Results of 1 - 10 of about 2375 for new (0.002 sec.)
- Create a new socket 4721
- « ZMQContext::getOpt ZMQContext::isPersistent » PHP Manual ZMQContext Create a new socket ZMQCon
ECL zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQContext::getSocket — Create a new socket 説明 public ZMQContext::getSocket ( int $ty ...
pe , string $persistent_id = null , callable $on_new_socket = null ): ZMQSocket Shortcut for creating n ...
socket falls back to being non-persistent. The on_new_socket is called only when a new underlying socket ...
ocket will be persisted over multiple requests. on_new_socket Callback function, which is executed when a ...
- [similar]
- Construct a new ZMQSocket 4721
- « ZMQSocket::connect ZMQSocket::disconnect » PHP Manual ZMQSocket Construct a new ZMQSocket ZMQS
zmq >= 0.5.0) ZMQSocket::__construct — Construct a new ZMQSocket 説明 public ZMQSocket::__construct ( ZMQ ...
type , string $persistent_id = null , callable $on_new_socket = null ) Constructs a ZMQSocket object. per ...
all the same socket over multiple requests. The on_new_socket is called only when a new underlying socket ...
t the socket falls back to non-persistent mode. on_new_socket Callback function, which is executed when a ...
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- 例 4699
- « リソース型 Event flags » PHP Manual Event 例 例 例1 Simple HTTP client <?php // Read callback
rgv [ 0 ]} / EOS; exit(); } $base = new EventBase (); $dns_base = new EventDnsBase ( $base ...
) { exit( "Failed to init DNS Base\n" ); } $bev = new EventBufferEvent ( $base , /* use internal socket ...
; $base -> exit (); exit( "Done\n" ); } } $base = new EventBase (); echo "step 1\n" ; $bev = new EventBu ...
e , $fd ) { $this -> base = $base ; $this -> bev = new EventBufferEvent ( $base , $fd , EventBufferEvent ...
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- Construct a new Size 4633
- « UI\Size UI\Size::getHeight » PHP Manual UI\Size Construct a new Size UI\Size::__construct (UI
0.9.9) UI\Size::__construct — Construct a new Size 説明 public UI\Size::__construct ( float $wid ...
th , float $height ) Construct a new Size using new width and height パラメータ width T ...
he new width height The new height 関連キーワード: Size , ...
new , Construct , a , width , height , construct , flo ...
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- Construct a new Point 4611
- « UI\Point::at UI\Point::getX » PHP Manual UI\Point Construct a new Point UI\Point::__construct
(UI 0.9.9) UI\Point::__construct — Construct a new Point 説明 public UI\Point::__construct ( float $x ...
, float $y ) Construct a new Point using new co-ordinates パラメータ x The new ...
X co-ordinate y The new Y co-ordinate 関連キーワード: Point , new , Constr ...
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- UI 4518
- « GUI用の拡張モジュール はじめに » PHP Manual GUI用の拡張モジュール UI UI はじめに インストール/
Size Coercion UI\Point::__construct — Construct a new Point UI\Point::getX — Retrieves X UI\Point::getY ...
(width, height) UI\Size::__construct — Construct a new Size UI\Size::getHeight — Retrieves Height UI\Size ...
Add a Control UI\Window::__construct — Construct a new Window UI\Window::error — Show Error Box UI\Window ...
Item Separator UI\Menu::__construct — Construct a new Menu UI\MenuItem — Menu Item UI\MenuItem::disable ...
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- 定義済み定数 4518
- « 実行時設定 Threaded » PHP Manual pthreads 定義済み定数 定義済み定数 以下の定数が定義されていま
eads, causes pthreads to copy the environment when new Threads are started PTHREADS_INHERIT_NONE ( int ) ...
Do not inherit anything when new Threads are started PTHREADS_INHERIT_INI ( int ) I ...
nherit INI entries when new Threads are started PTHREADS_INHERIT_CONSTANTS ( i ...
nt ) Inherit user declared constants when new Threads are started PTHREADS_INHERIT_CLASSES ( int ...
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- 日付/時刻 の算術 4496
- « 例 DateTime » PHP Manual 例 日付/時刻 の算術 日付/時刻 の算術 以下の例は、DST(夏時間) への移行
では) 23/25時間を足しているように見える <?php $dt = new DateTimeImmutable ( "2015-11-01 00:00:00" , new Da ...
teTimeZone ( "America/New_York" )); echo "Start: " , $dt -> format ( "Y-m-d ...
H:i:s P" ), PHP_EOL ; $dt = $dt -> add (new DateInterval ( "PT3H" )); echo "End: " , $dt -> fo ...
刻が同じ移行ポイントにない場合) point). <?php $dt = new DateTimeImmutable ( "2015-11-01 00:00:00" , new Da ...
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- Creates a new Pool of Workers 4408
- « Pool::collect Pool::resize » PHP Manual Pool Creates a new Pool of Workers Pool::__construct (
L pthreads >= 2.0.0) Pool::__construct — Creates a new Pool of Workers 説明 public Pool::__construct ( in ...
string $class = ? , array $ctor = ? ) Construct a new pool of workers. Pools lazily create their threads ...
, which means new threads will only be spawned when they are require ...
orkers for this pool to create class The class for new Workers. If no class is given, then it defaults to ...
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- コンストラクタとデストラクタ 4293
- « クラスのオートローディング アクセス権 » PHP Manual クラスとオブジェクト コンストラクタとデスト
タを継承します } // In BaseClass constructor $obj = new BaseClass (); // In BaseClass constructor // In Su ...
bClass constructor $obj = new SubClass (); // In BaseClass constructor $obj = ne ...
$x ; $this -> y = $y ; } } // 引数を両方渡す $p1 = new Point ( 4 , 5 ); // 必須の引数のみを渡す。$y はデフ ...
ォルト値0になります。 $p2 = new Point ( 4 ); // 名前付き引数(PHP 8.0 以降): $p3 = ...
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