swoole-coroutine.html - [similar]
Append HTTP body content to the HTTP response. 6098
« Swoole\Http\Response::status Swoole\Http\Server » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Response Append HTTP ... body content to the HTTP response. Swoole\Http\Response::write (PECL swoole ... >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Http\Response::write — Append HTTP body content to the ... HTTP response. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Response::write ( string $content ): void Append H ... TTP body content to the HTTP response. パラメータ content 戻り値 関連キーワード ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-response.write.html - [similar]
Constructs EventHttp object(the HTTP server) 5943
« EventHttp::bind EventHttp::removeServerAlias » PHP Manual EventHttp Constructs EventHttp objec ... t(the HTTP server) EventHttp::__construct (PECL event >= 1.2. ... 6-beta) EventHttp::__construct — Constructs EventHttp object(the HTT ... P server) 説明 public EventHttp::__construct ( EventBase $base , EventSslContext $ ... ctx = null ) Constructs the HTTP server object. パラメータ base Associated event ba ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/eventhttp.construct.html - [similar]
Set the status code of the HTTP response. 5928
« Swoole\Http\Response::sendfile Swoole\Http\Response::write » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Response S ... et the status code of the HTTP response. Swoole\Http\Response::status (PECL swool ... e >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Http\Response::status — Set the status code of the HTTP ... response. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Response::status ( string $http_code ): ReturnType ... Set the status code of the HTTP response. パラメータ http_code 戻り値 関連キーワー ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-response.status.html - [similar]
実行時設定 5851
« インストール手順 リソース型 » PHP Manual インストール/設定 実行時設定 実行時設定 php.ini の設定 ... LL mbstring.detect_order NULL PHP_INI_ALL mbstring.http_input "pass" PHP_INI_ALL 非推奨になりました。 mbst ... ring.http_output "pass" PHP_INI_ALL 非推奨になりました。 mbs ... g.encoding_translation "0" PHP_INI_PERDIR mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes "^(text/|application/xhtml\+ ... さい。 mbstring.encoding_translation bool 入力される HTTP クエリに関して、 文字エンコーディング検出および内部 ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/mbstring.configuration.html - [similar]
Set the HTTP request body data. 5797
« Swoole\Http\Client::setCookies Swoole\Http\Client::setHeaders » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Client ... Set the HTTP request body data. Swoole\Http\Client::setData (PE ... CL swoole >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Http\Client::setData — Set the HTTP request body data. ... 説明 public Swoole\Http\Client::setData ( string $data ): ReturnType The H ... り値 関連キーワード: data , Set , request , Swoole , Http , the , setData , setCookies , setHeaders , swoole ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-client.setdata.html - [similar]
Send file through the HTTP response. 5797
« Swoole\Http\Response::rawcookie Swoole\Http\Response::status » PHP Manual Swoole\Http\Response ... Send file through the HTTP response. Swoole\Http\Response::sendfile (PECL swo ... ole >= 1.9.0) Swoole\Http\Response::sendfile — Send file through the HTTP re ... sponse. 説明 public Swoole\Http\Response::sendfile ( string $filename , int $offse ... t = ? ): ReturnType Send file through the HTTP response. パラメータ filename offset 戻り値 関連キ ...
https://man.plustar.jp/php/swoole-http-response.sendfile.html - [similar]
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